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This research work is a survey of Factors Responsible for low Enrolment of Student in Chemistry Education in Enugu State. It aims at finding out the various factors responsible for low enrolment of students in chemistry education in colleges of education in Nigeria. Five (5) research questions were raised. Data were collected using questionnaire which were distributed randomly among students and lecturers from two government owned colleges of education and one private college of education in Enugu state. The data collected were analyzed using mean and percentage statistics. 2.5 was adopted as the criterion mean and item whose mean value is less than this value was unaccepted and that beyond this value was accepted. Also a criterion percentage of 50 were established for analyzing teachers’ responds. The findings indicated that the factors responsible for low enrolment in chemistry education in colleges of education in Enugu State are parental influence, peer group influence, Poor background knowledge of students in chemistry and social value attached to chemistry. It was recommended that parents and guardians should not enforce courses on their wards, School guidance and counselor should be made to organize regular career guidance to students, teachers salaries should be paid regularly, parent and guardians should monitor their little ones interest and ability before enrolling into institution of higher learning, only qualified teachers should be employed to teach chemistry in secondary school were the foundation of chemistry is laid, chemistry laboratories should be well equipped, Science education inspector in both state and federal government should pay regular visits to the schools as this will help both the teachers and their students to work harder.





Table of Contents

Title Page ……………………………………………………………………..I

Approval Page ………………………………………………………………..II

Dedication ……………………………………………………………………III

Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………….IV

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………V

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………….VI


Background of the study………………………………………………………..1

Statement of the problem………………………………………………………..6

Purpose of the study …………………………………………………….. ….…..6

Significance of the study ………………………………………………………7

Scope of the study ………………………………………………………………7

Research question………………………………………………………………7


Concept of chemistry education…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….9

Objectives of chemistry education in Nigeria…….…….…….…….…….…10

Factors which lead to low enrolment of students in chemistry education in Nigeria …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….……….12

Summary of literature review ………………………………………….……21


Research design …………………………………………….….….….….….22

Area of the study …………………………………………….….….….….….22

Population of the study ……………………………………………….….….22

Sample and sampling techniques …………………………………….….….23

Instrument for data collection …………………………………………..….23

Validation of the instrument ………………………………………….….….24

Method of data collection ………………………………………………….24

Rate questionnaire returned……………………………………………….24

Method for data analysis ………………………………………………….25



Data presentation and analysis …………………………………………….27



Discussion of findings…………………………………………………36




Limitation of study………………………………………………………42

Suggestion for further studies………………………………………..42

References ………………………………………………..….….….….….…43

Appendix 1 …………………………………………………….….….….….45

Appendix 2 …………………………………………………..….….….….….48




Background to the Study

According to Hornby (2008), science is the knowledge about the structure and behavior of natural and physical world based on facts that can be proved. Science is the study of natural phenomena and is distinguished from other fields because it relies on hypothetical, deductive and experimental approach. Ali (2006), defined science as that which is concerned with nature with regards to developing, acquiring and controlling knowledge, skills, capacity and attitude about natural factors of the environment. According to Madueweisi (2013), Science in its broadest scene refers to all human activities involving organized knowledge of natural phenomena. It also refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. Here, system means using observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena. According to Okon, (2012), Science education has a prime position in the development of any nation. This is because the whole universe revolves around Science. According to Odoh, (2013), science and technology have been seen as the surest way in the promotion of economic development, alleviation or eradication of poverty, and introduction of social welfare in any country. According to Ali (2006) stated that chemistry has been identified as one of the major branches of physical science.

Etesike and Nnamani, (2006) quoting Ukungwu (2003) defined Chemistry as a branch of physical Science that studies the composition, structure, properties and changes which matter undergo. Chemistry is chiefly concerned with atoms and molecules and their interactions and transformations. Okon (2012) asserts that Chemistry is one of the science subjects upon which the bulk of the present technological breakthrough is built. The knowledge of chemistry is found to be essential in production of items like plastics, detergents, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, building materials, chemical solvents, motor vehicles and airplane parts, clothing fibers, cosmetics, drugs, and polythene bags. There are many chemistry related careers such as those in food processing, chemical engineering, biochemistry, forestry, pharmacy and medicine. This fact could explain why the Nigerian government at the National level pegged admission ratio of Science and Art into higher institutions of learning at the ration of 60:40 in favour of science (chemistry inclusive).

The intrinsic values as well as the utility values of Chemistry in all spheres of human activity have necessitated its inclusion in the school curriculum. The teaching and learning of Chemistry at the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) level should be such as to produce competent, effective and efficient teachers, who having acquired the requisite skills should be able to impart same to their pupils.

