Full Project – Design and implementation of a computerized hospital records management system

Full Project – Design and implementation of a computerized hospital records management system

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Just like in every environment, people are posed with question that comes up along the way to survival. When an answer to these questions proves invalid, the health organization shrinks away for those that can stand the test of time. In this regard, the health institution that is known today and called Federal Medical Centre Owerri is not an exception. Certainly, from the day the hospital came to be (as a Military Colonial Hospital), there has been this struggle to measure up to the ever-evolving developments and challenges.

All the while, handling patient’s medical records have been purely manual and this is the issue I want to address in this project work

The society has gone so modernized as we can see, computers have creped into virtually every forceps of human endeavors. This has given rise to the need for very high efficiency, effectiveness and accuracy precision in mainly official issues. As well, careless of precautive measures in this much computerized society tends to make wonderful efforts prove unrewarding. Federal Medical Center Owerri should follow this trend of change.

Besides, virtually all kinds of data processing can be done automatically including computation of patient’s records. What the hospital needs are a relevant computer database management system for a computerized data processing, analysis, storage and retrievals in hospital-based management system.




The evolution and development of Federal Medical Center Owerri began in 1903 as a military colonial hospital. The objective was to treat colonial soldiers, police and other government officials. At inception, the hospital facilities include three wards, a male, a male ward, which accommodated both medical and surgical patients, a female word and a maternity ward. Other facilities available in 1903 included general out-patient department and a theater. The staff compliment comprised one doctor (general practitioner) and a few nurses.

Records show that the patient’s population of the hospital in 1905 when the colonial Governor of the Northern and Southern protectorate visited the hospital was between 5 to 15 patients and all where colonial officials. During the visit, the Governor observed that the hospital was underutilized due to the absence of African patronage of the hospital. Between 1905 to 1909, African or native population patronage was visible but still low for some obvious reason.

First, there existed in minds of Africans intrinsic fear that admission into the Whiteman’s hospital was a sure road towards one’s death. Secondly, there was a general lack of faith in the efficacy of the Whiteman’s medical and there was fear that the hospital was a play for ditching Africans to pay tax to the Whiteman’s government. However, the movement for political agitation for self-rule and self-determination between 1930’s and 1950’s resulted to the formation of government of eastern Nigeria in the 1940’s/ this phenomenon began a transfer of ownership of the hospital. Furthermore, for unexplained reasons shell-Darcy Company a major stakeholder in the colonial hospital and whose sole business in eastern Nigeria was oil exploration from Owerri in the late fifties. Thus the colonial/shell Darcy hospital was handed over to the eastern regional government following Nigerian Independence and premiership of Dr. M. I. Okpara, the hospital became a district hospital and the shell Darcy arm was converted to an amenity ward and known as Okpara Nursing Home (ONH)

The colonial hospital has a unit, the ANC clinics, and administrative set aside for the processing and management of patients health records. They also work hand in hand with doctors (general practitioner) and nurses plan unit for the smooth run of the whole process. Nevertheless, this unit is virtually as old as the health institution itself. They have been known for the special healthcare services of processing, analysis, updating, keeping and monitoring of patients record.



In any health institution, there are ways by which patients records are been organized or analyzed in the way it will be well understood. In Federal Medical Center, during my investigation, I discovered that there are problems militating against computerization of patients records in this health institution which includes the following:


PREPARATION OF COMPREHENSIVE RESULT SHEET OR LABORATORY REQUEST: this concerned with the assembling of patient’s record in their various wards in an analyzed order for management as well as easily documentation of group records.



CORELATES THE MANAGEMENT WITH VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS: this is the ability of gathering data from different departments or wards and processing these data for management of the department so that they meet to the demand of the management.


CONFIRMATION OF RESULTS: this is concerned with the ensuring that results are confirmed before they are issued out to the patients.


ERROR TRACKING: Keeping track to errors that may emerge as a result of the accidental or intentional occurrence.


DATABASE MANAGEMENT: Apart from the information at various departments about patients records and the ability to maintain a database for each department where patients records are blanked.



The aim of this project is to identify the various problems challenging the proper installation of hospital equipment, the supply of drugs and as well as processing, storage, updating and retrieval of patients records as much as possible.


Also, I am concerned with designing a computerized system which can solve the problem identified, met the function requirement and as well convince the health institution on the need (with aid) to adopt the new system in computerization/handing the patients record.





With the tracked of time resources, this work has been planned to address matters relating to hospital data processing procedures. I shall be placing emphasis on departmental database as an address in health results and records.



HOSPITAL: A large building where people who are ill/sick or injured are given medical treatment and care.


RECORD: A collection of related field data or information about patients.


INSTITUTION: A body that self-departmental work for a goal, which is their mission statement.


SYSTEM: The collection of interrelated component which interacts regularly to perform a task.


NORMALIZATION: A set of guideline used in maintaining the database to avoid damage.


FIELDS: This is the least collection of characters that can make meaning.


MANAGEMENT: This is the process of controlling, planning decision making and directing to achieve some special goals.



IMPLEMENTATION: This is the process of adopting a system.


ANALYSIS: This is the cross-examination of patients in order to understand more about them and then classify the illness.


STORAGE: A collection that has been stored by the computer memory.


RETRIEVAL: It is a process of calling up information and possibly extracting it.


SYSTEM FLOWCHART: This is a chart representation of the interrelationship between system components.


ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: It is a chart that shows how the program segments are linked up.


PROGRAM FLOWCHART: A flowchart of the project program in question.


RELATION: This is the linking trend that exists between two or more illness.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of a computerized hospital records management system