Project – The Role of the church in the salvation of man. A case study of Assemblies of God, Nigeria.

Project – The Role of the church in the salvation of man. A case study of Assemblies of God, Nigeria.



  • Background to the Study

The role of the church in the salvation of man has been a central theme in Christian theology and practice. The Assemblies of God, Nigeria, as a significant Pentecostal denomination, offers a unique perspective on this topic. The church’s teachings emphasize the necessity of personal conversion, the experience of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of community in the process of salvation. This literature review explores these aspects, drawing on various scholarly sources to provide a comprehensive understanding of the church’s role in the salvation of man.

The concept of salvation in Christian theology is multifaceted, encompassing justification, sanctification, and glorification. According to the Assemblies of God, Nigeria, salvation begins with an individual’s personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This initial step, often referred to as being “born again,” is seen as a transformative experience that marks the beginning of a new life in Christ. Scholars such as Anderson (2004) and Burgess (2006) have noted that this emphasis on personal conversion is a hallmark of Pentecostalism, distinguishing it from other Christian traditions that may place more emphasis on sacraments or ecclesiastical authority.

The experience of the Holy Spirit is another critical component of salvation in the Assemblies of God, Nigeria. The church teaches that the baptism in the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, is a subsequent experience to conversion that empowers believers for service and holy living. This belief is rooted in the Pentecostal understanding of the events of Acts 2, where the early disciples received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Scholars like Hollenweger (1997) and Synan (2001) have documented the significance of this experience in Pentecostal spirituality, noting that it serves as both a personal and communal catalyst for deeper engagement with the faith.

Community plays a vital role in the process of salvation within the Assemblies of God, Nigeria. The church fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support among its members, which is seen as essential for spiritual growth and perseverance in the faith. This communal aspect is reflected in the church’s practices, such as regular worship services, prayer meetings, and small group fellowships. According to Miller and Yamamori (2007), the strong sense of community within Pentecostal churches contributes to their rapid growth and appeal, particularly in contexts where social and economic challenges are prevalent.

The Assemblies of God, Nigeria, also emphasizes the importance of evangelism and mission in the process of salvation. The church believes that it has a mandate to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations, as commanded by Jesus in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). This missional focus is evident in the church’s extensive outreach programs, both within Nigeria and internationally. Scholars such as Jenkins (2002) and Gifford (2004) have highlighted the global impact of Pentecostal missions, noting that they often bring not only spiritual renewal but also social transformation to the communities they reach.

The role of the church in the salvation of man, as understood by the Assemblies of God, Nigeria, encompasses personal conversion, the experience of the Holy Spirit, community support, and evangelistic mission. These elements work together to create a holistic approach to salvation that addresses both the spiritual and practical needs of individuals. The church’s emphasis on personal experience and communal involvement reflects broader trends within Pentecostalism, which continue to shape the landscape of global Christianity. Further research could explore how these dynamics play out in different cultural contexts and their implications for the future of the church.

  • Statement of the Problem

The role of the church in the salvation of man is a multifaceted issue that has garnered significant attention within Christian theology and ecclesiastical studies. In the context of the Assemblies of God in Nigeria, this role becomes even more complex due to the unique socio-cultural and religious landscape of the country. The problem at hand is to understand how the Assemblies of God, Nigeria, perceives and enacts its role in the salvation of its congregants. This involves examining the theological underpinnings, pastoral practices, and community engagements that the church employs to fulfill its mission of salvation.

One of the primary issues is the theological interpretation of salvation within the Assemblies of God, Nigeria. The church’s doctrine emphasizes a Pentecostal understanding of salvation, which includes not only the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior but also the experience of the Holy Spirit’s baptism. This dual emphasis raises questions about how these theological concepts are communicated to the congregation and how they influence the spiritual lives of the members. The problem is further compounded by the need to reconcile these beliefs with the diverse religious practices and beliefs prevalent in Nigeria.

Another significant problem is the practical implementation of the church’s salvific mission. The Assemblies of God, Nigeria, operates in a context where there are numerous socio-economic challenges, including poverty, unemployment, and political instability. These issues can affect the church’s ability to effectively minister to its congregants and fulfill its role in their salvation. The church must navigate these challenges while maintaining its theological integrity and providing spiritual and material support to its members.

The role of the church in community engagement is also a critical aspect of this problem. The Assemblies of God, Nigeria, is not just a spiritual institution but also a social one. It plays a significant role in the community by providing education, healthcare, and other social services. The problem here is to understand how these community engagements contribute to the church’s overall mission of salvation. Are these activities seen as an extension of the church’s spiritual mission, or are they viewed as separate, albeit important, functions?

Furthermore, the problem extends to the church’s internal dynamics and governance. The Assemblies of God, Nigeria, like many other religious institutions, faces issues related to leadership, accountability, and organizational structure. These internal factors can significantly impact the church’s ability to fulfill its salvific role. Understanding how these internal dynamics influence the church’s mission is crucial for a comprehensive analysis of its role in the salvation of man.

Lastly, the problem involves the perception and reception of the church’s salvific role by its congregants. It is essential to understand how the members of the Assemblies of God, Nigeria, perceive the church’s efforts in their salvation. Do they feel spiritually fulfilled and supported by the church? Are there areas where they believe the church could improve? These questions are vital for assessing the effectiveness of the church’s mission and for identifying areas for potential growth and development.

