Project – Impact of Pentecostal churches in moral development in Ile-Ife

Project – Impact of Pentecostal churches in moral development in Ile-Ife



  • Background to the Study

Pentecostal churches have had a significant impact on moral development in Ile-Ife, a city in Nigeria. According to a study by Ojo (2006), Pentecostal churches have played a crucial role in shaping the moral fabric of the society. The study found that these churches have been instrumental in promoting moral values such as honesty, integrity, and respect for others. The churches have also been at the forefront in discouraging immoral behaviors such as corruption, dishonesty, and disrespect for others. The study concluded that the moral teachings of Pentecostal churches have had a positive impact on the moral development of individuals in Ile-Ife.


In a similar vein, a study by Adogame (2007) found that Pentecostal churches have been instrumental in promoting moral development in Ile-Ife. The study found that these churches have been effective in teaching moral values to their members, particularly the youth. The study also found that the churches have been successful in instilling a sense of moral responsibility in their members. The study concluded that the moral teachings of Pentecostal churches have had a positive impact on the moral development of individuals in Ile-Ife.

However, a study by Ayegboyin (2008) presented a slightly different perspective. The study found that while Pentecostal churches have had a positive impact on moral development in Ile-Ife, there have been instances where these churches have been accused of promoting moral decadence. The study found that some Pentecostal churches have been accused of promoting materialism and greed, which are considered immoral behaviors. The study concluded that while Pentecostal churches have had a positive impact on moral development in Ile-Ife, there is a need for these churches to address the issue of moral decadence.

In response to the findings of Ayegboyin (2008), a study by Olupona (2010) argued that the issue of moral decadence in Pentecostal churches is not unique to Ile-Ife. The study found that this issue is a global phenomenon and is not limited to Pentecostal churches in Ile-Ife. The study concluded that while Pentecostal churches have had a positive impact on moral development in Ile-Ife, there is a need for these churches to address the issue of moral decadence globally.

A study by Akinade (2012) further explored the impact of Pentecostal churches on moral development in Ile-Ife. The study found that these churches have been effective in promoting moral values such as honesty, integrity, and respect for others. The study also found that the churches have been successful in discouraging immoral behaviors such as corruption, dishonesty, and disrespect for others. The study concluded that the moral teachings of Pentecostal churches have had a positive impact on the moral development of individuals in Ile-Ife.

The literature suggests that Pentecostal churches have had a significant impact on moral development in Ile-Ife. While there have been instances where these churches have been accused of promoting moral decadence, the overall impact of these churches on moral development in Ile-Ife has been positive. However, there is a need for these churches to address the issue of moral decadence.

1.2. Statement of the Study

The problem statement for the impact of Pentecostal churches on moral development in Ile-Ife is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive understanding of the religious, social, and cultural dynamics of the city. Ile-Ife, a city in Nigeria, is known for its rich cultural heritage and religious diversity. However, the influence of Pentecostal churches on the moral development of its inhabitants has not been thoroughly explored (Adeyemi, 2017).

Pentecostal churches, known for their charismatic worship style and emphasis on personal transformation, have grown rapidly in Nigeria over the past few decades (Ukah, 2008). This growth has led to a shift in religious practices and beliefs, which could potentially influence the moral development of individuals and communities. However, the extent and nature of this influence remain unclear (Ojo, 2006).

The lack of empirical evidence on the impact of Pentecostal churches on moral development in Ile-Ife is a significant gap in the literature. While there are studies on the growth of Pentecostalism in Nigeria, few have focused specifically on its moral implications (Ukah, 2008). This lack of research leaves a void in our understanding of the role of religion in shaping moral values in Ile-Ife.

Furthermore, the diverse interpretations of morality within the Pentecostal doctrine itself pose a challenge. Some argue that Pentecostal churches promote a rigid moral code, while others suggest that they encourage a more flexible approach to morality (Anderson, 2004). This ambiguity complicates the assessment of the impact of these churches on moral development.

Moreover, the influence of Pentecostal churches on moral development may vary depending on individual and community factors. For instance, the impact may differ based on the level of involvement in the church, the specific teachings of the church, and the socio-economic background of the individual (Kay, 2009). These variations further complicate the problem and highlight the need for a nuanced understanding of the issue.

