1.1             Background to the Study

The role of religious and moral education in curbing social vices in schools has been a subject of considerable academic interest. According to a study by Berkowitz and Bier (2005), moral education programs that incorporate religious teachings can significantly reduce instances of bullying, cheating, and other forms of misconduct among students. These programs often emphasize values such as honesty, respect, and responsibility, which are integral to many religious traditions. By instilling these values, schools can create a more positive and respectful environment, thereby reducing the prevalence of social vices.

In addition to promoting positive behavior, religious and moral education can also provide students with a framework for understanding and addressing ethical dilemmas. As Nucci and Narvaez (2008) point out, students who receive moral education are better equipped to navigate complex social situations and make ethical decisions. This is particularly important in today’s diverse and often morally ambiguous world. By providing students with a clear set of moral guidelines, religious education can help them resist peer pressure and avoid engaging in harmful behaviors.

Furthermore, research by Lickona (1991) suggests that religious and moral education can foster a sense of community and belonging among students. When students feel connected to a larger moral and religious community, they are less likely to engage in antisocial behavior. This sense of belonging can also provide students with a support network that can help them cope with personal challenges and resist negative influences. In this way, religious and moral education can contribute to a more cohesive and supportive school environment.

However, the effectiveness of religious and moral education in curbing social vices is not without its critics. Some scholars argue that these programs can be exclusionary and may not be effective for all students. For example, a study by Haydon (2006) found that students from non-religious or different religious backgrounds may feel alienated by religious education programs. This can lead to feelings of resentment and disengagement, which can, in turn, contribute to social vices. Therefore, it is important for schools to implement inclusive and culturally sensitive moral education programs that respect the diverse backgrounds of all students.


Despite these challenges, there is evidence to suggest that well-designed religious and moral education programs can be effective in reducing social vices. A meta-analysis by Leming (2001) found that programs that incorporate both religious and secular moral education components are particularly effective. These programs can provide students with a broad range of moral perspectives and help them develop a more nuanced understanding of ethical issues. By combining religious teachings with secular moral education, schools can create a more inclusive and effective approach to curbing social vices.


Religious and moral education can play a significant role in curbing social vices in schools. By promoting positive values, providing ethical frameworks, and fostering a sense of community, these programs can help create a more respectful and supportive school environment. However, it is important for schools to implement inclusive and culturally sensitive programs that respect the diverse backgrounds of all students. With careful design and implementation, religious and moral education can be a powerful tool in reducing social vices and promoting positive behavior among students.

1.2             Statement of the Problem

The prevalence of social vices such as bullying, substance abuse, and academic dishonesty in schools has become a significant concern for educators, parents, and policymakers. These behaviors not only disrupt the learning environment but also have long-term negative effects on students’ academic and personal development (Smith & Sandhu, 2004). Despite various interventions, the persistence of these issues suggests that current strategies may be insufficient. One potential solution that has garnered attention is the incorporation of religious and moral education into the school curriculum. Proponents argue that such education can instill values and ethical principles that deter students from engaging in harmful behaviors (Lickona, 1991).

Religious and moral education aims to develop students’ character by teaching them about virtues such as honesty, respect, and responsibility. Studies have shown that students who receive this type of education are more likely to exhibit prosocial behaviors and less likely to engage in activities that harm themselves or others (Berkowitz & Bier, 2005). For instance, a study by Nucci and Narvaez (2008) found that moral education programs significantly reduced instances of cheating and bullying in schools. These findings suggest that religious and moral education can play a crucial role in creating a positive school culture.

However, the implementation of religious and moral education in schools is not without its challenges. One major concern is the potential for such programs to conflict with the diverse religious beliefs and cultural values of students and their families (Haynes & Thomas, 2007). Critics argue that promoting a particular set of religious or moral values may alienate students who do not share those beliefs, leading to further division and conflict within the school community. Therefore, it is essential to design these programs in a way that respects and includes diverse perspectives while still promoting universal ethical principles.

Another challenge is the lack of trained educators who are equipped to teach religious and moral education effectively. According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics (2019), many teachers feel unprepared to address moral and ethical issues in the classroom. This gap in teacher training can undermine the effectiveness of religious and moral education programs. To address this issue, professional development opportunities that focus on ethical instruction and culturally responsive teaching practices are necessary (Campbell, 2008).

