1.1       Background study

Conflict in Christian homes  connote the division or the separation of parent who have been together and suddenly divorce or terminated their relationship or untie the once agreed marriage knot after exchanging material vows and have lived together.Marriage is an institution that play very importantrole in the upbringing and the development of human beings, marriage is the joining together of two matured people who agree to spend their lifetime together. Thus taking joint care or responsibility over their children who are the fruits of the union.Marriage aids the realization of many basic individual needs such as the need for status. Companionship, procreation and the need to fulfilling sexual intimacy and satisfaction.

In fact the institution is gradually losing its standard value as statistics show that it is fast diminishing as many homes are broken. The problem of single parenthood is far alarming in our society and the explanations for conflict in Christian homes include among other thongs cheerlessness, parental interference, religious conflicts, poverty and poor mutual understanding.The Christian marriage is not just a mere marriage. Christian marriage is unique, and has been instituted by Christ as a Sacrament. Therefore, this indicates that any Christian marriage should reflect the mind of Christ. Above all, Christian marriage is indissoluble, and is guided by conjugal love. For this reason, it is important for yettobeChristian spouses to be fully and adequately instructed to the teachings of the Church.

Married Christian couples publicly agreed before the church to remain husband and wife for better or for worse, to remain faithful, and above all to love each other as Christ loves His Church. In marriage, two partners become one flesh, a concept that is predicated by love. The couples ought to love each other in Christ-like love. This love is boundless; it was for the love Christ had for the world that He was able to die for our sins. Christ remains the head of the Church, and He loves the church unconditionally. Ina similar manner, the husband is considered the head of the family, and should love his wife and family unconditionally. However, the husband should not lord his headship over the wife, but must love and provide for the family. The husband should be prepared to give his entire life for his wife and children. He should work for them. However, this type of self-sacrifice can only be possible where conjugal love exists and prevails.

1.2       Statement Of The Problem

Conflicts in Christian homes can arise from a variety of sources, often rooted in differences in beliefs, values, and expectations. One primary cause is the misalignment of spiritual priorities between family members. For instance, when one spouse is more devout or committed to religious practices than the other, it can lead to disagreements over church attendance, prayer routines, and the upbringing of children in the faith. This disparity can create a sense of spiritual disconnection and tension, as one partner may feel unsupported or misunderstood in their religious journey.

Another significant cause of conflict is financial stress. Financial management is a common source of tension in many households, but in Christian homes, it can be compounded by differing interpretations of biblical teachings on money. Some may prioritize tithing and charitable giving, while others may focus on saving and investing for the future. These differing financial philosophies can lead to arguments and resentment, especially if one partner feels that their approach is not being respected or valued.

Communication breakdowns also play a crucial role in the emergence of conflicts. In Christian homes, where values such as forgiveness, patience, and understanding are emphasized, the failure to communicate effectively can be particularly disheartening. Misunderstandings and unexpressed grievances can fester, leading to larger disputes over time. The lack of open and honest communication can prevent the resolution of minor issues before they escalate into major conflicts.

The influence of extended family and community can also contribute to conflicts. In many Christian communities, family and church members play a significant role in the lives of individuals. While this support network can be beneficial, it can also lead to external pressures and expectations that strain the marital relationship. For example, differing opinions from in-laws or church leaders on how to handle certain situations can create additional stress and conflict within the home.

To manage these conflicts, it is essential to foster a culture of open communication and mutual respect. Couples should prioritize regular, honest discussions about their beliefs, values, and expectations. Seeking guidance from trusted spiritual leaders or counselors can also provide valuable insights and mediation. Additionally, establishing common goals and a shared vision for the family can help align priorities and reduce misunderstandings.

Prevention of conflicts in Christian homes involves proactive measures such as premarital counseling, which can help couples identify potential areas of disagreement and develop strategies for addressing them. Encouraging ongoing spiritual growth and development for both partners can also strengthen their bond and provide a solid foundation for navigating challenges. By fostering a supportive and understanding environment, Christian families can work towards minimizing conflicts and building a harmonious home.

