Effect of Security Management in Business Environment in Yaba Local Government Area, Lagos

Effect of Security Management in Business Environment in Yaba Local Government Area, Lagos

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1.1   Background to the Study

Security management is a broad field that encompasses everything from the supervision of security guards at malls and museums to the installation of high-tech security management systems designed to protect an organization’s data. It relates to the physical safety of buildings, people and products, as well as information, network and telecommunications systems protection. Professionals working in security management can range from guards who protect buildings to IT professionals who develop high-tech network systems and software applications (Andrew and Kennedy, 2003).

According to Igbuzor (2011) it demands safety from chronic threats and protection from harmful disruption. Security however, can be described as stability and continuity of livelihood (stable and steady income), predictability of daily life (knowing what to expect), protection from crime (feeling safe), and freedom from psychological harm (safety or protection from emotional stress which results from the assurance or knowing that one is wanted, accepted, loved and protected in one’s community or neighbourhood and by people around. It focuses on emotional and psychological sense of belonging to a social group which can offer one protection). This description structured the concept of security into four dimensions.

However, these dimension can be weaved together to give a composite definition of security as the protection against all forms of harm whether physical, economic or psychological. It is generally argued however that security is not the absence of threats or security issues, but the ability to rise to the challenges posed by these threats with expediency and expertise. Insecurity on the other hand, is the antithesis of security.

However, because of the very many ways in which insecurity affects human life and existence, the concept of insecurity has usually been ascribed different interpretations in association with the various ways which it affects individuals. Some of the common descriptors of insecurity include: want of safety; danger; hazard; uncertainty; want of confidence; doubtful; inadequately guarded or protected; lacking stability; troubled; lack of protection; and unsafe, to mention a few. All of these have been used by different people to define the concept of insecurity. These different descriptors, however, run into a common reference to a state of vunerability to harm and loss of life, property or livelihood.

Elumelu (2004) defined insecurity as the state of fear or anxiety stemming from a concrete or alleged lack of protection. It refers to lack or inadequate freedom from danger. This definition reflects physical insecurity which is the most visible form of insecurity, and it feeds into many other forms of insecurity such as economic security and social security. Two views are of essence to this paper. These are (1) Insecurity as the state of being open or subject to danger or threat of danger, where danger is the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury, and (2) Insecurity as the state of being exposed to risk or anxiety, where anxiety is a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some misfortune. A major point about insecurity implied in these definitions is that those affected by insecurity are not only uncertain or unaware of what would happen but they are also not able to stop it or protect themselves when it happens. It is in this view that we would describe insecurity in this paper as: ˜not knowing, a lack of control, and inability to take defensive action against forces that portend harm or danger to an individual or group, or what make them vunerable’. ˜Vunerability’ is the situation that we do not know and we cannot face or anticipate. It is also something we may know would happen but we are not able to face it (Adeola and Oluyemi, 2012).

Security refers to the situation that exists as a result of the establishment of measures for the protection of persons, information and property against hostile persons, influences and actions. It is the existence of conditions within which people in a society can go about their normal daily activities without any threats to their lives or properties. It embraces all measures designed to protect and safeguard the citizenry and the resources of individuals, groups, businesses and the nation against sabotage or violent occurrence (Igbuzo, 2011).

The concept of insecurity would be best understood by first presenting the concept of security. In the view of Akinade (2012) the art of the security practitioner is to encourage expression and achievement, while making the control mechanism reasonably unburden some to employees visitors, and the public at large so that the organization flourishes without the appearance of constructing security operations.

Apparently, the security situation in Nigeria appears or at least have remained insurmountable and many people have argued that government at all levels has not done enough by not confronting the situation head on and dealing with it decisively, others have argued that the situation has a political undertone or inclination calculated to serve the interest of certain political gods, who have been dissatisfied and disgruntled about the political manifestations in the country (Bello and Oyedele, 2012).

1.2   Statement of the Problem

Nigeria in recent times has witnessed an unprecedented level of insecurity. This has made national security threat to be a major issue for the government and has prompted huge allocation of the national budget to security.

