Full Project – Design and implementation of electronic logbook for students industrial work experience scheme

Full Project – Design and implementation of electronic logbook for students industrial work experience scheme

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SIWES is the acronym for Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme. It is a skill development programme that is designed to prepare students of higher institutions of learning like Universities, Polytechnics, Monotechnics and Colleges of Education for transition from college environment to the world of work. SIWES is also an effort to bridge the existing gap between theory and practice and expose students to necessary skills for smooth transition from the classroom to the world of work. It enables students to acquire technical skills and experience for professional development in their study. Before the inception of the Scheme, there was a growing concern among Nigerian industrialists that graduates of institutions of higher learning lacked adequate practical background experience necessary for employment (Miller, 2014).

Onwuji (2016) defined industrial training (IT) as a skills acquisition programme that blends theory with practice in the industrial and commercial activities of the national economy within a specified timeframe. Also, Industrial Training can be referred to as a program which aims to provide supervised practical training within a specified period. It is also a program designed to expose students of higher institutions in Nigeria to acquire practical skill training in the industries. This training can be carried out either in government organizations or in the private sectors.

As stated by Nse (2012), the scheme is a planned, supervised training and intervention programme based on stated and specific learning and career objectives, leading to the development of occupational competencies of the participants. It is also to expose and prepare students in institutions of higher learning for the industrial work situations which they are to meet after graduation. The scheme equally helps to familiarize students with work methods and expose them to the necessary experience to handle equipment and machinery that are not available in their institutions.

In Nigeria SIWES is financed by the federal government (through the ministry of commerce and industry) and managed by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) aiming at making education more relevant and also to bridge the yearning gap between theory and practice of Engineering, Technology and other related disciplines in tertiary institutions in Nigeria (Njoku, 2006). Akerejola (2008) stated that the work experience is an educational programme where students participate in work activities while still attending school. This gives students the opportunity to be directly involved and be part of the actual work situation outside the classroom. For instance library and information science students are able to handle library materials and equipment physically for processing. Books will be accessioned, stamped, catalogued and classified etc. It was specifically designed to provide students of tertiary institutions in specific courses, with the opportunity of acquiring practical skills and experiences on-the-job before graduation so that they can graduate as professionals.

Every student is expected to keep a record of her experience for the duration of the training period and submit such records to her department on resumption for further studies. An industrial supervisor is also expected to monitor the student’s weekly progress of work and append his signature for works actually done by the student. To ensure that the aim of SIWES is achieved, a school based supervisor is also expected to monitor the student’s progress by visiting his place of primary assignment at regular intervals, and by the end of the exercise, a report is usually sent to the ITF office for verification and necessary documentation and payment of those who participated in the exercise. Each student uses a logbook to keep record of his/her experiences (Saheed and Oyeyemi, 2016).

The logbook also gives a means of retracing past experiments and verifying their accountability. Searching logbooks can also determine who the first was to make a new discovery or invention. In most parts of the world, the first to invent rule is used for patents and a properly kept logbook is crucial for proving an idea is yours. Scientists and engineers traditionally kept paper logbooks of their experiments and inventions. The need for the logbook cannot be over emphasized. Scientists need to keep a record of their doings in order to remember and report what has been done. Student and professional bodies use logbook on regular intervals, Altini et al. (2010).

Traditionally, a logbook is a record of an event or events such as ship’s navigation, air flight, inventions; teachers’ events in the classroom etc. logbooks have been in existence since the invention of ships and the need for navigation came into existence. Today’s logbooks have diverse uses since all aspects of human endeavor need a form of reference or storage media. In less than twenty years the habits of logbook use has changed radically (Evertis, (2010).

The electronic logbook will consist of various interfaces. The interfaces will be accessed by various individuals whose roles will be explicitly defined. There will be interfaces for students, industrial supervisor, school-based supervisor, the ITF and an administrator. A student should be able to access forms that will enable him to log in entries of his daily experiences. He should also be able to fill the personal data form as well as form 8 that is usually submitted to the ITF office. There will be an interface for the industry-based supervisor who will monitor and append his signature to the work of the intern on a weekly basis.


Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skill development programme established by Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1973 with the headquarters in Jos Nigeria. It is meant to enable students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria acquire technical skills and experience for professional development in their course of study as it bridges the gap between theory and practice. It is the accepted skills training programme in institutions of higher learning in Nigerian that forms part of the approved academic requirement in various degree programmes.

This program aimed at exposing students to professional work methods as the scheme (SIWES) acts as a catalyst for industrial growth and productivity through professional development. The Scheme started in 1974 in 11 institutions of higher learning with 748 participants. By 1978, it has widened in scope to about 5,000 participants from 32 different institutions in the country. In 1979 the Industrial Training Fund, withdrew from the managing the scheme due to problems of organizational logistics and the increased financial burden as a result of rapid expansion of SIWES (Stadt and Gooch, 2017).

The basic objectives of students’ industrial training work experience scheme (S.I.W.E.S) embraces the following:

  • To provide opportunities of applying their knowledge to real practice thereby making easier the college work.
  • To enable students to practice theory been taught at school and provide access to the production equipment not available in the school.
  • To provide skillful experience to all students in the school of technologies, polytechnics and universities.
  • To inspire students about their careers
  • To provide more man power to industries


There has been this wrong motives and lack of interest recognized among students who are due for SIWES programme, consequently upon the like and dislike that they have for it. This is due to the positive and negative effects they have found that this SIWES have on them. The need for an electronic logbook for S.I.W.E.S cannot be over emphasized. For a student to gain the required knowledge from industrial training experiences, he/she must be well monitored to ensure that he/she does not just participate in the training scheme in fulfillment of its mandatory status, but also acquire relevant experiences. The lack of electronic logbook makes this nearly impossible since distance between interns and supervisors and the lack of access to good reference source hinders the actualization of the desired goals.


The aim of the study is to design and implement a web based logbook for students’ industrial work experience scheme (SIWES).

The following are objectives of the study:

  1. To review and analyze the existing system
  2. To develop a web based platform capable of logging students’ work entries in an electronic format.
  • To bridge the gap between the students and supervisors during the course of the industrial training.
  1. To act as a source of information to IT students by providing a notice board on each users page.
  2. To provide an easy platform for IT log activity repository for all students involved


The study of the usability of electronic logbook for interns is of paramount importance considering the number of problems that will be solved in the event of a successful adaptation of such logbooks. Some of the problems associated with paper logbook are already stated in the problem statement. Everything is going digital with the advent of ubiquitous computing and the Nigerian society should not be an exception. To change a society requires a change in the manner of perception and handling of issues by the academic community.


This project is a study of the usability of electronic logbook and is therefore may not give or meet every expectation. The main focus of the project is to develop a system for reporting IT activities within the Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe SIWES community, other than the paper logbook.


This study was affected by insufficient time available to expand on the scope of the study. Financial constraint was also an hindrance to the improvement on the scope of the study.


Logbook: A log book is a way to record and keep track of events in your classroom. Log books are important classroom management tools that can be used in a variety of ways such as recording tardy students entering the classroom, communication with students’ parents, and student-teacher conferences.

Manual System: Any system that does not involve the use of electronic computer.

Computerized System: This is process of operation of integrated with a computer system.

Database: A systematized collection of data that can be access immediately and manipulated by a data processing system for a specific purpose

Industrial: this is of a segment of an economy involving the manufacturing and transportation of products or services.

Skill: The ability to do something well. It is the ability to carryout a task with determined results often within a given amount of time and energy.

Training: this is an action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behavior.

Knowledge: this is the possession of ideas about a subject matter or field of involvement.

Programme: this is a planned series of future of events or performance. It is an arrangement according to schedule.

Online Registration: An online registration system eliminates the need of filling paper forms manually and sending them to a registration office.

Website: A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server.

Online: An online is a condition of connected to a network of computers of other devices. The term is frequently used to describe someone who is currently connected to the internet.

Internet: this is a global connection of computer network co-operating with each other to exchange data using common software standard protocols

Data: These are raw fact that to proposed into meaningful information

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Full Project – Design and implementation of electronic logbook for students industrial work experience scheme