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1.1. Background to the Study

The administrative planning process in private primary schools has been a subject of interest for many researchers due to its potential impact on teaching and learning outcomes. According to a study by Oduro and MacBeath (2003), the administrative planning process plays a crucial role in shaping the teaching and learning environment. The study found that effective planning processes led to improved teaching methods and better learning outcomes. The researchers emphasized the importance of strategic planning, which includes setting clear objectives, allocating resources efficiently, and monitoring progress regularly.

In a similar vein, a study by Bush and Glover (2014) highlighted the importance of leadership in the administrative planning process. The researchers argued that strong leadership is essential for effective planning and implementation of educational strategies. They found that schools with strong leadership tended to have better teaching and learning outcomes. This study suggests that the role of school leaders in the administrative planning process should not be underestimated.

However, the relationship between administrative planning processes and teaching and learning outcomes is not always straightforward. A study by Hallinger and Heck (2010) found that the impact of administrative planning on learning outcomes could be influenced by various factors, such as the school’s culture and the teachers’ attitudes towards change. This study suggests that for the administrative planning process to be effective, it needs to be tailored to the specific context of each school.

Despite these findings, there is still a lack of consensus on the best practices for administrative planning in private primary schools. A study by Leithwood and Jantzi (2009) argued that more research is needed to identify the most effective planning strategies. The researchers suggested that future studies should focus on the role of teachers in the planning process, as they are the ones who directly interact with the students.

Moreover, the effectiveness of administrative planning processes may also depend on the specific characteristics of private primary schools. A study by Chubb and Moe (1990) found that private schools often have more flexibility in their planning processes compared to public schools. This flexibility can potentially lead to more innovative teaching methods and better learning outcomes. However, the researchers also noted that this flexibility can sometimes lead to inconsistency in teaching practices.

The existing literature suggests that the administrative planning process can have a significant impact on teaching and learning outcomes in private primary schools. However, more research is needed to identify the most effective planning strategies and to understand how these strategies can be adapted to the specific context of each school.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The problem of evaluating the effect of administrative planning processes on teaching and learning outcomes in private primary schools in Nigeria is a complex one. The administrative planning process is a critical aspect of the educational system, and its effectiveness can significantly impact the quality of education provided (Okebukola, 2012). However, there is a lack of comprehensive research on this topic, particularly in the context of private primary schools in Nigeria.

The administrative planning process in private primary schools involves various elements, including curriculum planning, resource allocation, staff recruitment and development, and student assessment (Adeyemi, 2010). These elements are crucial for ensuring effective teaching and learning. However, there is a gap in understanding how these processes are implemented in private primary schools in Nigeria and how they affect teaching and learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the private education sector in Nigeria is rapidly growing, with an increasing number of parents opting for private schools due to perceived higher quality education (Tooley, Dixon, & Olaniyan, 2005). This makes it even more critical to evaluate the administrative planning processes in these schools and their impact on teaching and learning outcomes.

Moreover, there is a need to understand the challenges and barriers that private primary schools in Nigeria face in implementing effective administrative planning processes. These challenges may include inadequate resources, lack of trained staff, and regulatory constraints (Okebukola, 2012). Understanding these challenges can help in developing strategies to improve the administrative planning process and, consequently, teaching and learning outcomes.

Additionally, there is a need for empirical evidence on the relationship between administrative planning processes and teaching and learning outcomes in private primary schools in Nigeria. Most of the existing research is either anecdotal or based on small-scale studies (Adeyemi, 2010). Therefore, there is a need for large-scale, systematic research to provide robust evidence on this issue.


The problem of evaluating the effect of administrative planning processes on teaching and learning outcomes in private primary schools in Nigeria is multifaceted and requires comprehensive research. This research should not only focus on understanding the administrative planning processes and their impact on teaching and learning outcomes but also on identifying the challenges faced by these schools and developing strategies to overcome them.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to the evaluate the effect of Administrative Planning Processes on Teaching and Learning Outcomes in Private Primary Schools in Eti Osa LGA, in Lagos State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the relationship between administrative planning processes and teaching outcomes in private primary schools.
  2. To assess the impact of administrative planning processes on learning outcomes in private primary schools in Nigeria.


