The study examines impact of pastoral integrity in Church administration and growth. The study was based on empirical investigation. The study explored the exegetical study of Titus 2:6-8. The study recommended that Pastors should watch their lives and teachings closely because it will help in building and strengthening their ministry. It also recommended that Ministers of the gospel should be diligent i.e. be serious and committed in their place of called because God who is the owner of his work gives provision to any vision. The study concluded that the matter of integrity in pastoral ministry is necessary for the preaching of the gospel. Ministers are to lead the flock of God with integrity of heart Integrity of a man of God guides him in all he does, set him in God’s presence forever and protect him from the attack of the wicked (θs.2ημ21ν 41μ12). Integrity open great doors for ministry and serves as a man’s security in his personal life and ministry. A man who has integrity walks securely and has nothing to do with crooked ways or paths




Pastoral ministry has lot to do in contributing to the growth of Christian community and the world at large. It is of worth to know that ministers of the gospel are not ordinary people working in ordinary places. They are shoulder with the responsibility of raising men in the complete image of Christ. Pastoral letters are mainly address to pastors with specific instruction to the church, their lives of conduct and their ministry. This is to remind them of their divine calling and their duties in the body of Christ.

Throughout the ages, there are several ministers whose lives and conduct defined pastoral ministry and those whose lives are nothing but a destruction to pastoral ministry. In spite these challenges, the fact still remain that there is integrity in pastoral ministry. This research topic is an exegesis of Titus 2:6-8 with specific interest to integrity in pastoral ministry.

Integrity is one of the top attributes of a great leader. It is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcomes. It connotes a deep commitment to do the right thing for the right reason, regardless of the circumstances. People who live with integrity are incorruptible and incapable of breaking the trust of those who have confided in them. Choosing the right, regardless of the consequence, is the hallmark of integrity. The most damaging sin a leader can commit is to betray the trust of his people. The damage caused by a lack of integrity today is seen everywhere especially in Christendom. Hearing about different issues that are unethical or illegal has sadly become commonplace today among ministers of God.

The lack of integrity that is prevalent in our world today comes with a huge cost. The price to pay is a loss of trust. Trust is absolutely essential in pastoral administration to function effectively. In spite of these challenges, the fact still remains that great is the impact of integrity on pastoral administration.

The word integrity itself is a military word that comes to us from an ancient Roman army tradition. In the ARW, the Roman army inspections of breastplate clearly described the concept of integrity. It was said that during the morning inspections, the inspecting Centurion would come in front of each legionnaire and let the soldier strike with his right fist the armor on the breastplate that covered his heart to test the authenticity of the breastplate if it is sound or not and to know whether it can protect the heart from the sword thrusts and from arrow strikes. Walker further described the Ancient Roman World inspection of the breastplate saying: As the soldier struck his armor, he would shout “integritas” which in Latin means material wholeness, completeness, and entirety.  By these expressions of Walker about integrity in the ARW, integrity refers to the putting on of armor, of building completeness, wholeness in character and on the soundness of the armor.


The misconception of Integrity by people is really a thing of concern especially in the pastoral ministry. often times you would hear people saying “I am a man of integrity” or “I am a man of my word”, but their words often times contradict their deeds. This misconception of integrity makes many people think as if integrity is only by words and not by deeds.

More so, over the years there have been many misconceptions regarding integrity in pastoral ministry such as “do as I say, but don’t do as I do”, that is how I chose to do my own ministry and the likes. Therefore, the problem of this research work is to clearly understand the meaning of integrity in pastoral ministry in the light of the book of Titus 2:6-8 and its relevant to African context.


The significance of this study is to help the pastor and Christians generally to seek and maintain integrity in their lives and work. This to make them cautious of integrity in their day to day life so as to draw a clear differences between those who abuse integrity in pastoral ministry and in Christian living.

More so this research will help in giving clarity to the meaning of integrity, pastoral and ministry to the pastor and to the entire Christendom. The research will also serve as eye opener to some of the important words use in the text. Words like exhort, self-control, good, irreprehensible, evil and the likes will be discussed in the course of this research.


Records show that many research had been done on integrity. However, this research will focus on integrity of a minister of the gospel within the domain of his pastoral ministry. This will take into cognizance documented and observed praxis in ministry.

The limitation of this research is that though, there are other Bible passages that have cursory highlight on pastoral integrity from countless aspects, the work dwells on pastoral Ministry as recorded in Titus 2:6-8. Nevertheless, this will not defer the researcher from employing those passages for the purpose of strengthening understanding of the text.


For proper clarity on the topic of this research, I shall define the following terms digging out their root and meaning.

Integrity: Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions.

Pastor:  A pastor is the leader of a Christian congregation who also gives advice and counsel to people from the community or congregation.