Full Project – Assessing the cyber security awareness level of tertiary institution students

Full Project – Assessing the cyber security awareness level of tertiary institution students

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Cyber security also known as network security or IT security is information/data security that concerns digital/computing devices like smartphones, computers(pcs, networks), servers and also Internet. Cyber security covers all elements of computer/network security that protects devices from unauthorized access, change and destruction of information systems. With the widespread of computer usage and internet reliance, cyber security is an important part of any information system. Cyber security vulnerabilities are the components that put a system or network at risk of getting infected with malicious software. The term vulnerability means features of a system that render it helpless against an international assault or unsafe circumstance. This term originates from the Latin word Vulnus- wound and the comparing verb vulnero- to harm, wound, damage, hurt. The term vulnerability is a sample of precarious circumstances where the dialect makes it simple to make a valuable word through the procedure known as objectification, which refers to a few natural circumstances, yet the general degree, of which is not exactly as clear. When one realizes that a system was effectedby an assault on the frame work occurred and succeeded. It can be presumed that the system was powerless against the assault, Then the expression vulnerability can be utilized to refer to the peculiarities of the framework that made it defenseless against a comparable assault, or to refer to the gimmicks of all frameworks that make them helpless against a comparable assault, or to refer to peculiarities of the framework of all frameworks that make them helpless against a comparable assaultsMansoura,campara,2010 even with new systems been created every day, systems that are said to be impenetrable and completely safe from outside/inside assaults still fall victims of cyber-attacks, systems vulnerabilities are still exploited. The rising rate of cybercrime is still so rampant among citizens that Americans are more afraid of a cyber-warthan they are afraid of Iranian, north Korean nuclear weapons and also climate change. Network is huge referent question yet its political significance emerges from associations with the aggregate referent articles of the “the state”, “the society”, “the nation” and “the economy” (Singer, Friedman (2013), malwares are use all over internet services to affect device daily and carry out assaults that render devices Networks and data vulnerable. The Osterman Research Survey. Before a download happens, a client is initially needed to visit the malevolent webpage. To bait the client into going by a site with vindictive substance, hackers would send out spam messages that contain various connections to the site. When clueless client visits the pernicious site, malware is downloaded and introduced in the victimized persons machine/network without client figuring out what is going on.






This project aims to demonstrate why and how one needs to measure personnel cyber security awareness level. The most of the papers completed on this topic are approximately 5-10 years old. In other cases, information is scattered between different papers and blog articles. This means there are no recent papers available which would walk through the whole process needed for the best measurement program

This project will do the following:

  1. Identify the necessity to measure personnel cyber security awareness level.
  2. Analyses how anti-phishing tool perform.
  3. Find the best way to measure cyber security awareness level.
  4. Explain how phishing assessments are prepared
  5. Conduct two phishing assessments.
  6. Analyze the results of assessments.

The main contribution of project is suggesting a way to measure personnel awareness level, and show how to prepare for the program. In addition to analyzing previous work, two phishing assessments are conducted, results and analyses of assessments are delivered, and finally additional benefits of using recommended methodology are highlighted.


This project creates a research model which investigates the relationship between gender, age university location and department as determinant factor of the awareness level of student i.e. if their knowledge of cyber security awareness is based on any of them above-mentioned variables; the third section of this thesis will prove, based on the stated out. Each hypothesis holds one variable, which will be weight against the student’s answers to a certain question that will be used to judge their perception of their individual security awareness levels.

  1. How much do students know about cyber security and what can be done to make sure remain safe in online communities.
  2. Hypotheses1: Age is a determinant factor in the cyber security level of students.
  3. Hypotheses2: gender is a determinant factor in the cyber security awareness level of students.
  4. Hypotheses3: location of Sa’adatuRimiCollege of Education(S R C O E) Kano is a determinant factor in the cyber security awareness level of students. Hypotheses 3 will weigh the location of all students against how they perceive their knowledge of cyber security, this will be used to find out if the individual locations of the tertiary institutions of all students have to do with their answers meaning some countries prioritize IS education more than others.
  5. Hypotheses 4 department of students is a determinant factor. In the information security awareness level of students.


The aim is to measure the cyber security awareness level among tertiary institution. Online security, which is a pressing matter in a society that has become a global village, is an issue that must be at the forefront of every educational system so as to secure the safety of young people within cyber environments.

  1. To measure the awareness level of students based on the results of questions answered in the questionnaire and the risk; student face.
  2. To explore, based on the hypotheses what factors affect the awareness level of student.

The aim of research step one is to measure the awareness level of students and understand what it means. In the post-survey analysis, there will be hierarchy grouping of the, which will be used to understand the analysis proceedings.

The aim of research step two is to prove, using a statistical analysis tool, the hypotheses brought forward in this paper. The analysis tool will tally the results of the survey which will provide an insight to what it is that affects students and determines what kinds of student have a working knowledge of cyber security.


  1. Promote and provide guidance in development and implementation of situational analysis and awareness campaigns concerning the risk environment of the Sa’adatuRimi College of Education (SRCOE) Kano cyberspace;
  2. Promotecyber security training, education, research and development programs amongst other initiatives.


This study based on performance of assessing cyber security awareness level of tertiary institution student. Through efficient and effective use of awareness cybersecurity to the student in Kano state,Nigeria However, the location of the study is Sa’adatuRimi Collage of Education (SRCOE) Kano. Where the activities of cyber security awareness level of tertiary institution student.


  1. Time constrain: the researcher would simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down the time devoted for the research work.
  2. Financial constrain: insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the research in searching for the relevant materials literature and information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).


  1. CSA: Cyber security awareness is the knowledge and attitude members of an organization possess regarding the protection of the physical, and especially informational, assets of that organization.
  2. IS: Information security the state of being protected against the unauthorized use of information, especially electronic data, or the measuring taking to achieve.


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Full Project – Assessing the cyber security awareness level of tertiary institution students