Project – The examination of the doctrine of holiness, it implications and application in two foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State

Project – The examination of the doctrine of holiness, it implications and application in two foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State


The study examined the doctrine of holiness, it implications and application in two foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State. Four research objectives were adopted for the study, namely: to analyze the historical development of the doctrine of holiness within the Foursquare Church; to identify the key implications of holiness teachings on the beliefs and practices of members in the selected churches; to assess the effectiveness of the application of holiness principles in promoting spiritual growth and community engagement; to compare and contrast the interpretation and implementation of holiness doctrine in the two churches. The application of the doctrine of holiness in the selected Foursquare Churches in Calabar Municipal Council was observed through various church activities and programs. The study indicated that the churches often conduct holiness-themed sermons, Bible studies, and revival meetings aimed at encouraging members to pursue a holy life. The study adopted a qualitative research method. The study concluded that the doctrine of holiness, as understood and practiced within these congregations, serves as a guiding principle that shapes the beliefs, behaviors, and overall lifestyle of the church members. The study recommended that the implementation of evaluation and feedback mechanisms to continually assess the effectiveness of holiness teachings and practices within the church.



  • Introduction

The doctrine of holiness has been a central tenet in Christian theology, particularly within the Pentecostal and Holiness movements. Holiness, often understood as the state of being holy or set apart for God’s purposes, is deeply rooted in biblical texts such as Leviticus 19:2, which calls for believers to be holy because God is holy. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, significantly influenced the Holiness movement by emphasizing sanctification and the pursuit of a holy life. His teachings laid the groundwork for later Pentecostal denominations, including the Foursquare Church, which was founded by Aimee Semple McPherson in the early 20th century. The Foursquare Church upholds holiness as a core doctrine, advocating for a life of purity, moral integrity, and spiritual devotion (Synan, 1997).

In examining the implications of the doctrine of holiness within the Foursquare Churches in Calabar Municipal Council, it is essential to consider the cultural and social context of Cross River State. The region is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse religious practices. The Foursquare Church, with its emphasis on holiness, provides a counter-cultural narrative that challenges traditional beliefs and practices. This has significant implications for the congregation’s lifestyle, social interactions, and community engagement. The doctrine of holiness calls for a distinct separation from practices considered sinful or unholy, which can lead to both positive and negative social consequences (Anderson, 2004).

The application of the doctrine of holiness in the two Foursquare Churches in Calabar Municipal Council can be observed through various church activities and programs. These churches often conduct holiness-themed sermons, Bible studies, and revival meetings aimed at encouraging members to pursue a holy life. Additionally, the churches may implement discipleship programs that focus on personal spiritual growth and accountability. These initiatives are designed to help congregants internalize the principles of holiness and apply them in their daily lives. The emphasis on holiness also extends to church leadership, where leaders are expected to model holy living and serve as examples for the congregation (Cox, 1995).

One of the key challenges in applying the doctrine of holiness in these churches is balancing the call for moral purity with the need for compassion and inclusivity. The strict adherence to holiness can sometimes lead to legalism, where the focus shifts from a genuine relationship with God to merely following rules and regulations. This can create an environment of judgment and exclusion, particularly for those who struggle with sin or come from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, it is crucial for church leaders to emphasize the grace and love of God alongside the call to holiness, ensuring that the church remains a welcoming and supportive community (Pinnock, 1990).

The impact of the doctrine of holiness on the personal lives of church members in Calabar Municipal Council is profound. Many members testify to experiencing a deeper sense of spiritual fulfillment and purpose as they strive to live holy lives. The pursuit of holiness often leads to positive changes in behavior, such as increased honesty, integrity, and compassion. However, it can also bring about internal struggles, as individuals grapple with their imperfections and the high standards set by the doctrine. Support systems within the church, such as prayer groups and counseling services, play a vital role in helping members navigate these challenges and grow in their faith (Warrington, 2008).

In conclusion, the doctrine of holiness is a foundational aspect of the Foursquare Church’s theology and practice. Its implications and application in the two Foursquare Churches in Calabar Municipal Council reflect both the transformative power and the potential challenges of living a holy life. By fostering a balanced approach that combines the pursuit of holiness with the grace and love of God, these churches can effectively support their members in their spiritual journeys and positively impact their broader community.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The doctrine of holiness is a central tenet in many Christian denominations, including the Foursquare Church. It emphasizes the pursuit of a life that is set apart for God, characterized by moral purity, spiritual maturity, and a commitment to living according to biblical principles. Despite its importance, there is often a gap between the theological understanding of holiness and its practical application within congregations. This study aims to explore this gap by examining how the doctrine of holiness is understood, taught, and lived out in two Foursquare Churches in Calabar Municipal Council, Cross River State.

One of the primary issues is the varying interpretations of what constitutes a holy life. While the Foursquare Church provides doctrinal guidelines, individual congregations may have different emphases based on cultural, social, and leadership influences. This can lead to inconsistencies in how holiness is taught and practiced. For instance, one church might focus on external behaviors such as dress codes and abstinence from certain activities, while another might emphasize internal spiritual growth and personal relationship with God. These differences can create confusion among congregants about what it truly means to live a holy life.

Another problem is the practical application of the doctrine of holiness in daily life. Many believers struggle to translate theological concepts into actionable steps. This can be particularly challenging in a diverse and dynamic community like Calabar Municipal Council, where socio-economic factors, educational backgrounds, and cultural traditions vary widely. The study seeks to identify the specific challenges that congregants face in applying the doctrine of holiness in their everyday lives and how these challenges impact their spiritual growth and community engagement.

