Project – Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God

Project – Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God



  • Background to the Study

The concept of a divine passion for lost souls is deeply rooted in Christian theology and has been a central theme in religious literature for centuries. This passion is often described as the “heartbeat of God,” reflecting the profound love and concern that God has for humanity. According to John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (New International Version). This verse encapsulates the essence of God’s passion for saving lost souls, emphasizing the sacrificial nature of divine love.

In his book “The Pursuit of God,” A.W. Tozer explores the idea that God’s relentless pursuit of humanity is driven by an unquenchable desire to restore a broken relationship. Tozer argues that this divine pursuit is not just a passive longing but an active, ongoing effort to reach out to those who are spiritually lost (Tozer, 1948). This perspective is echoed by C.S. Lewis in “Mere Christianity,” where he describes God’s love as a “dynamic, pulsating activity” that seeks to draw people into a transformative relationship with Him (Lewis, 1952).

The theme of God’s passion for lost souls is also prevalent in contemporary Christian literature. In “Crazy Love,” Francis Chan emphasizes that understanding God’s immense love for humanity should compel Christians to live radically different lives. Chan argues that recognizing the depth of God’s love and His desire to save lost souls should inspire believers to share this love with others, thereby participating in God’s mission (Chan, 2008). Similarly, David Platt in “Radical” challenges Christians to reconsider their priorities and align their lives with God’s passion for the lost, urging them to take bold steps in evangelism and social justice (Platt, 2010).

Theological scholars have also examined the implications of God’s passion for lost souls in the context of missiology. Christopher J.H. Wright, in “The Mission of God,” argues that the entire narrative of the Bible can be understood as a missional story, with God’s desire to redeem humanity at its core. Wright suggests that the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is a direct expression of God’s heartbeat for the lost, calling Christians to participate in His redemptive mission (Wright, 2006). This missional perspective is further supported by Lesslie Newbigin in “The Open Secret,” where he posits that the church’s primary role is to be a witness to God’s love and to actively engage in the mission of reaching the lost (Newbigin, 1995).

In addition to theological and literary explorations, empirical studies have examined the impact of understanding God’s passion for lost souls on individual and communal behavior. Research by Barna Group (2013) indicates that Christians who perceive a strong sense of divine love and mission are more likely to engage in evangelistic activities and community service. This suggests that internalizing the concept of God’s heartbeat for the lost can lead to tangible expressions of faith in action.

The literature on God’s passion for lost souls underscores the centrality of this theme in Christian theology and practice. From biblical exegesis to contemporary reflections, the idea that God’s love drives a relentless pursuit of humanity is a powerful and transformative concept. As believers internalize this divine passion, they are called to participate in God’s mission, embodying His love and extending it to those who are spiritually lost.

  • Statement of the Problem

The concept of “Passion for the Lost Souls” is deeply rooted in Christian theology and is often described as the “Heartbeat of God.” This theological perspective emphasizes the importance of evangelism and the salvation of souls as central to the Christian mission. However, despite its significance, there is a noticeable decline in evangelistic fervor among contemporary Christians. According to Barna Group (2018), only 64% of Christians believe that evangelism is a part of their faith, a significant drop from previous decades. This decline raises concerns about the future of Christian outreach and the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

One of the primary issues contributing to this decline is the increasing secularization of society. As noted by Smith and Denton (2005) in their study on American youth, there is a growing trend towards religious pluralism and relativism, which undermines the exclusivity of the Christian message. This cultural shift makes it challenging for Christians to assert the necessity of salvation through Christ alone, leading to a diminished passion for evangelism. Theologians like Keller (2012) argue that this cultural context requires a rethinking of evangelistic strategies to effectively communicate the gospel in a pluralistic society.

Another significant problem is the lack of training and resources for effective evangelism. Many Christians feel ill-equipped to share their faith, as highlighted by Stetzer and Putman (2006), who found that only 29% of Christians have received any form of evangelism training. This lack of preparation not only diminishes confidence but also reduces the effectiveness of evangelistic efforts. Churches and Christian organizations must prioritize equipping believers with the necessary tools and knowledge to engage in meaningful evangelism.

Furthermore, the rise of digital media and technology presents both challenges and opportunities for evangelism. While platforms like social media can be powerful tools for spreading the gospel, they also contribute to information overload and superficial engagement. As noted by Shirky (2010), the digital age has transformed how people consume information, often leading to shorter attention spans and a preference for bite-sized content. This shift necessitates innovative approaches to evangelism that can capture and sustain the attention of a digitally-savvy audience.

Theological misunderstandings also play a role in the waning passion for lost souls. Some Christians hold to a hyper-Calvinistic view that diminishes the urgency of evangelism, believing that God’s sovereignty negates the need for human effort in salvation. Piper (2008) counters this by emphasizing that God’s sovereignty and human responsibility are not mutually exclusive but rather work together in the divine plan of salvation. Correcting these theological misconceptions is crucial for reigniting a passion for evangelism.

Lastly, the problem is compounded by a lack of personal spiritual vitality among believers. As noted by Blackaby and King (1994), a vibrant personal relationship with God naturally leads to a desire to share His love with others. However, many Christians struggle with spiritual apathy and complacency, which stifles their evangelistic zeal. Addressing this issue requires a renewed focus on personal discipleship and spiritual growth, fostering a deeper connection with God that overflows into a passion for reaching lost souls. 

