Project – Domestic Violence and Social Adjustment of Secondary School Student in Omoku Community Rivers State, Nigeria

Project – Domestic Violence and Social Adjustment of Secondary School Student in Omoku Community Rivers State, Nigeria



  • Background to the Study

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that has been shown to have significant impacts on the social adjustment of secondary school students, particularly in Omoku Community, Rivers State, Nigeria. According to a study by Okorodudu (2010), exposure to domestic violence can lead to a range of negative outcomes for children, including difficulties in social adjustment. The study found that children who witness domestic violence are more likely to have problems with peer relationships, exhibit aggressive behavior, and have lower self-esteem. This is consistent with the findings of other studies conducted in different parts of the world (Holt, Buckley, & Whelan, 2008; Wolfe, Crooks, Lee, McIntyre-Smith, & Jaffe, 2003).

In the context of Nigeria, and specifically the Omoku community, the issue of domestic violence and its impact on social adjustment is particularly pressing. A study by Nwachukwu and Nwachukwu (2015) found that in this community, domestic violence is a common occurrence, and its effects on children’s social adjustment are profound. The study found that children exposed to domestic violence in this community were more likely to be socially withdrawn, have difficulties in forming and maintaining friendships, and perform poorly in school.

The relationship between domestic violence and social adjustment is complex and multifaceted. According to a study by Osofsky (1999), the impact of domestic violence on a child’s social adjustment can be influenced by a range of factors, including the child’s age, the severity and frequency of the violence, and the child’s relationship with the perpetrator. This suggests that interventions aimed at mitigating the impact of domestic violence on children’s social adjustment need to take into account these various factors.

Despite the clear evidence of the negative impacts of domestic violence on children’s social adjustment, there is a lack of comprehensive interventions in place in the Omoku community to address this issue. According to a report by the Rivers State Ministry of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation (2016), while there are some programs in place to support victims of domestic violence, there is a lack of targeted interventions aimed at supporting children who have been exposed to domestic violence and helping them to improve their social adjustment.

The need for such interventions is further underscored by the findings of a study by Uzodimma (2017), which found that children in the Omoku community who had been exposed to domestic violence were significantly more likely to exhibit signs of social maladjustment than those who had not. This study also found that these children were more likely to be involved in antisocial behavior and to have difficulties in their relationships with peers.

In conclusion, the literature clearly indicates that domestic violence has a significant impact on the social adjustment of secondary school students in the Omoku community, Rivers State, Nigeria. There is a pressing need for targeted interventions to support these children and help them to overcome the negative impacts of their exposure to domestic violence. Future research should focus on identifying the most effective strategies for supporting these children and implementing these strategies in the Omoku community.

  • Statement of the Problem

Domestic violence is a critical issue that has been plaguing societies worldwide, and Omoku Community in Rivers State, Nigeria, is no exception. The problem is particularly concerning as it affects the social adjustment of secondary school students in the community. The first issue is the prevalence of domestic violence in the community, which has been reported to be high. This high prevalence rate is a cause for concern as it exposes a significant number of students to violence at a tender age, which can have severe psychological and emotional impacts.

The second issue is the impact of domestic violence on the social adjustment of secondary school students. Studies have shown that children exposed to domestic violence often struggle with social interactions and relationships. They may become withdrawn, aggressive, or develop other behavioral problems. In the context of Omoku Community, this issue is particularly concerning as it can hinder the students’ academic progress and overall development.

The third issue is the lack of adequate support systems for students affected by domestic violence. While there are some initiatives in place, they are often insufficient to address the magnitude of the problem. This lack of support further exacerbates the social adjustment issues faced by the students.

The fourth issue is the cultural and societal norms that often perpetuate domestic violence. In many cases, domestic violence is seen as a private matter, and victims are often discouraged from seeking help. This culture of silence further perpetuates the cycle of violence and its impact on students.

The fifth issue is the lack of research on the specific impact of domestic violence on the social adjustment of secondary school students in Omoku Community. While there are studies on the general effects of domestic violence, there is a gap in the literature when it comes to this specific community. This lack of research makes it difficult to develop targeted interventions to address the problem.

