Project – The impact of food shortage on the health of childbearing woman

Project – The impact of food shortage on the health of childbearing woman



  • Background to the Study

In the past, food shortage occurred only in specific communities in times of prolonged war or severe droughts and natural disasters. Today hunger and famine are the worst enemies of human population. The c.o.o.r.d.i.n.a.t.o.r of the right to food unit of Food Agricultural Organizations (FAO) a.s.s.e.r.t.e.d that “the right t.o food is the right of every p.e.r.s.o.n to have access to sufficient, nutritionally adequate and culturally acceptable food for an active health life. However, this life can only be achieved when there is food security. Availability and physical food security is important to ensure women’s health.

According to Spaargaren (2008) food availability, accessibility and adequacy are three aspects of food security that are increasingly becoming difficult to achieve by women even for their families especially the low income groups. This is partly because of global environmental changes which have made sustainable food consumption issues more prominent than before. These environmental changes also result in several crises, for example, global economic crisis, global energy crisis, and global food crisis. (John, 2008). Nigeria as a country has just graduated since after independent into her 58s but cannot fend for its needs as pertain to food sufficiency. As far back 1940s, Nigeria was a giant in the global market simply because of her exploitation of the agricultural potential. Men and women of both Northern and Southern Nigeria were into farming on commercial basis. The reason for this massive involvement in the food business was largely because it paid off. The Nigerian government should ensure that avenue were opened for a smooth operation, especially to support exportable cash products from agriculture such as groundnut, cocoa, oil palm, kola nuts and many other items thrive, and the implantation of both government and private entrepreneur’s in Northern, Western and Southern part of the country. The Nigeria government made its budget entirely on revenue derived from agriculture. Citizens enjoyed a higher standard of life generally, as the Naira was competing with the English pounds, (FAO, 2008).

Moyse and Collares (1997) conceived hunger as the basic need for food which, when not fulfilled, reduces the availability of any human being for both the daily and the intellectual activities. However, once that need is fulfilled, all its negative effects cease, without damages.

Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria, adjoining the federal capital territory. Its headquarter are in the town of Lapai on the A124 highway in the west area at 90.03,00”N6.4’00E/9.05000.N, with the population of 110,127 people according to 2006 census, the LGA is conterminous with the Lapai Emirate.

According to West African farmer’s insight (2010), 75% of women in rural Nigeria are food insecure and 52% live under poverty line. Four hundred thousand (400,000) children are facing starvation and need help (FAO, 2008). Food is often available but in the wrong place or at price beyond the reach of the poor especially women of child bearing ages in the country. Food shortage has considerable health impacts on the physical, social and psychological status of individuals.

Pregnancy is an anabolic process and a woman’s normal nutritional requirement increases during pregnancy to meet the needs of the growing baby and the maternal tissues associated with pregnancy. Since the nutritional status of the expectant mother is one of the most important determinants affecting pregnancy outcomes (Ramakrishnan, 2004), good maternal nutrition is important for the health and reproductive performance of women and the health, survival, and development of their children (Mora & Nestel, 2000). The study by Mora & Nestel showed that out of 200 million pregnant women each year, many pregnant women in developing countries suffer from nutritional deficiencies and these nutritional problems affect a woman’s and her newborn infant’s quality of lives. Sufficient nutrition intake during pregnancy has enormous potential for promoting the nutritional status of the mother and her child. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess the impact of food shortage on the health of child bearing women in Lapai local government area of Niger state.

1.2   Statement of Problem

Food consumption patterns of the mother prior to conception during pregnancy and lactation affects the reproductive cycle and health of the new-born infant.

Today, hunger and famine are the worst enemies of human population, as thus, the right to food is the right of every person to have access to sufficient, nutritionally adequate and culturally acceptable food for an active healthy life. The recent increase in number of pregnant mothers suffering from malnutrition is a concern to everyone. The case of malnutrition is so high that about 55~70% of pregnant mothers are suffering from malnutrition. To some people, it is difficult to afford three square meals a day, take varieties of food and some do not know the content of food that they eat every day. They may be eating carbohydrate foods morning and night every day without knowing the consequences especially among pregnant mothers. Malnutrition has caused a lot of problem during pregnancy especially during the first period of pregnancy.

This prompts the researcher to carry out a study on the impact of food shortage on the health of child bearing women in Lapai local government area of Niger state.

 1.3    Purpose of the Study

  1. To investigate the perceptions of child bearing women on the shortage of food.
  2. To investigate the relationship between mothers’ nutritional knowledge and nutritional status of their children.
  3. To investigate the level of child bearing women knowledge on the impact of food shortage on their health status.
  4. To investigate the factors responsible for food shortage.

1.4   Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this work is relevant due to its contribution to existing literature on the impact of food shortage in the health of childbearing women, its relevance lies on its capacity to extend the frontier of knowledge on impact of food shortage in the health of childbearing women. Teachers, lecturers and readers will find the work useful as a reference material.

Practically, the study is intended to enlighten child bearing women in Lapai local government on the current shortage of food crisis and their health status as well as broaden the knowledge of health students and other health workers on the management of food shortage on the health of child bearing women.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

  1. To assess the knowledge of food insecurity among the child bearing women in Lapai local government.
  2. To identify the influencing factors of food insecurity on the study population
  3. To identify the impact of food shortage on the health status of the child bearing women
  4. To create awareness on food shortage on the health of child bearing women in Lapai local government area of Niger state.
    • Research Questions
  5. What are the perceptions of child bearing women on the shortage of food?
  6. What is the relationship between mothers’ nutritional knowledge and health status of their children?
  7. What is the level of the child bearing women knowledge on the impact of food shortage on their health status?
  8. What are the factors responsible for food shortage?

1.7   Basic Assumption & Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study

Ho1 There is no significant relationship between mothers’ nutritional knowledge and health status of their children

Ho2  There is no significant relationship between the level of child bearing women’s’ knowledge and the impact of food shortage on their health status.

Ho3  There is no significant relationship between the perceptions of child bearing women and the shortage of food.

1.8   Delimitations of the study

The research work was conducted in Lapai Local Government area of Niger State. The study is being delimited to child bearing women between the ages of 21 to 49 years, especially pregnant women and nursing mothers. The study is also delimited to General Hospital Lapai Local Government area of Niger State.



1.9   Definition of Terms

FOOD: Food is any substance usually of plant or animal origin, containing carbohydrates, proteins, fat and such supplementary elements as minerals and vitamins that is ingested or otherwise taken into the body and assimilated to provide energy and to promote the growth, repairs and maintenance essentially for life.

HEALTH STATUS: This is a generic term referring to the health (good or poor) of a person, group or population in a particular area, especially when compared to other areas or within national data. It can also be define as the level of health of an individual person, a group, or a population as assessed by that individual or by objective measures.

FOOD SHORTAGE: This is as a result of lack availability of food and when this occur the rate of hunger and malnutrition rise sharply at local, national or global level.

NUTRITION:  Nutrition is the science of food nutrients and other substances, their action, interaction and balance in relation to health and disease and the processes by which the organism ingests, digest, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances.

MALNUTRITION: A term used to refer to any condition in which the body does not receive enough nutrients for proper function

CHILD BEARING WOMEN: This simply means women who are of the age of carrying and being delivered of a child.

FOOD SECURITY: As defined by the FAO, food security, exists when all people at all-time have physical and economical assess to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary need and food preference for an active and healthy life.

BALANCE DIET: Complete meal combination which gives to the body necessary and required nutrients to be healthy


Project – The impact of food shortage on the health of childbearing woman