Furthermore, the role of church leadership in teaching and modeling holiness is crucial but often under-examined. Pastors and church leaders are expected to be exemplars of holy living, yet they too face personal and societal pressures that can affect their ability to lead effectively. This study will investigate how church leaders in the two Foursquare Churches understand and embody the doctrine of holiness, and how their leadership influences the congregation’s perception and practice of holiness.

The implications of this study are significant for both theological education and church practice. By identifying the gaps and challenges in understanding and applying the doctrine of holiness, the study aims to provide recommendations for more effective teaching and discipleship programs. This could include developing contextualized resources that address the specific needs and challenges of the congregations in Calabar Municipal Council, as well as training programs for church leaders to better equip them for their roles.

In conclusion, the examination of the doctrine of holiness in the two Foursquare Churches in Calabar Municipal Council is not just an academic exercise but a practical inquiry with real-world implications. It seeks to bridge the gap between theological ideals and everyday practice, thereby enhancing the spiritual lives of congregants and the overall health of the church community. By addressing these issues, the study hopes to contribute to a deeper and more consistent understanding and application of holiness within the Foursquare Church and beyond.

1.3 Aim and objectives of the study

The aim of the study is to examine the doctrine of holiness, it implications and application in two foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State. The specific objectives are:

  1. To analyze the historical development of the doctrine of holiness within the Foursquare Church.
  2. To identify the key implications of holiness teachings on the beliefs and practices of members in the selected churches.
  3. To assess the effectiveness of the application of holiness principles in promoting spiritual growth and community engagement.
  4. To compare and contrast the interpretation and implementation of holiness doctrine in the two churches.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the historical development of the doctrine of holiness within the Foursquare Church?
  2. What are the key implications of holiness teachings on the beliefs and practices of members in the selected churches?
  3. How effective is the application of holiness principles in promoting spiritual growth and community engagement?
  4. How do the interpretation and implementation of holiness doctrine differ between the two churches?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The doctrine of holiness is a central tenet in many Christian denominations, including the Foursquare Church. It emphasizes the importance of living a life that is set apart for God, characterized by moral purity, spiritual integrity, and a commitment to God’s will. Studying this doctrine within the context of two Foursquare Churches in Calabar Municipal Council, Cross River State, provides valuable insights into how these principles are taught, understood, and practiced by congregants. This examination can reveal the ways in which the doctrine influences personal behavior, community interactions, and overall church culture.

In the Foursquare Church, the doctrine of holiness is not just a theological concept but a practical guide for daily living. By focusing on two specific churches in Calabar, researchers can observe how this doctrine is contextualized within the local culture and societal norms. This localized study can highlight the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these congregations in striving to live holy lives. It can also shed light on the methods used by church leaders to teach and reinforce the principles of holiness, such as sermons, Bible studies, and community activities.

The implications of the doctrine of holiness extend beyond individual behavior to affect the broader community. In Calabar Municipal Council, where diverse cultural and social dynamics are at play, the application of this doctrine can influence social cohesion, ethical standards, and community development. By examining how the two Foursquare Churches implement the doctrine, researchers can assess its impact on social issues such as poverty, education, and public morality. This can provide a clearer understanding of the role of religious teachings in shaping societal values and behaviors.

Furthermore, the study of holiness in these churches can contribute to the broader field of religious studies by offering a case study of how a specific doctrine is lived out in a particular context. It can provide comparative data for scholars studying similar doctrines in different denominations or regions. This can enhance our understanding of the universality and particularity of religious experiences and practices. Additionally, it can inform theological education and pastoral training by highlighting effective strategies for teaching and embodying holiness.

The application of the doctrine of holiness in the two Foursquare Churches in Calabar can also serve as a model for other congregations seeking to deepen their commitment to this principle. By documenting the successes and challenges faced by these churches, the study can offer practical recommendations for other Foursquare Churches and Christian communities. This can include best practices for fostering a culture of holiness, addressing common obstacles, and measuring the impact of holiness teachings on congregational life.

Finally, the significance of this study lies in its potential to inspire personal and communal transformation. For members of the two Foursquare Churches in Calabar, a deeper understanding of the doctrine of holiness can lead to a more intentional and impactful Christian walk. For the broader community, the visible demonstration of holy living can serve as a powerful witness to the transformative power of faith. By examining and sharing the experiences of these churches, the study can contribute to the ongoing conversation about the relevance and application of holiness in contemporary Christian life.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study examines the doctrine of holiness, it implications and application in two foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State

1.7 Research Methodology

The study adopted a qualitative research method. An expository study was carried out on the topic “The examination of the doctrine of holiness, it implications and application in two foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State”

1.8 Limitation of the Study

The study is limited to two selected Foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State.

1.9. Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Doctrine: A doctrine is a set of beliefs or principles held and taught by a religious, political, or other group. In a religious context, it refers to the official teachings and tenets of a faith or denomination.
  2. Holiness: Holiness is the state of being holy, which means being dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose. It often implies moral and spiritual purity, and in many religious traditions, it is a quality attributed to God and those who are in close relationship with Him.
  3. Implications: Implications are the possible effects or consequences of an action or a decision. In the context of a study, it refers to the potential outcomes and significance that the findings might have on the subject being studied.
  4. Application: Application refers to the act of putting something into operation or use. In a study, it means how the findings or principles can be practically implemented or utilized in real-world scenarios.
  5. Foursquare Church: The Foursquare Church, officially known as the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, is a Protestant evangelical Pentecostal Christian denomination founded in 1923 by Aimee Semple McPherson. It emphasizes four fundamental principles: Jesus Christ as the Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon-Coming King.
  6. Examination: Examination is the process of inspecting, analyzing, or studying something in detail. It involves a thorough investigation to understand the nature, structure, or quality of the subject being examined.

Project – The examination of the doctrine of holiness, it implications and application in two foursquare Church in Calabar Municipal Council in Cross River State