1.3       Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to examine causes of conflicts in Christian homes, management and prevention. The specific objectives are:

  1. To find out the concept of Conflict in Christian homes
  2. To examine the effects of Conflict in Christian homes on the Children and the Society
  3. To find out the solution to the Causes of Conflict in Christian homes
  4. To investigate the management and prevention of conflict in Christian Homes


1.4   Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below

  1. What is the concept of Conflict in Christian homes?
  2. How do Conflict in Christian homes affect Children and the Society?

iii. What are the solutions to the Causes of Conflict in Christian homes?

  1. How can we investigate the management and prevention of conflict in Christian Homes?

1.5.  Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Conflicts has no significant impact on Christian homes

H1: Conflicts has significant impact on Christian homes

1.6       Significance of the study

The significance of studying the causes of conflicts in Christian homes lies in the ability to identify and understand the root causes of these conflicts. Conflicts in any household can stem from a variety of sources, including financial stress, communication breakdowns, differing parenting styles, and unmet expectations. In Christian homes, additional layers such as religious beliefs, spiritual practices, and church involvement can also play a significant role. By thoroughly examining these causes, families can gain insights into the specific triggers that lead to discord, allowing them to address issues more effectively and foster a more harmonious living environment.

In Christian homes, faith and religious beliefs are often central to daily life and decision-making processes. Conflicts can arise when family members have differing interpretations of religious teachings or when one member’s level of devotion differs from another’s. Understanding how faith influences family dynamics is crucial for managing conflicts in a way that respects each individual’s beliefs while promoting unity. This study can help families navigate religious differences and find common ground, ultimately strengthening their spiritual and familial bonds.

Effective communication is a cornerstone of conflict resolution in any setting, and Christian homes are no exception. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can escalate conflicts, making it essential to develop strong communication skills. Studying the causes of conflicts in Christian homes can highlight the importance of open, honest, and respectful dialogue. It can also provide strategies for improving communication, such as active listening, empathy, and the use of “I” statements. These skills can help family members express their feelings and concerns without resorting to blame or criticism, leading to more constructive conflict resolution.

External influences, such as societal pressures, work-related stress, and interactions with extended family and friends, can also contribute to conflicts in Christian homes. Understanding how these external factors impact family dynamics is essential for managing and preventing conflicts. This study can shed light on the ways in which external stressors affect family relationships and provide strategies for mitigating their impact. For example, families can learn to set boundaries, prioritize quality time together, and seek support from their faith community to navigate external challenges.

Prevention is always better than cure, and this principle applies to conflicts in Christian homes as well. By studying the causes of conflicts, families can develop proactive strategies to prevent them from arising in the first place. This may include regular family meetings to discuss concerns, setting clear expectations and boundaries, and fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding. Additionally, incorporating faith-based practices such as prayer, Bible study, and attending church services together can strengthen family bonds and provide a shared foundation for resolving conflicts.

The long-term benefits of studying and addressing the causes of conflicts in Christian homes are manifold. Families that effectively manage and prevent conflicts are likely to experience greater emotional and spiritual well-being. Children raised in such environments learn valuable life skills, such as conflict resolution, empathy, and effective communication, which they can carry into their own relationships. Moreover, a harmonious home environment can serve as a testament to the strength and resilience of the family’s faith, providing a positive example to others in their community. Ultimately, the study of conflict causes, management, and prevention in Christian homes can lead to stronger, more united families that reflect the core values of their faith.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines causes of conflicts in Christian homes, management and prevention. The study is limited to selected Pentecostal Churches in Lagos Nigeria.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Causes: Causes refer to the factors or reasons that lead to a particular event or situation. In the context of conflicts in Christian homes, causes would be the underlying issues or triggers that result in disagreements or disputes.

Conflicts: Conflicts are disagreements or clashes between individuals or groups, often resulting from differing opinions, interests, or values. In Christian homes, conflicts can arise from various sources, including financial issues, parenting styles, religious practices, and communication problems.

Christian homes:  Christian homes are households where the members identify as Christians and typically follow Christian beliefs, values, and practices. These homes often emphasize faith, prayer, and adherence to biblical teachings as central aspects of family life.

Management: Management refers to the process of dealing with or controlling a situation or problem. In the context of conflicts in Christian homes, management involves strategies and actions taken to address and resolve disputes in a constructive and effective manner.

Prevention: Prevention is the act of stopping something from happening or arising. When it comes to conflicts in Christian homes, prevention involves implementing measures and practices that reduce the likelihood of conflicts occurring in the first place, such as fostering open communication, mutual respect, and understanding among family members.