In order to ameliorate the incidence of crime, the federal government has embarked on criminalization of terrorism by passing the Anti-Terrorism Act in 2011, installation of Computer-based Closed Circuit Television cameras (CCTV) in some parts of the country, enhancement of surveillance as well as investigation of criminal related offences, heightening of physical security measures around the country aimed at deterring or disrupting potential attacks, strengthening of security agencies through the provision of security facilities and the development and broadcast of security tips in mass media (Fukuyama, 2004).

The foundations of institutional framework in Nigeria are very shaky and have provoked a deterioration of state governance and democratic accountability, thus, paralyzing the existing set of constraints including the formal and legitimate rules nested in the hierarchy of social order. Evidently, as (Ibrahim and Igbuzor, 2002) observed, the state of insecurity in Nigeria is greatly a function of government failure, or can be linked to government failure. This is manifested by the incapacity of government to deliver public services and to provide for basic needs of the masses. The lack of basic necessities by the people in Nigeria has created a pool of frustrated people who are ignited easily by any event to be violent.

Weak Security system results from inadequate equipment for the security arm of government, both in weaponry and training. This is in addition to poor attitudinal and behavioural disposition of security personnel. In many cases, security personnel assigned to deal with given security situations lack the expertise and equipment to handle the situations in a way to prevent them from occurring. And even when these exist, some personnel get influenced by ethnic, religious or communal sentiment and are easily swallowed by their personal interest to serve their people, rather than the nation (Kennedy, 2003).

1.3   Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of study was to assess the effect of security management in business environment. The objectives of the study were stated as follows:

  1. To ascertain whether security management could influence the socio-cultural and communal value system of the business environment.
  2. To determine whether security management could influence pervasive material inequalities and unfairness in the business environment.
  3. To determine if there is any relationship between security management and Social irresponsibility of Businesses.
  4. To determine if there is any relationship between security management and protection of life and property.

1.4   Research Questions

The following research questions were raised in the study as follows:

  1. To what extent will security management influence the socio-cultural and communal value system of the business environment?
  2. How will security management influence pervasive material inequalities and unfairness in the business environment?
  3. Is there any relationship between security management and Social irresponsibility of Businesses?
  4. Is there any relationship between security management and protection of life and property?

1.5   Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated and tested as follows:

Ho1:   There is no significant relationship between security management and socio-cultural & communal value system of the business environment.

Ho2:    There is no significant relationship between security management and Social irresponsibility of Businesses.

Ho3:   There is no significant relationship between security management and protection of life and property.

1.6   Significance of the Study

This study would be of much benefit to the entire business environment and other educational institutions and industries in Nigeria with regard to developing effective security around the business environment.

The outcome of this study will facilitate good governance, peace and security in Nigeria business environment. The outcome of study will aid effective leadership styles that will promote healthy business environment and security in Nigeria. The outcome of study will aid availability and utilization of natural resources that will promote security protection in Nigeria business environment.

The study will also be of great importance to the public sector in the country and in achieving peace and unity in Nigeria business environment. This study would be of much benefit to the community, religious body, government entire school administrators of secondary schools and other educational institutions and industries in Nigeria.

The study will aid justice for all and peace and security in Nigeria.

The outcome of study will enhance rule of law towards peace and security in Nigeria.

Schools and institution output would also increase since teachers and workers are expected to put in their best, after being motivated, thus promote the profit margin of the organizations and academic excellence in schools.

Furthermore, the whole society will enjoy relative peace as teachers, other workers and employers clash would have been curtailed as a result of the good treatment the former would received from the latter.

1.7   Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will particularly cover the business environment in Yaba local government area of Lagos and focus mainly on the area. This is because the researcher does not have sufficient time and money to conduct a state wide study on all the Local Government area of Lagos State, let alone extending same to other local government areas in Lagos State.

1.8   Operational Definition of Terms

Business environment:  Business environment is the sum total of all external and internal factors that influence a business.

Security: Security is broadly viewed as freedom from danger or threats to an individual or a nation. It is the ability to protect and defect oneself, be it an individual or a nation its cherished values and legitimate interests and the enhancement of wellbeing

Security Management: It relates to the physical safety of buildings, people and products, as well as information, network and telecommunications systems protection.

Peace:  Peace is a condition in which there is no social conflict and individuals and groups are able to meet their needs, aspirations and expectations. Peace in this sense can be explained from the perspective of structural functionalism.

Conflict: This refers to war, revolution or other struggles, which may involve the use of force as in term of armed conflict.

Project Overview

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