Full Project – The role of human resources planning in the actualization of organizational growth

Full Project – The role of human resources planning in the actualization of organizational growth

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As organization’s most research is its human resources and work force that is the people who work for it, manager therefore need to give careful thought to the need of the employees.

As organization can have all the latest technology and the best physical resources but unless it looks after its manpower, it will never achieve their optimum results.

According to Vetter (2001), Human resources or manpower planning is a technique for predicting how many and what types of staff will be required at specific time in the future.

This study human introduced important aspect of human resources. Management people are often the most expensive because other factors of production are human creations. They are made up of people rather than material assets such as building and machinery. It is the individuals looking after an organization who produce the production make decision and devise strategies.

As the marketing officer plans on how to handle the marketing staff and product to increase profits so does the personnel officer plans to see that the organization has the rightful employee planning in general futuristic so manpower planning is expected to over all the future human resources requirements of the organization. Such planning is expected to cover low and short term plans Chikere (2002). In country the labour force is the greatest asset and of all the key market is the most important. No matter how great our organization is equipped with most recent technology finance etc. it can operate without a good resources supply effectiveness in an organization as a result of talented skipped manpower. The machines do not operate themselves rather human beings operate in productivity.

Mullium (2006) defined manpower planning which also know as human resources is planning as strategies for the acquisition utilization improvement and retention of an enterprise human resource in third world countries particularly in the Nigeria there are many organization that are established without proper manpower planning the general case is that the entrepreneurs conceives the idea of this enterprise and figures out the needs of the terms in terms of plants and machines without giving good attention to human capital.



The growth of an organization depends on several factors but the most Important is the employees or human resources.

Since human or manpower is very vital to growth of an organization it then follows that there is every need to plan it well if the aim of achieving organization growth is to be attained. An organization that does not plan it is neither meeting its personnel requirement or meeting its overall goals efficiently. No organization can survive or grow towards the achievement of its goals and objectives effectively and efficiently without a proper knowledge of its strength and weakness as far as its manpower requirement is concerned. This could be appropriately predicted through manpower planning.

Since it is the drive of every organization to grow and as pointed out above this organization grow depends so much on manpower planning. This study is therefore designed to ascertain the role played by human resources planning as it pertained to the growth of the organization on several factors but the problem of the this employees on human resources. Therefore the problems of this organization are exemplified as follows:

  1. Lack of manpower planning needs which thereby the achievement of organization goals.
  2. Decrease skilled labour and dedicated workers hampers increase in productivity of the organization.
  3. Lack of knowledge of the strengths and weakness of its staff the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
  4. Inadequate talented skilled manpower hampers the operation of its machines and equipment.
  5. Excessive wastage of resources are being witness in the organization as a result of non usage of result oriented staff. High rate of labour turnover, witnessed as a result of under employment.




  1. To examine if lack of Human Resources Planning hinder the achievement of organizational goals?
  2. To find out the extent to which non skilled labour and undedicated workers obstruct the productivity of the organizational goals?
  3. To ascertain if lack of monitoring the strength and weakness of staff affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization?
  4. To evaluate the extent to which inadequate talented skilled manpower hinder the operation of organization machines and equipment?


  1. Does lack of Human resources planning hinder the achievement organizational goals?
  2. Does non skilled labour and uneducated workers obstruct the productivity of the organizational goals?
  3. Does lack of monitoring the strength and weakness of staff affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization?
  4. Does lack of inadequate talented skilled manpower obstruct the operation of organization machine and equipment?


The following hypothesis were formulated for the study to be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

HO:   Human resources planning has no positive effect on the achievement of corporate objectives.

HI:    Human resources planning has positive effect on the achievement of corporate objectives.

HO:   Production level is not dependent of proper human resources planning.

HI:    Production level is dependent of proper human resources planning.



This study is on the role of human resources planning in the growth of an organization. It is narrowed down in Imo State and is further named to Nigeria Bottling Company Owerri.


This study was limited by a number of factors as the case to one these factors are:

The Time frames that this work is expected to be completed in short compared to the time study will take

On the other hand the Finance to make some logistics expenses and to travel around was not always available.



The finding of this study will significantly contribute to the appreciation of the role of human resources planning in the growth of the organization.

This project work will be useful for the various ways

  1. The outcome of the work will be useful for the human resources manager of organization for proper administration of the work force.
  2. The employees of various organizations will find this study between their inputs and growth of the organization.
  3. The work shall also serve as a reference material for further research in this area.


Human Resources Planning: This has been defined as having right number of people at the right time. on the other hand, it is the process by which manager ensure that they have the right staff at the right time who are capable of effectively and efficiently completing those Task that will help the organization achieve its overall objective.

Organization: An organization is a combination of people or individual efforts working together in pursuit certain common purpose known as organizational goals.

Planning: Planning specifies what is to be done, when it is to be done and who is to do it, it is said to be a leading function and in precedes and transcends all the other function.

Growth: It simply means increase in profit and services.

Management: It can be described as the act or process of applying managerial decision such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling etc. In other to achieve organizational objective effectively and efficiently through and with people.






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Full Project – The role of human resources planning in the actualization of organizational growth