Full Project – Computer assisted multi-choice examination administration and processing system

Full Project – Computer assisted multi-choice examination administration and processing system

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  • Background of Study

Early methods of processing data and information involved management of paper work. With the advent of automation, mechanization of information management was introduced for the purpose of minimizing costs and providing efficiency and opportunities to add value to the services and products. The advancement was not lost on the examination system as well.

In order to keep abreast with the increasing roles and importance of information technology in the business and academic concern, stakeholders in both areas need to understand new technologies, factors applicable to information system and techniques involved in updating the development, with various responsibilities for the operations of the MIS defined for each sub-system requiring proper planning and control.

As information technology is now applied in almost every field of endeavour, the application of computer science in examination systems form a common connection as both deal with the analysis, transformation and manipulation of data, presentation and storage of information. Over the years, much has been highlighted on the problems inherent in examination conductions due to some factors; increased number of candidates to be invigilated, increased number of scripts to be marked and examination malpractices, leading to time wastage, loss of scripts and ineffectiveness.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The challenges faced with paper based test is overwhelming, they include but not limited to exam malpractice, inaccuracy in marking, delay in marking results.

1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The objective of this project is to design a computer assisted multiple choice examination administration and processing system with which;

  1. Questions are set and presented in the computer
  2. Questions are answered in the computer
  3. Answers are marked by the computer in shortest possible time.
  4. The results and grades are presented and stored.
  5. Automatic generation of examination numbers for students.
  6. Enhanced security features to avoid exam malpractice.
  7. Real time processing of results for candidates.

1.3 Significance of the Project

This study is intended to assist in some small way those practitioners who are struggling with the decision of whether to test on computer and how they might best go about doing so. It is not intended to provide an introduction to the important methods and to the considerations that dictate use of those methods. It is far from comprehensive in this regard. To make truly informed decisions, one would need to be at least conversant if not quite familiar with most of the references listed here. In short, this is not a roadmap intended to precisely direct practitioners on their journey to computerized delivery, but rather more a guidebook highlighting some of the landmarks they will likely visit along the way. As with all trips, we need to start by deciding whether the attractions of the destination outweigh the rigors of travel.

  1. Upgrading of the Departments Examination System

Implementation will showcase the benefits of adopting the initiative of information                 technology as an approach to the nation technological advancement. It will lead to an upgrade of     the examination system to a world class status.

  1. Optimization of the Examination Administrative System

The replacement of the manual system (paper based system) with the automated system will optimize the overall performance of the examination administrative body.

  1. Security and sanitation of the examination system

Prior to implementation and coupled with the assurance of security, vices and problems in the system such as malpractice, loss of scripts etc will be minimized or alleviated.




  1. Effective Service Delivery

Errors which could be encountered during script markings, recording and other examination activities would be highly or completely minimized.

  1. 4 Scope and Limitation of Project

This study covered the design and implementation of a computer assisted multiple choice examination administration processing system for computer science department MOUAU as the case study.

  1. Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection through the internet and interview.
  2. Time constraint: The researcher simultaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. This consequently cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

1.5 Definition of Terms

System Concept: A system can be defined as a collection of parts or components which forms a whole, the parts are inter-related with each other and work together to achieve a common goal. In a system exhibits characteristics such as inputs and outputs, boundaries, interfaces and methods of converting the inputs and outputs. An examination can be defined as a system. It uses resources such as the examiner, candidates, questions etc. all interacting to the accomplishment and production of results and grades. In the system are operation such as setting questions, answering questions, marking and grading which needs to be properly managed.

System Boundary: This separates a system from its environments or determines the extent of the separation it therefore shows the scope of activities supported by the system.
System and Sub-System: A system contains smaller systems known as sub-systems which has elements, interaction and objectives and perform tasks related to the overall objectives of the system as a whole. The multiple choice examination system consist of individual operations that are subsystems with each specific operation forming a part of the overall system contributing to its goal.

Input and Output: The basic function of a system is to produce outputs from inputs. This entails that within the system are processes which ensure the conversion by assessments and manipulation by adding value to the input. In the system, subsystems usually produces output which become input in output from one is an input to the next, the trail leading to overall output of the system. for example, the output of the marking subsystem of an examination is used as an input for the result and grading subsystem

Interface: An interface is a connection between a user and the system or the connection at subsystem boundaries. For example, a candidate for an examination gains access to the examination system through the examination paper.

Open and Closed System: An open system operates in a dynamic relationship with its external environment as it receives inputs form it. Transforms them and passes it out in form of output back into the environment. It needs output information in terms of feedback as a basis for control of the input system. In contrast, a closed system does not relate with its environment. They do not operate with/on feedbacks and eventually destroys itself. An examination system is an open system as it works with inputs in terms of questions and answers from the elements outside it and gives output in terms of results and grades back into the elements.

System Feedback:  This is control information used to determine activities of the inputs of the system. It normally comes as output information.

The Computer Aided Testing System (Cats): This is a Computer Assisted Testing System (CATS) which is an option implemented in distance learning programs and courses offered through the university external studies program

Computer Based Test (CBT): Is the use of information technology for any assessment-related activity.

Flowchart: This is the diagrammatic representation of the program components using standard symbols.



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Full Project – Computer assisted multi-choice examination administration and processing system