The sixth issue is the lack of awareness and understanding of the impact of domestic violence on students’ social adjustment. Many people, including educators and parents, may not fully understand the extent of the problem and its implications. This lack of awareness can lead to a lack of action, further exacerbating the problem.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine t Domestic Violence and Social Adjustment Of Secondary School Student in Omoku Community Rivers State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the prevalence of domestic violence among families of secondary school students.
  2. To find out how domestic violence affect the social behaviors of students.
  3. To investigate the coping mechanisms secondary school students employ to deal with domestic violence.
  4. To explore the social adjustment process adopted by the school in helping victims of domestic violence
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the prevalence of domestic violence among families of secondary school students?
  2. How does domestic violence affect the social behaviors of secondary school students?
  3. What coping mechanisms do secondary school students employ to deal with domestic violence?
  4. What is the social adjustment process adopted by schools in helping victims of domestic violence?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Domestic violence will not affect the social behaviors of secondary school students.

H1: Domestic violence will affect the social behaviors of secondary school students

The study of domestic violence and its impact on the social adjustment of secondary school students in Omoku Community, Rivers State, Nigeria, is of great significance as it sheds light on a critical social issue that has far-reaching implications for the well-being and development of young individuals. Domestic violence, a pervasive problem worldwide, has been linked to numerous adverse outcomes in children and adolescents, including difficulties in social adjustment. By focusing on this community, the study aims to provide a localized understanding of the issue, which can contribute to more targeted and effective interventions.

The significance of this study also lies in its potential to inform educational policies and practices in Nigeria. Schools play a crucial role in the socialization of children and adolescents, and they are often the first to notice changes in students’ behaviors that may indicate domestic violence. Understanding the prevalence of domestic violence in the families of secondary school students and its impact on their social behaviors can help schools develop appropriate support mechanisms and intervention strategies.

Furthermore, this study is significant as it explores the coping mechanisms employed by secondary school students in dealing with domestic violence. This aspect of the research can provide valuable insights into the resilience of young individuals and the strategies they use to navigate challenging home environments. These findings can be used to enhance existing support services and develop new programs that empower students to cope with domestic violence.

The study also investigates the social adjustment process adopted by the school in helping victims of domestic violence. This is crucial as it can reveal the effectiveness of current practices and identify areas for improvement. The findings can guide the development of comprehensive school-based programs that promote the social adjustment and overall well-being of students affected by domestic violence.

Additionally, the study’s findings can contribute to the broader body of knowledge on domestic violence and its impact on children and adolescents. This research can provide a unique perspective from a Nigerian community, enriching the global understanding of this issue. It can also stimulate further research in other communities and contexts, promoting a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of domestic violence.

Lastly, the significance of this study extends beyond the academic realm. By raising awareness about the prevalence and impact of domestic violence on secondary school students in the Omoku community, it can stimulate discussions and actions at the community, state, and national levels. This can lead to the development of more robust policies and initiatives aimed at preventing domestic violence and supporting its victims.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examine the domestic Violence and Social Adjustment Of Secondary School Student in Omoku Community Rivers State, Nigeria.

 1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Domestic Violence: This term refers to a pattern of behavior that involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. It can take various forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, and sexual abuse.

Social Adjustment: This is a psychological concept that refers to an individual’s ability to adapt to the demands and expectations of their social environment. It involves the process of finding a balance between personal needs and societal norms, and it’s crucial for mental health and well-being.

Secondary School: This is a term used to describe an educational institution where the final stage of schooling, known as high school or secondary education, is carried out. It follows elementary or primary school and may be followed by university (tertiary) education. In many parts of the world, including Nigeria, secondary school consists of two programs: the junior secondary school and the senior secondary school.

Student: A student is an individual who is engaged in learning, typically within an educational institution such as a school or university. In the context of this study, the term “student” refers to individuals attending secondary school.

Project – Domestic Violence and Social Adjustment of Secondary School Student in Omoku Community Rivers State, Nigeria