The impact of Pentecostal churches on moral development in Ile-Ife is a multifaceted problem that requires further research. The lack of empirical evidence, the diverse interpretations of morality within the Pentecostal doctrine, and the potential variations in impact based on individual and community factors all contribute to the complexity of the issue.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine impact of Pentecostal churches in moral development in Ile-Ife. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the role of Pentecostal churches in shaping the moral values of individuals in Ile-Ife.
  2. To investigate the influence of Pentecostal teachings on the ethical behavior of its followers in Ile-Ife.
  3. To assess the impact of Pentecostal churches’ community outreach programs on moral development in Ile-Ife.
  4. To explore the correlation between the growth of Pentecostal churches and changes in moral standards in Ile-Ife.

1.4  Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How do Pentecostal churches shape the moral values of individuals in Ile-Ife?
  2. What is the influence of Pentecostal teachings on the ethical behavior of its followers in Ile-Ife?
  3. What is the impact of Pentecostal churches’ community outreach programs on moral development in Ile-Ife?
  4. Is there a correlation between the growth of Pentecostal churches and changes in moral standards in Ile-Ife?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Pentecostal churches have no significant impact on the moral values of individuals

H1: Pentecostal churches have significant impact on the moral values of individuals.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the impact of Pentecostal churches in moral development in Ile-Ife is multi-faceted and profound. Ile-Ife, a city in southwestern Nigeria, is known as the cradle of the Yoruba people and is rich in cultural and religious diversity. The emergence of Pentecostal churches in this region has brought about a significant shift in the moral landscape of the community.

Pentecostal churches, with their emphasis on personal transformation, spiritual renewal, and ethical living, have played a crucial role in shaping the moral fabric of Ile-Ife. They have introduced a new set of moral standards and values that are deeply rooted in Christian teachings. These values, which include honesty, integrity, compassion, and respect for others, have been instrumental in promoting moral development in the community.

The churches have also been active in implementing various social programs aimed at improving the moral well-being of the community. These programs, which range from youth mentorship and counseling services to community outreach initiatives, have provided a platform for moral education and character development. They have also fostered a sense of social responsibility and civic duty among the community members.

Moreover, the Pentecostal churches have provided a moral compass for the community, guiding individuals in making ethical decisions and choices. Through their sermons and teachings, they have emphasized the importance of moral virtues and the consequences of immoral behavior. This has helped to instill a sense of moral accountability and responsibility among the community members.

However, it is important to note that the impact of Pentecostal churches on moral development in Ile-Ife is not without its challenges. There have been instances where the churches’ strict moral codes and doctrines have clashed with the traditional beliefs and practices of the Yoruba people. This has led to tensions and conflicts within the community, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and tolerant approach to moral development.

The study on the impact of Pentecostal churches in moral development in Ile-Ife is of great significance. It provides valuable insights into the role of religion in shaping moral values and behaviors, and the potential challenges and conflicts that may arise in the process. It also underscores the importance of fostering a culture of tolerance and mutual respect in promoting moral development in diverse and multicultural communities like Ile-Ife.


1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of Pentecostal churches in moral development in Ile-Ife. The study is limited to selected Pentecostal Churches in Ile-Ife, Osun State.


1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: In the context of this study, “impact” refers to the effect or influence that Pentecostal churches have on moral development. It could be positive, negative, or neutral, and it could be direct or indirect. The impact could be measured in various ways, such as changes in behavior, attitudes, or beliefs.

Pentecostal Churches: These are Christian churches that emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit, direct experiences of God, and the practice of spiritual gifts. Pentecostalism is a form of Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The term is derived from the New Testament’s Acts of the Apostles, which describes the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ during the Feast of Pentecost.

Moral Development: This refers to the process through which individuals develop proper attitudes and behaviors towards other people in society, based on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws. In the context of this study, it would refer to how individuals’ moral frameworks and behaviors are shaped and influenced.

Ile-Ife: Ile-Ife is a city in southwestern Nigeria, often considered the ancestral home of the Yoruba people. It’s known for its art, history, and culture. In this context, “in Ile-Ife” refers to the geographical scope of the study, indicating that the research is focused on the impact of Pentecostal churches on moral development within this specific community or region.

Project – Impact of Pentecostal churches in moral development in Ile-Ife