Project – Investigating the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria (1986-2023)

Project – Investigating the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria (1986-2023)



  • Background to the Study

Investigating the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria from 1986 to 2023 is a multifaceted topic that has garnered significant academic interest. Public expenditure, which includes government spending on infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social services, is often seen as a critical tool for economic development and poverty alleviation. The relationship between public expenditure and poverty reduction is complex and influenced by various factors, including the efficiency of spending, the sectors prioritized, and the overall economic environment. Studies such as those by Fan, Nyange, and Rao (2005) have shown that targeted public spending in rural areas can significantly reduce poverty and improve household welfare. In Nigeria, the effectiveness of public expenditure in achieving these goals has been a subject of debate, with mixed results reported in the literature.

One of the key areas of focus has been the impact of public expenditure on education and healthcare. According to Anyanwu and Erhijakpor (2007), increased government spending on education and healthcare has a positive effect on poverty reduction in African countries, including Nigeria. They argue that investments in these sectors enhance human capital, which in turn boosts productivity and income levels. However, the effectiveness of such spending in Nigeria has been questioned due to issues of corruption, mismanagement, and inefficiencies in the allocation and utilization of funds. For instance, Olomola (2012) highlights that despite substantial public expenditure on education, the quality of education in Nigeria remains low, with significant disparities in access and outcomes.

Infrastructure development is another critical area where public expenditure can influence poverty reduction and household welfare. Adepoju and Salau (2007) emphasize that investments in infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, and water supply, are essential for economic growth and poverty alleviation. Improved infrastructure reduces transaction costs, enhances access to markets, and stimulates economic activities, thereby improving household welfare. In Nigeria, however, the impact of public expenditure on infrastructure has been uneven. While there have been notable improvements in some areas, many rural and underserved regions still lack basic infrastructure, limiting the overall effectiveness of public spending in reducing poverty.

The role of social safety nets and direct poverty alleviation programs has also been examined in the context of Nigeria. Programs such as the National Social Investment Program (NSIP) aim to provide financial assistance and support to the most vulnerable populations. According to a study by Amakom and Iheoma (2014), such programs can have a significant impact on poverty reduction if well-implemented and adequately funded. However, the success of these programs in Nigeria has been hindered by challenges such as inadequate funding, poor targeting, and administrative bottlenecks. As a result, the potential of public expenditure in this area to reduce poverty and improve household welfare has not been fully realized.

The effectiveness of public expenditure in Nigeria is also influenced by broader economic policies and governance issues. For example, fiscal policies, macroeconomic stability, and institutional quality play crucial roles in determining the outcomes of public spending. A study by Okonjo-Iweala and Osafo-Kwaako (2007) highlights that sound economic policies and good governance are essential for maximizing the impact of public expenditure on poverty reduction. In Nigeria, however, issues such as corruption, political instability, and weak institutions have often undermined the effectiveness of public spending. Addressing these challenges is critical for enhancing the role of public expenditure in poverty alleviation.

The literature on the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria from 1986 to 2023 presents a mixed picture. While there is evidence that targeted public spending in areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social safety nets can significantly reduce poverty and improve household welfare, the effectiveness of such spending in Nigeria has been limited by various challenges. These include inefficiencies in fund allocation and utilization, corruption, poor governance, and inadequate funding. To maximize the impact of public expenditure on poverty reduction, it is essential to address these challenges and ensure that public spending is effectively targeted and efficiently managed. Further research is needed to explore innovative approaches and best practices for enhancing the role of public expenditure in poverty alleviation in Nigeria.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The persistent issue of poverty in Nigeria has been a significant concern for policymakers, researchers, and international organizations. Despite various efforts and substantial public expenditure aimed at alleviating poverty, the country continues to grapple with high poverty rates and low household welfare. This paradox raises critical questions about the effectiveness of public spending in achieving its intended outcomes. The period from 1986 to 2023 encompasses various economic reforms, policy shifts, and socio-political changes, making it a crucial timeframe for examining the impact of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria.

One of the primary challenges in addressing poverty in Nigeria is the efficient allocation and utilization of public funds. Over the years, substantial amounts have been allocated to social programs, infrastructure development, and other poverty alleviation initiatives. However, the impact of these expenditures on reducing poverty and improving household welfare remains contentious. There is a need to investigate whether these funds have been effectively channeled towards programs that directly benefit the poor or if they have been mismanaged or diverted, leading to suboptimal outcomes.

Furthermore, the relationship between public expenditure and household welfare is complex and multifaceted. Household welfare encompasses various dimensions, including income, health, education, and overall quality of life. Public spending in sectors such as healthcare, education, and social services is expected to enhance household welfare. However, the extent to which these expenditures translate into tangible improvements for households in Nigeria is not well understood. This necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the specific areas of public spending and their direct and indirect effects on household welfare.

The period from 1986 to 2023 also includes significant economic events such as the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) of the late 1980s, the return to civilian rule in 1999, and various economic diversification efforts. Each of these events has had implications for public expenditure patterns and poverty dynamics. For instance, the SAP led to austerity measures that affected social spending, while the return to democracy saw increased focus on social programs. Understanding how these historical contexts have influenced the effectiveness of public expenditure on poverty and household welfare is crucial for drawing relevant conclusions.

Moreover, regional disparities within Nigeria add another layer of complexity to the problem. Different regions have varying levels of poverty and household welfare, influenced by factors such as resource distribution, governance, and local economic activities. Public expenditure may have differential impacts across these regions, necessitating a disaggregated analysis to capture the nuanced effects. This regional perspective is essential for formulating targeted policies that address the specific needs of different areas within the country.