Despite these challenges, there is evidence to suggest that well-designed religious and moral education programs can have a positive impact on student behavior. For example, a study by Battistich et al. (2004) found that schools with comprehensive character education programs reported lower rates of substance abuse and violence among students. These programs often include components such as community service, ethical discussions, and role-playing activities that help students internalize moral values and apply them in real-life situations.

In conclusion, while the influence of religious and moral education in curbing social vices in schools is promising, it requires careful consideration and implementation. Addressing the challenges of cultural diversity and teacher preparedness is crucial for the success of these programs. Further research is needed to explore the most effective strategies for integrating religious and moral education into the school curriculum in a way that benefits all students. By fostering a culture of ethical behavior and mutual respect, schools can create a safer and more supportive learning environment for everyone.

1.3             Objectives of the Study

This research aims at examining the role of Christian Religious Studies in curbing immoral acts prevalent among the youths in Ebonyi State. Specifically, the study seeks to achieve its aims through the following objectives which are to:

  1. Critically examine the various perceived causes of social vices among the youths in Ebonyi State.
  2. Determine the negative influence of social vices on the lives and development of the youths especially in Ebonyi State.
  3. Critically examine and analyze some of the programmes and activities put in place by Christian Religious Studies in Ebonyi State to checkmate moral crises among the youths.
  4. Critically examine the impact of Christian mothers on the lives of the young ones.

1.4       Significance of the Study

This study is significant in the following ways:

First, moral crisis is a deadly problem in the Nigerian society and efforts are being put in place by governments and different organizations and even international organizations to checkmate the problem of social vices in the society. This research therefore, seeks to contribute to this aspect by taking a survey of what women especially Christian Religious Studies are doing to resolve this moral crisis associated with the youths in Nigerian.

Secondly, it seeks to contribute to the pool of literature that has been generated about the role of women in the society and serve as a resource or reference material to others who may want to undertake further research in this area.

Thirdly, the research is expected to chart a path for the critical appraisal of the central role of women in the society apart from their traditional roles in the family. This is because God created the woman to play multiple roles and imbued her with divine power of transformation.

Finally the study is expected to serve as a source of encouragement to women in the society, as this will enable them to know that their efforts, no matter how little, are not in vain.

1.5       Research Questions

This study attempts to provide answers to the following research questions:

  1. What are the various perceived causes of social vices among the youths in Ebonyi State?
  2. What are the negative influences of social vices on the lives and development of the youths in Ebonyi State?
  3. What are the various programmes of events and activities put in place by Christian Religious Studies in Ebonyi State to curb moral crises among the youths?
  4. What are the roles of Christian Religious Studies in the lives of the youths?

1.6       Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated for this study:

  1. Social vices has no significant influence on the lives and development of the youths in Ebonyi State.
  2. The various perceived causes of social vices in the society have no significant influence on the moral development of the youths.
  3. There are no significant programmes of events and activities being put in place by Christian Religious Studies in Ebonyi State on social vices to curb moral crises among the youths.
  4. Christian Religious Studies have no significant impact on the lives of the young ones.

1.7       Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The problem of social vices cuts across the society, and Ebonyi State is not an exception. This study focuses on the influence of religious and moral education in curbing social vices in schools in Ohaozara LG, Ebonyi State. The research work is limited to Ebonyi State because it is an academic and economic center. This therefore attracts a high concentration of youths and women from different parts of the country who are pursuing various academic and economic programmes and activities. Therefore, the necessary information required for this research could be best gathered from them.

1.8       Basic Assumptions

In this study, the following assumptions were made

  1. It is assumed that the respondents who are Christians will sincerely respond to the questionnaire.
  2. It is assumed that every parent is good; however, some bad parents pretend to be good.
  3. It is assumed that all Christian Religious Studies are Godly and capable of inculcating the right type of attitude in the youths.
  4. It is assumed that since parental negligence is one of the causes of this problem, parental respondents are not free from this problem too.

1.9. Operational Definition of Terms

Christian Religious Studies: This is an academic field that explores Christianity from a variety of perspectives, including its history, beliefs, practices, scriptures, theology, and its impact on society and culture.

Curbing: This term refers to the act of controlling or limiting something, in this case, social vices.

Social vices: This is a term used to describe illegal or antisocial behaviors committed by most young people.

Secondary School: This is an educational institution where students typically study after primary school and before university or college. The age range for secondary school students varies by country, but it generally includes adolescents.

Students: These are individuals who are engaged in learning, typically within an educational institution such as a secondary school. They are the recipients of instruction from teachers or professors.