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. Investigate the historical and cultural significance of missionary work in various religious traditions.
  2. Analyze the impact of personal beliefs and values on individuals’ motivation to engage in evangelism and outreach efforts.
  3. Explore the role of community support and collaboration in sustaining long-term missionary work.
  4. Examine the effectiveness of different communication strategies in conveying religious messages to diverse audiences.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How does the historical and cultural significance of missionary work vary across different religious traditions?
  2. What is the relationship between personal beliefs and values and individuals’ motivation to participate in evangelism and outreach efforts?
  3. How does community support and collaboration contribute to the sustainability of long-term missionary work?
  4. What are the differences in effectiveness between various communication strategies in conveying religious messages to diverse audiences?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Personal beliefs and values have no impact on individuals’ motivation to engage in evangelism and outreach efforts

H1: Personal beliefs and values have impact on individuals’ motivation to engage in evangelism and outreach efforts

  • Significance of the Study

The Heartbeat of God” can be explored from various angles, including theological, social, and personal perspectives. Here are six detailed paragraphs to elaborate on its importance:

Theological Significance: The study “Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God” delves into the core of Christian theology, emphasizing the importance of evangelism and the Great Commission. According to Christian doctrine, God’s love for humanity is boundless, and His desire for the salvation of every soul is a central theme in the Bible. This study highlights how this divine passion is not just a peripheral aspect of God’s character but is indeed His heartbeat. By understanding this, believers can gain a deeper appreciation of God’s nature and His ultimate plan for humanity, which is to bring everyone into a loving relationship with Him

Biblical Foundation: The study is grounded in numerous biblical passages that underscore God’s concern for the lost. Scriptures such as John 3:16, which states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life,” serve as foundational texts. The parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son in Luke 15 further illustrate God’s relentless pursuit of those who are spiritually lost. By examining these and other passages, the study provides a comprehensive biblical basis for understanding God’s passion for lost souls.

Historical Context:   Throughout history, the church has been driven by the mission to reach the lost, inspired by the belief that this is God’s primary concern. The study explores historical movements such as the Great Awakenings, the missionary endeavors of figures like William Carey and Hudson Taylor, and the modern evangelical movement. These historical examples demonstrate how the church’s mission has been shaped by the understanding of God’s heartbeat for the lost. By studying these movements, contemporary believers can be inspired and equipped to continue this mission in their own contexts.

Social Implications:   The study also addresses the social implications of a passion for lost souls. It suggests that when believers are motivated by God’s love for the lost, they are more likely to engage in acts of compassion and social justice. This can lead to positive changes in communities, as believers work to meet both the spiritual and physical needs of those around them. The study argues that a genuine passion for the lost will naturally extend to a concern for their overall well-being, leading to holistic ministry efforts that address issues such as poverty, inequality, and injustice.


Personal Transformation: On a personal level, the study emphasizes how understanding and embracing God’s passion for the lost can transform an individual’s faith journey. It encourages believers to develop a heart that mirrors God’s, characterized by love, compassion, and a sense of urgency for sharing the gospel. This transformation can lead to a more vibrant and active faith, as individuals become more intentional about their witness and more committed to living out the Great Commission in their daily lives. The study provides practical steps and spiritual disciplines that can help believers cultivate this passion.

Global Perspective: Finally, the study highlights the global dimension of God’s heartbeat for the lost. It challenges believers to look beyond their immediate surroundings and consider the vast number of people around the world who have yet to hear the gospel. By fostering a global perspective, the study encourages participation in international missions, support for missionaries, and prayer for unreached people groups. This global focus not only broadens the scope of individual and church efforts but also aligns with the biblical vision of a diverse, multi-ethnic kingdom of God, as depicted in Revelation 7:9.

In summary, “Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God” is a significant study that offers profound insights into the nature of God’s love, the biblical mandate for evangelism, historical precedents, social implications, personal transformation, and a global perspective. It serves as a call to action for believers to align their hearts with God’s and to actively participate in His mission to reach the lost.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God. The study is limited to selected Pentecostal Church in Lagos, Nigeria.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Passion: Passion refers to a strong and barely controllable emotion or enthusiasm for something. It is an intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction. In the context of “Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God,” passion would imply a deep, fervent commitment and emotional investment in the cause of reaching out to and caring for lost souls

Lost Souls: This term is often used in religious contexts to describe individuals who are perceived to be spiritually lost or disconnected from God. It implies a state of being in need of spiritual guidance, redemption, or salvation. In many Christian traditions, “lost souls” are those who have not yet accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ and are therefore seen as needing to be “found” or saved.

The Heartbeat of God: This phrase is metaphorical and suggests something that is central to God’s nature or essence. It implies that the subject in question—here, the passion for lost souls—is deeply important to God, akin to how a heartbeat is essential for life. It conveys the idea that caring for and seeking out lost souls is a fundamental aspect of God’s character and mission.

Evangelism: Evangelism is the act of preaching or spreading the Christian gospel with the aim of converting individuals to Christianity. It involves sharing the message of Jesus Christ, often through personal testimony, preaching, and other forms of communication. Evangelism is a key component of many Christian traditions and is seen as a way to fulfill the Great Commission, which is Jesus’ instruction to his disciples to spread his teachings to all the nations of the world.Project – Passion for the Lost Souls: The Heartbeat of God