Madueweisi (2013) opines that Chemistry has been identified to be one of the important subjects needed for the sustenance and transformation of the national economy, and hence should be accorded adequate attention. According to Ezeudu (2012), a good Background knowledge in Chemistry Education will not only make the graduates teachers, Lecturers or Professors in Chemistry but will go a long way to make them self reliant through the acquisition of some basic entrepreneurial skills. The graduates of chemistry can go into soap production, fertilizer production, paint production, production of Germicides , production of perfumes, production of pomades , Herbicides  to mention but  a few. Oriaifo (2002) in Ali (2006) while stressing the importance of chemistry education noted that chemistry equips the learner with specific knowledge skills and attitude which enables him/her become useful to him/herself and the society at large. In Nigeria, chemistry as a subject occupies a prominent position in the nation’s secondary and tertiary curriculum. At the secondary level of education, a credit pass in chemistry is a pre-requisite for students to further their studies in fields like Medicine, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Engineering, Home Economics, Biological Science and other science related fields of Endeavour.

Chemistry do not just start and end in the classroom or school as often perceived, Phenomenon in chemistry are practiced in our day to day lives in and outside the school. Okon (2012), identified some of the home chemistry practices as heating (cooking/warming) of our food, washing our cloths with soap or detergents, addition of limestone when cooking (e.g beans, unripe plantain etc), boiling blended fresh tomato to allow the  liquid to get dried, addition of salt to perishable food stuffs in other to preserve them and boiling and filtering of impure water to make it clean for drinking, the process of putting stainless steel spoon into meat while boiling, separation of kerosene or petrol from water, the process of preparation of pap from grounded maize (corn), spraying insecticides in the house to kill insects, the act of melting ice block into liquid water for the purpose of drinking, preparation of our African delicacy fufu, through cassava, the burning of materials in the presence of air (oxygen), rusting of clean nail when it has been exposed to air and water (chemical change) etc. To mention but these few. This goes to show that principles in chemistry are applied in our day to day activities even in our various homes. These principles are not just applied in our urban areas, even in our local villages chemistry is being practiced. For example, in most villages local soap is made from ashes of burnt plantain peels and used (or bleached) palm oil, quality drinking water has long been a problem in our local villages so most often people in the rural areas use alum to purify there drinking water, virtually all the different cooking practices in the local villages are based on chemistry phenomenon. Also chemistry knowledge,  principles, concepts and facts have also helped in the development of appropriate technologies in military, Food preservation, Building, Petroleum, road Construction, transportation to mention but a few. Also our country that is mostly dependent on oil for its Revenue can boast her economy through the encouragement of chemistry education because a background in chemistry as Organic chemistry  has a lot to say about the various ways which petroleum and it bye products could be utilized.

Contrary to these benefits which could be driven from chemistry education, many evidences have been put forward to illustrate the fact that there is a serious decline in student’s enrolment in chemistry education in colleges of Education in Enugu State in comparison to other science courses. One of these evidences is the data obtained from the admission office of Federal college of Education Eha-amufu on the number of admitted students between 2009-2014 in some selected departments.

Session Biology Integrated science Computer Chemistry
2009-2010 102 175 30 42
2010-2011 100 154 36 18
2011-2012 120 209 45 36
2012-2013 156 270 60 54
2013-2014 170 303 75 58
2014-2015 175 320 90 48

Table 1.1: Students enrolment

Source: admission office FCE Eha- Amufu

From the above sample it can be observed that between 2009-2010 the enrolment in Biology education has increased from 102 to 175 that of Integrated science from 175-320, that of Computer increased from 30 to 90 while that of Chemistry has only increased from 42-48 which shows a very slow increase on the side of chemistry education or could be said to be stagnant over the years. Also from the table it can be observed that unlike other departments, the enrolment have been dwindling over the years for instance from 2009-20011 it decreased from 42 to 18 from 2009 to 2012 it dwindled from 42- 36 and finally between 2013 to 2014 it dwindled from 58 to 48 which shows that instead of increasing like other departments that of chemistry department has been suffering a serious dwindling over the years.