  1. To identify the specific administrative planning processes that have the most significant effect on teaching and learning outcomes.
  2. To evaluate the differences in the effect of administrative planning processes on teaching and learning outcomes

 1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are stated below:

  1. What is the relationship between administrative planning processes and teaching outcomes in private primary schools?
  2. How does the administrative planning process impact learning outcomes in private primary schools in Nigeria?
  3. Which specific administrative planning processes have the most significant effect on teaching and learning outcomes?
  4. Are there differences in the effect of administrative planning processes on teaching and learning outcomes? If so, what are these differences?

 1.5. Research Hypothesis

HOAdministrative planning processes has no significant impact on teaching outcomes in private primary schools.

H1Administrative planning processes has 4significant impact on teaching outcomes in private primary schools.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the effect of administrative planning processes on teaching and learning outcomes in private primary schools is multi-faceted and far-reaching. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the role of administrative planning in shaping the teaching and learning environment. Administrative planning encompasses various aspects such as curriculum development, resource allocation, teacher training, and student assessment. These elements are crucial in determining the quality of education provided in private primary schools.

Secondly, the study highlights the correlation between effective administrative planning and improved learning outcomes. A well-structured administrative plan ensures that the curriculum is comprehensive, resources are adequately utilized, teachers are well-trained, and student assessments are conducted effectively. This, in turn, enhances the overall learning experience of students, leading to improved academic performance and holistic development.

Thirdly, the study underscores the need for private primary schools to invest in robust administrative planning. The findings of the study can serve as a guide for private primary schools to refine their administrative processes, thereby enhancing the quality of education they provide. This could lead to increased enrollment, improved reputation, and higher satisfaction among parents and students.


Fourthly, the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on educational administration and planning. It provides empirical evidence on the impact of administrative planning on teaching and learning outcomes, thereby filling a gap in the literature. This could stimulate further research in this area, leading to the development of more effective administrative strategies and practices.

Fifthly, the study has policy implications. The findings could inform policy-making in the education sector, particularly in relation to private primary schools. Policymakers could use the insights gained from the study to formulate policies that promote effective administrative planning in private primary schools, thereby improving the quality of education.

Lastly, the study has social implications. Improved teaching and learning outcomes in private primary schools could lead to better-educated individuals who are more equipped to contribute to society. This could lead to social progress and development. Therefore, the study underscores the importance of administrative planning in shaping not only the educational landscape but also the broader societal context.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study evaluates the effect of Administrative Planning Processes on Teaching and Learning Outcomes in Private Primary Schools in Eti Osa LGA, in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study is restricted to Private Primary Schools in Eti Osa LGA, in Lagos State.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Effect: In the context of this study, ‘effect’ refers to the impact or influence that one event, action, or variable has on another. In this case, it’s the influence that administrative planning processes have on teaching and learning outcomes.
  1. Administrative Planning Process: This refers to the systematic approach that school administrators take to organize and manage the school’s resources, including human resources (teachers, staff), physical resources (school facilities, equipment), and educational resources (curriculum, teaching methods). It involves setting objectives, determining strategies, and implementing plans to achieve these objectives.
  1. Teaching: Teaching is the act of imparting knowledge or instructing someone on how to do something. In the context of a school, it involves educators (teachers) delivering lessons to students, assessing their understanding, and providing feedback to improve their learning.
  1. Learning: Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences. In a school setting, it’s the process by which students absorb, understand, and apply the knowledge and skills taught by their teachers.
  1. Outcomes: In the context of education, outcomes refer to the results or consequences of the teaching and learning process. This could include students’ academic performance, their understanding of the subject matter, their ability to apply what they’ve learned, or their overall development and growth.
  1. Private Primary School: A private primary school is an elementary school that is not funded by the government. Instead, it’s funded by private sources such as tuition fees, donations, or grants. These schools have the autonomy to design their own curriculum and teaching methods, and they often have more flexibility in their administrative planning processes.


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