The role of the church in the salvation of man, particularly within the Assemblies of God, Nigeria, is a complex and multifaceted issue. It involves theological interpretations, practical implementations, community engagements, internal dynamics, and congregational perceptions. Addressing these problems requires a comprehensive and nuanced approach that takes into account the unique context of the Assemblies of God, Nigeria, and the diverse needs of its congregants.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Role of the church in the salvation of man. A case study of Assemblies of God, Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the historical background of the Assemblies of God church in Nigeria.
  2. To analyze the theological beliefs and practices of the Assemblies of God church related to salvation.
  3. To investigate the role of the church in promoting salvation among its members and the wider community.
  4. To assess the impact of the Assemblies of God church’s salvation teachings on the spiritual lives of its members.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the historical background of the Assemblies of God church in Nigeria?
  2. What are the theological beliefs and practices of the Assemblies of God church related to salvation?
  3. How does the church promote salvation among its members and the wider community?
  4. What is the impact of the Assemblies of God church’s salvation teachings on the spiritual lives of its members?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: The Church does not promote salvation among its members and the wider community

H1: The Church promote salvation among its members and the wider community


1.6. Significance of the study

The study of the role of the church in the salvation of man is of paramount importance, particularly within the context of the Assemblies of God in Nigeria. This denomination, part of the global Pentecostal movement, has a significant presence in Nigeria and plays a crucial role in the spiritual lives of its members. Understanding how the church interprets and facilitates the concept of salvation can provide valuable insights into its theological foundations and pastoral practices. This study aims to explore the unique contributions of the Assemblies of God in Nigeria to the broader Christian understanding of salvation, highlighting its doctrinal emphases, evangelistic strategies, and community impact.

One of the key aspects of this study is to examine the doctrinal teachings of the Assemblies of God regarding salvation. The church’s theology is rooted in the belief that salvation is a transformative process initiated by faith in Jesus Christ, leading to a personal relationship with God. This study will delve into the specific doctrines that the Assemblies of God in Nigeria emphasize, such as the necessity of repentance, the experience of being “born again,” and the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. By analyzing these teachings, the study will shed light on how the church guides its members towards a deeper understanding and experience of salvation.

Furthermore, the study will explore the evangelistic strategies employed by the Assemblies of God in Nigeria to spread the message of salvation. Evangelism is a core component of the church’s mission, and it employs various methods to reach out to individuals and communities. This includes open-air crusades, house-to-house evangelism, and the use of media such as radio and television broadcasts. By examining these strategies, the study will highlight the church’s commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission and its effectiveness in bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

In addition to doctrinal teachings and evangelistic efforts, the study will also consider the role of the church in the discipleship and spiritual growth of its members. The Assemblies of God in Nigeria places a strong emphasis on discipleship programs, Bible study groups, and prayer meetings to nurture the faith of believers. This study will investigate how these activities contribute to the spiritual development of members and their ongoing experience of salvation. It will also explore the church’s approach to addressing the practical and social needs of its members, demonstrating the holistic nature of its ministry.

The impact of the Assemblies of God in Nigeria on the wider community is another significant area of focus for this study. The church’s involvement in social and humanitarian efforts, such as education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation, reflects its commitment to living out the principles of the Gospel. By examining these initiatives, the study will illustrate how the church’s understanding of salvation extends beyond individual spiritual transformation to encompass societal change and development. This holistic approach underscores the church’s belief in the transformative power of the Gospel to bring about positive change in all areas of life.


Finally, this study will contribute to the broader academic and theological discourse on the role of the church in the salvation of man. By providing a detailed case study of the Assemblies of God in Nigeria, it will offer valuable insights that can inform the practices of other churches and denominations. It will also highlight the unique cultural and contextual factors that shape the church’s ministry in Nigeria, offering a nuanced understanding of how the message of salvation is communicated and lived out in different settings. Ultimately, this study aims to enrich the ongoing conversation about the church’s mission and its vital role in the spiritual and social transformation of individuals and communities.


1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the Role of the church in the salvation of man. A case study of Assemblies of God, Nigeria.

 1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Role: A role refers to the function or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation or context. It encompasses the responsibilities, duties, and activities expected of someone or something in a specific position.

Church: The church is a community or organization of believers in Christianity. It can refer to a physical building where Christians gather for worship, but more broadly, it signifies the collective body of Christians worldwide or within a specific denomination. The church serves as a place for worship, fellowship, teaching, and community support.

Salvation of Man: In Christian theology, the salvation of man refers to the deliverance of humans from sin and its consequences, which include eternal separation from God. Salvation is believed to be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, who, according to Christian belief, died and was resurrected to atone for humanity’s sins. It encompasses the concepts of redemption, forgiveness, and eternal life with God.

Assemblies of God: The Assemblies of God is a worldwide Pentecostal Christian denomination. It was founded in 1914 in the United States and has since grown to become one of the largest Pentecostal groups globally. The Assemblies of God emphasizes the baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, divine healing, and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. In Nigeria, the Assemblies of God has a significant presence and plays an active role in the religious and social life of its members.

Christian: A Christian is a person who follows or adheres to Christianity, a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the Bible as the sacred scripture. They strive to live according to the teachings of Jesus and seek to spread the message of the Gospel.

Project – The Role of the church in the salvation of man. A case study of Assemblies of God, Nigeria.