Eze (2010) was of the opinion that the greatest factor that is responsible for low enrolment of students in chemistry education in colleges of education is parental influence. According to Ali (2006) opines that parents attitude help to condition their children attitude. Okon (2012) reported that a child whose parents have positive attitude to chemistry is bound to have positive attitude towards chemistry and students whose parents have negative attitude towards chemistry will also be influenced by their parents attitude. That is to say that parent prefer registering their children to other courses like medicine, engineering, pharmacy, law, mass communication and even if it is education they prefer courses like English language. For instance, in federal college of Education Eha-Amufu, students in other art related courses are far larger in number than those offering chemistry education. Onwuka (2012) listed some factors which account for low enrolment in chemistry education, one of which is students perception of the subject matter of chemistry which they strongly believes that chemistry is so abstract, diverse, calculative, and brain storming. He went further to state that students’ low enrolment in chemistry education should be traced back to secondary schools where the foundations of chemistry education are being laid. He emphasized that in secondary schools we have shortage of chemistry teachers, inadequate or lack supply of laboratory facilities, and absence of laboratory. Still on the factor responsible for low enrolment in various chemistry education Onwuka (2012) opines that gender disparity is one of the greatest factors which affects students enrolment in chemistry education. He went further to state that people perceive chemistry education as being exclusively masculine in nature. He also suggests that another reason to students’ low enrolment in chemistry education is due to poor background knowledge of the students at the secondary level. Still on the factors that account for low enrolment of students in chemistry education, Ugwu (2014) states that peer group has a great deal of influence on students’ choice of chemistry career. He went further to explain that most people enroll in other causes as a result of the kinds of friend they keep who prefer other courses which they regard as being non calculative in nature. He also stated that the most important factor leading to low enrolment of students in chemistry education is social value accorded to chemistry education. Speaking on this, he stated that chemistry teachers are accorded no more value than a peasant trader in the market. There by treating them with scorn. Therefore such negative social values are transcended down to the growing generation there by developing a big negative side towards chemistry education.

From the discussion made so far, it is obvious that the enrolment in chemistry education has consistently been comparatively low. These ugly trends needs urgent attention hence the need to survey the factors responsible for low enrolment of students in chemistry education in colleges of education in Enugu State.

Statement of the Problem:

It has become a common place fact that there is low enrolment in chemistry education in colleges of education in Nigeria. This is something we should worry about because it poses a great effect to the production of adequate chemistry teachers and maintenance of teacher/student ratio in our school system. Madueweisi (2013) on his research report stated that if poor enrolment of students in chemistry educations is allowed to continue, it will reach a stage where no students will enroll in chemistry education in Nigeria colleges of education and consequently, the lack of chemistry teachers in our secondary schools. Could this low enrolment be as a result of parental influence, poor background of students’ knowledge of chemistry at the secondary level, negative perception of chemistry, peer group influence, environmental influence? e.t.c. It is on this atmosphere that this research is being carried out to determine and address the factors that are responsible for low enrolment of students in chemistry education in colleges of Education in Enugu state.


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the various factors that are responsible for low students’ enrolment in chemistry education in colleges of education in Nigeria. Specifically, the study aims at finding out:

  • whether parents influence students enrolment in chemistry education
  • whether peer group influence students enrolment in chemistry education
  • whether students perception of chemistry influence their enrolment in chemistry education
  • If the background knowledge of student in chemistry affect their enrolment in chemistry education
  • If the negative social value attached to chemistry teachers affects students enrolment in chemistry education

Significance of the Study

The study will be very useful to:

  • the students who are still contemplating whether to take chemistry as a career course or not.
  • encourage chemistry teachers to adopt good methods in teaching chemistry
  • guidance counselors and parents in directing their wards towards making a rightful decision of course career
  • encourage the government to supply adequate laboratory materials to Chemistry Department in colleges of education and to secondary schools chemistry laboratories to enable her achieve her educational objectives
  • help in boosting the production of chemistry teachers in our secondary schools.
  • it will improve students’ attitude and perception towards chemistry education.
  • to boost other research effort geared towards making the study of chemistry more effective.


Scope of study:

The research will be limited to the Factors responsible for low enrolment of students in chemistry education in colleges of education in Enugu state using three prominent Colleges of Education in Enugu State They are two government owned and one private owned institution which are Federal College of Education Eha-Amufu, Technical College of education, Enugu, and The College of Education Nsukka. This area of study will be used to predict the factors responsible for low enrolment of students in colleges of education in Enugu State.

 Research Questions:

  • Do parents influence students’ enrolment in chemistry education?
  • Does peer group influence students’ enrolment in chemistry education?
  • Does students’ perception of chemistry education influence students enrolment in chemistry education?
  • How does the background knowledge of student in chemistry affect their enrolment in chemistry education?
  • Does social value attached to chemistry education affect students’ enrolment in chemistry education?

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