The problem of poverty and low household welfare in Nigeria, despite significant public expenditure, underscores the need for a thorough investigation into the effectiveness of these expenditures. By examining the period from 1986 to 2023, this study aims to provide insights into the allocation, utilization, and impact of public funds on poverty reduction and household welfare. Such an investigation is vital for informing future policy decisions and ensuring that public spending translates into meaningful improvements in the lives of Nigeria’s poor and vulnerable populations.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine investigating the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria (1986-2023). The specific objectives are:

  1. To analyze the trends in public expenditure in Nigeria from 1986 to 2023 and its relationship with poverty levels.
  2. To assess the impact of public expenditure on key poverty indicators such as income levels, access to basic services, and living standards.
  3. To examine the effectiveness of government programs and policies aimed at poverty reduction and their contribution to household welfare.
  4. To identify the factors influencing the allocation of public funds towards poverty reduction initiatives in Nigeria.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the trends in public expenditure in Nigeria from 1986 to 2023 and how do they correlate with poverty levels?
  2. How does public expenditure impact key poverty indicators such as income levels, access to basic services, and living standards?
  3. How effective are government programs and policies aimed at poverty reduction in Nigeria and how do they contribute to household welfare?
  4. What factors influence the allocation of public funds towards poverty reduction initiatives in Nigeria?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Government programs and policies will not affect poverty reduction

H1: Government programs and policies will affect poverty reduction.

1.6. Significance of the Study

Investigating the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria from 1986 to 2023 is a study of paramount importance, given the country’s socio-economic landscape. Nigeria, being one of the largest economies in Africa, has faced persistent challenges related to poverty and inequality. Understanding how public expenditure influences these issues can provide critical insights into the effectiveness of government policies and programs aimed at improving the living standards of its citizens. This study can help identify which types of public spending—whether on education, healthcare, infrastructure, or social services—have the most significant impact on reducing poverty and enhancing household welfare.

The period from 1986 to 2023 encompasses several significant economic and political changes in Nigeria, including structural adjustment programs, democratic transitions, and various economic reforms. By examining this extended timeframe, the study can capture the long-term effects of public expenditure policies and their evolution over different administrations. This historical perspective is crucial for understanding the continuity and change in policy impacts, providing a comprehensive view of how different strategies have fared over time. It also allows for the assessment of the sustainability and consistency of poverty reduction efforts across different political regimes.

Moreover, this study is significant because it addresses the broader implications of public expenditure on social equity and economic development. By analyzing the relationship between government spending and household welfare, the research can shed light on the mechanisms through which public investments translate into tangible benefits for the population. This understanding is essential for policymakers to design more effective and targeted interventions that can bridge the gap between economic growth and social development. It also highlights the importance of efficient resource allocation and the need for transparency and accountability in public spending.

In addition, the findings of this study can contribute to the global discourse on poverty reduction and social welfare. Nigeria’s experience can offer valuable lessons for other developing countries facing similar challenges. By sharing insights and best practices, the study can foster international collaboration and support for poverty alleviation initiatives. It can also inform the strategies of international organizations and development agencies working in Nigeria and other parts of the world, enhancing the effectiveness of their programs and interventions.

The study’s significance also lies in its potential to influence future research and academic inquiry. By providing a detailed analysis of the impact of public expenditure on poverty and welfare, it can serve as a foundation for further studies exploring related topics. Researchers can build on this work to investigate other factors influencing poverty reduction, such as private sector involvement, foreign aid, and community-based initiatives. The study can also inspire comparative analyses with other countries, enriching the body of knowledge on public expenditure and social development.

Finally, this research is crucial for the Nigerian population, particularly those living in poverty. By identifying the most effective public expenditure strategies, the study can help ensure that government resources are used in ways that genuinely improve the lives of the most vulnerable. It can empower citizens with information about how public funds are being utilized and their impact on household welfare. This knowledge can foster greater civic engagement and advocacy for policies that prioritize poverty reduction and social equity, ultimately contributing to a more just and prosperous society.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines “Investigating the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria (1986-2023)”. The study is limited to the Ministry of Finance.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Investigating: This refers to the systematic and detailed examination or inquiry into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, and applications. In the context of your study, it means thoroughly examining how public expenditure impacts poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria.

Effect: This is the change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. In your study, the effect refers to the outcomes or changes in poverty levels and household welfare that result from public expenditure.

Public Expenditure: This term refers to the spending made by the government of a country on collective needs and wants such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social services. In your study, it specifically pertains to how the Nigerian government allocates and spends its financial resources.

Poverty Reduction: This is the process of improving the quality of life for those who are living in poverty. It involves strategies and policies aimed at decreasing the number of people who live below the poverty line. In your study, it looks at how public expenditure can help lift people out of poverty in Nigeria.

Household: A household consists of all the people who occupy a housing unit. In economic terms, it is the basic unit of analysis in many social, microeconomic, and government models. In your study, it refers to the families or groups of people living together in Nigeria and how their welfare is affected by public expenditure.

Welfare: This term refers to the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group. In the context of your study, household welfare would include various aspects such as income, access to healthcare, education, and overall quality of life. The study aims to understand how public expenditure influences these factors in Nigerian households.

Project – Investigating the effect of public expenditure on poverty reduction and household welfare in Nigeria (1986-2023)