Full Project – Design and implementation of a vehicle fleet management system

Full Project – Design and implementation of a vehicle fleet management system

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Fleet is a pool of motor vehicle such as buses, cars, trucks, and aircrafts operating together or under the control of one person or an organization. Management refers to as the monitoring, controlling and the administration of an organization. System is a collection of interrelated components that work together in order to achieve a goal. Fleet (vehicle) management is the process of monitoring, controlling and managing pool of commercial vehicles such as buses, cars, trucks, and aircraft operating under the control of an individual or company. It can include a range of functions such as vehicle maintenance, driver registration management, schedule route, and health and safety management. It allows companies like ITC Motors which rely on transportation in business to minimize the risks associated with improving transportation efficiency, safety, productivity and reducing the overall transportation and staff costs. The Fleet Management System collects, store and provide complete and comprehensive information about the current state of the vehicles and cargo, the route history, the expected events, as well as the driver’s activities for the vehicle maintenance and management of the companies. The need for higher customer service and minimization of operational costs has led many vehicle operators to seek innovative information systems for efficient handling of customer requests that occur either during the planning and/or the execution of daily activities. However, the demanding environment of the vehicle fleet management industry generates further operational needs that have not been fully addressed by the existing system. This paper presents the architecture of an innovative fleet management system that have been developed and implemented to Imo Transport Company (ITC) Motors Owerri, in order to address daily challenges and provide an integrated framework that supports effectively, the dispatchers during the planning and execution of schedules. The chapter further discusses the background of study, statement of problem, the significance of the study, scope, limitations, and the definition of terms.


Since the existence of ITC MOTORS OWERRI, fleet (vehicle) management is carried out manually. This manual system has been a thorn in the flesh of both their management staffs and the customers at large. In this manual system, drivers do not stick to their scheduled turn; they always want to be the first to convey passengers from a location to their destination even when it’s not their turn; hereby causing passengers to wait unnecessarily for them to settle their differences. This is usually time- wasting on the passenger’s side and because of this; some of the passengers may decide not to patronize them again.  Information is passed from the management to drivers and passengers through clerk who might end-up giving false scheduled turn information and pricing information to both drivers and passengers.

In order to solve this problem and ensure orderliness in vehicle fleet management, an automated vehicle fleet management system has to be implemented. This new system to be implemented will solve this problem by making readily available information concerning how customers need to book for their trip and how driver’s turn and route to ply will be scheduled. This system will also solve other problems that will be mention later in the statement of problems.


The problems facing the manual system includes:

  1. Poor management of vehicles.
  2. Poor documentation, storage and retrieval of information from anywhere are very difficult.
  3. Problems of drivers not plying their route and waiting for their turn to load.

The main aim of this project work is to develop an automated fleet (vehicle) management system that will maintain orderliness among the fleet and also improve poor documentation and retrieval of information.

The specific objectives are:

  1. To develop a model that will ensure that vehicle are been serviced as at when due by having a record that shows when a vehicle was serviced last and when next it’s due to be serviced again.
  2. To develop a model that will ensure effective documentation and easy retrieval of stored information from anywhere.
  3. To design a module that will register the arrival of drivers and schedule them on the route to ply.
  4. To develop a sub system that will ensure orderliness by ensuring that drivers ply their routes and wait for their turn to load.


Through this research work, the manual system will be replaced with the new automated system and will do the following:

  1. This new system will help ITC Motors Owerri to save the time used in the manual management of fleet.
  2. Save money and resources used in employing staff that would have handled it manually.
  3. Attract more customers because of the quality of service rendered.
  4. Encourage the use of computers, thereby exposing staff to have more computer knowledge and improving the standard of ITC Motors Owerri.


This research work covers fleet management system that ensures effective documentation and easy retrieval of information from anywhere, vehicle maintenance that is, servicing the cars as at when due, vehicle monitoring by ensuring that drivers ply their route and scheduling task that enables ITC Motors’ drivers to know their loading turn to avoid them fighting.


Some of the limitations encountered while writing this project work includes:

  1. Insufficient fund to carry out the research
  2. Expensive procedures involved in programming and gathering of data from sources.
  3. Lack of cooperation from staff in the company in most cases.



ALGORITHM: An algorithm is a step by step procedure followed in order to accomplish a task.

CAD: Computer-assisted dispatch, also called Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), is a method of dispatching taxicabs, couriers, field service technicians, mass transit vehicles or emergency services assisted by computer.

CUSTOMER: It is a person who purchase or receives a product or service from a business or merchant or intend to do so.

CSS: Cascading style sheet is a language that describes the style of an HTML document and how its elements should be displayed.

DATA: Are raw facts, suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by human or automated means that is means of a computer.

DATABASE: A collection of interrelated data often with controlled redundancy, organization according to a schema to serve one or more application, the data are stored so that different programs can use them without concern for the data structure or organization.

DISPATCH: An automated routing, scheduling, time and distance calculations for each stop that are included in the route manifest with the turn-by-turn directions or voice and command line based  on driving directions.

DISPATCHER: It is the person who controls the movements of vehicles.

FLOWCHART: It is a diagrammatic representation of the sequence of steps involved in carrying out a lexical program. It consists of good number of symbols.

FLEET: It is a pool of motor vehicle such as buses, cars, trucks, and aircrafts operating together or under the control of one person or an organization.

FLEET SECURITY: Are the measures taken to keep all the equipment needed for fleet management safe.

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Full Project – Design and implementation of a vehicle fleet management system