Full Project – Design and implementation of computerized student registration number generating system

Full Project – Design and implementation of computerized student registration number generating system

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1.0 Introduction

In most Nigerians Universities, the process of registering all students as members of the institution is largely concentrated into a very short period of time. At the University of Newcastle, the registration period occupies a little over a week in September, at the start of the academic year. The purpose of the registration process is to determine which students will be taking courses within the University, and for the administration to keep its records up-to-date. From the student’s point of view, registration enables them to acquire the necessary authorized membership of the University, and where relevant, obtain their grant cheques. It is usually the case that students will register for particular courses, or modules, at the same time, and the information collected is used by members of the teaching staff to construct class lists, etc.

Prior to 1994, registration involved students being registered in a single place within the University, where they would present a form which had previously been filled in elsewhere by the student and their department. After registration, this information was then transferred to a computer system. In 1993, the University decided that the entire student registration process was to be computerized (electronic registration) for the Autumn of 1994. The decision was also made to decentralize the registration process so that the end users of the course data, the various University departments, would have more control over the accuracy of the data entered. It was also expected that the delay before the final data could be delivered back to the departments would be considerably reduced. Although the same registration forms were issued to students, available data concerning each student had already been entered in the system database. At the registration, using unique student number as a key, student data was retrieved from the database and updated as necessary.

Needless to say that the registration process is extremely important to the University and the students: the University cannot receive payments for teaching the students, and students cannot receive their grants or be taught until they have been registered. Thus the electronic registration system has a very high availability and consistency requirement; admissions tutors and secretaries must be able to access and create student records (particularly at the start of a new academic year when new students arrive). The high availability requirement implies that the computerised registration system must be able to tolerate a ’reasonable’ number of machine and network related failures, and the consistency requirement implies that the integrity of stored data (student records) must be maintained in the presence of concurrent access from users and the types of failures just mentioned. It was expected that most human errors, such as incorrectly inputting data, would be detected by the system as they occurred, but some “off-line” data manipulation would be necessary for errors which had not been foreseen. Tolerance against catastrophic failures (such as complete electrical power failure, or a fire destroying much of the University infrastructure) although desirable, was not considered within the remit of the registration system.

A solution that would require the University buying and installing specialist fault-tolerant computing systems, such as Tandem or Stratus was not considered economically feasible. The only option worth exploring was exploiting the University’s existing computing resources. Like most other universities, IMT has hundreds of networked computers (Unix workstations, PCs, Macs) scattered throughout the campus. A solution that could make use of these resources and achieve availability by deploying software-implemented fault-tolerance techniques certainly looked attractive.


1.1 The Problems and its Setting

In our modern technological age, science strives as it can to alleviate the problems of man with a view to making like less tedious for him. With the advent of computers in the later forties which is regarded as one of the greatest scientific discovery, the problems of our society are gradually being reduced to their minimum level.

The aim of this project in a more improved and confined way is the use of computers in the registration of students and generating their unique ID Number (Reg. No.) by the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu.

The design involves the steps to software development using PHP and MySQL.


1.2  Statement of Problem

The admission department of IMT has for long now been admitting students and assigning them Reg. No through the manual process, a process where the reg no will be assigned manually, corresponding to the existing one to see that there will be no duplicates in the previous assigned ones, yet still end up having duplicates.

The developed new system takes control of all the above-mentioned problems efficiently.

The project has the objectives of making the registration exercise less tedious for the students and even the registering staff. It is also aimed at developing a system that will restrict unauthorized access thus providing strong security to stored information. One of the prior objectives of this research work.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to provide the overview of the existing system, sport the shortcomings, design and develop a new system that will be able to overcome these limitations of the existing system.

This project work has the intention of developing a system that can provide fast retrieval, update and storage of information and data inclusively such that access to information can be done with a greater ease.


1.4  Objective of the Study

This project work is aimed at producing a system that will eliminate the difficulties and unnecessary protocols inherent in the existing system. From the feasibility study the researcher took, he came out with an alternative which is much better in terms of cost-effectiveness, time-saving, reliability and clarity of output, with the objective of:

  1. To design a system that will automatically generate Students Reg. No. Without duplicate.
  2. Document students record when enrolled into the school


1.5  Significance of the Study

It is hoped that the result of this study will serve as tools for helping students to get registered into the school, and will go a long way helping the staff and the management also.  This is easy to achieve since standard and tested computer programs handle all sort of complex calculations, storage, and retrieval of valuable information needed from the school.


Also, important is the fact that records prepared with the electronic machine can be stored as long as needed in non-bulky and compact systems.

Works have been done in many areas of computerization, in industry and commerce but not much has been done in school administration and management system/services.  We have therefore done this work to highlight the use of an online in the important area of student’s services.


1.6  Project Study Scope

This project work is set to design and implementation of computerized student registration system for automatic Registration Number assignment in the Institution of Management and Technology, Enugu. It covers only the REG. No generation for fresh students.


1.7  Limitation of the Study

Cost: cost is one of the limitations of this research work were it requires a huge amount of money to put up this system with such functions, and the resources that it requires in order to run effectively

Maintenance: the new system requires regular service and maintenance to make every necessary update.

Power supply: Nonavailability of stable, efficient and reliable power supply is also a source of limitation to this project as it depends only one source of energy to keep functioning.



1.7  Definition of Terms

Computer Network: Computer Network is a system that connects two or more computers together using a communication link.


World Wide Web: World Wide Web simply called www is the most important tool of the Internet. It was created in the late 1980s in Europe and was used limitedly in academic cycle.


Databases: A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated. It is also called databank.


File Transfer: Any kind of computer file can be sent via the Internet from one Internet user to another. Table of accounts on spreadsheets, design by graphic artists, music sound files etc, can all be exchanged in this way.


Web Brower: This is a special kind of software that processes hypertext make-up language (HTML) document. In other words, a web browser is a computer program that interprets HTML command to collect, arranged and display the parts of a web page.


Website:  A website is a collection of many interconnected web pages organized by a specific college, organization company etc, containing web pages (good and commodities) on the Internet. Web sites are stored on web servers. There are many websites and thousands of HTML pages on each website. A website is a treasure of information and entertainment.


 Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks are highlighted words and phrase you find on web documents that you can click on as to jump to some other documents or Internet services.


Online: Connected via a computer attached to or available via a central computer network.

Offline: Disconnected from a computer network; describes a computer terminal or peripheral device disconnected from a computer network.


System: Set of computer components that are, an assembling of hardware, software and peripherals functioning together.


Database design: The process of creating a design that will support emprise mission statement and mission required database e system.


Software: These are programs for computers which allows certain specific task to be accomplished e.g. word process etc.


Hardware: Computer equipment used to perform input processing and system output activates.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of computerized student registration number generating system