Project – Socio Economics factor affecting academic performance of student in computer science in senior secondary school

Project – Socio Economics factor affecting academic performance of student in computer science in senior secondary school

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  • Background to the Study

The socio-economic factors affecting the academic performance of students in computer science in senior secondary schools in Nigeria have been a subject of interest for many researchers. According to a study by Adebayo (2013), socio-economic status significantly influences the academic performance of students. The study found that students from high socio-economic backgrounds performed better in computer science than those from low socio-economic backgrounds. This is attributed to the fact that students from high socio-economic backgrounds have access to better learning resources such as computers and internet connectivity, which are essential for studying computer science.

Another study by Ogunlade, Akinola, and Oke (2012) found that the parents’ level of education, which is a key socio-economic factor, significantly affects the performance of students in computer science. The study revealed that students whose parents have a higher level of education tend to perform better in computer science. This is because such parents are likely to understand the importance of education and provide the necessary support to their children. They are also likely to have a better understanding of the subject matter and can assist their children in their studies.

The availability of learning resources is another socio-economic factor that affects the academic performance of students in computer science. According to a study by Okebukola and Jegede (2013), the lack of adequate computer facilities in many Nigerian schools hinders the effective teaching and learning of computer science. The study found that schools in urban areas, which are often associated with higher socio-economic status, have better computer facilities than those in rural areas. This disparity in resource availability contributes to the difference in performance between students in urban and rural schools.

Furthermore, the socio-economic status of a student can affect their motivation to learn. A study by Okoro (2011) found that students from low socio-economic backgrounds often have low motivation to learn, which affects their academic performance. The study suggested that this could be due to the fact that these students face numerous challenges such as poverty and lack of parental support, which can demotivate them.

The socio-economic environment of the school also plays a significant role in the academic performance of students. A study by Ojediran, Oludipe, and Ehindero (2014) found that schools located in socio-economically disadvantaged areas often have poor infrastructure, inadequate learning resources, and low-quality teaching, which negatively affect the academic performance of students.

The socio-economic factors affecting the academic performance of students in computer science in senior secondary schools in Nigeria are multifaceted. They include the socio-economic status of the students, the level of education of the parents, the availability of learning resources, the motivation to learn, and the socio-economic environment of the school. Therefore, addressing these factors is crucial for improving the academic performance of students in computer science.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of socio-economic factors affecting the academic performance of students in computer science in senior secondary schools in Nigeria is a multifaceted issue. The socio-economic status of a student’s family can significantly influence their academic performance (Sirin, 2005). This is because students from low socio-economic backgrounds may lack the necessary resources, such as computers and internet access, which are crucial for studying computer science.

Moreover, socio-economic factors can also affect the quality of education a student receives. Schools in low-income areas may not have the funds to hire qualified computer science teachers or to provide up-to-date computer labs for their students (Adeyemi, 2011). This lack of resources can hinder students’ ability to learn and understand computer science concepts, thus affecting their academic performance.

Furthermore, socio-economic factors can also influence a student’s motivation and attitude towards learning. Students from low-income families may need to work part-time jobs to support their families, leaving them with less time and energy to focus on their studies (Okojie, 2009). This can lead to lower academic performance in computer science.

In addition, socio-economic factors can also affect a student’s access to extra-curricular activities that could enhance their understanding of computer science. For instance, students from wealthier families may have the opportunity to attend computer science camps or workshops, which can provide them with additional learning opportunities (Okojie, 2009).

Lastly, socio-economic factors can also influence a student’s future career aspirations. Students from low-income families may perceive computer science as a field that is out of their reach, due to the high costs associated with obtaining a computer science degree (Adeyemi, 2011). This perception can discourage them from pursuing computer science in senior secondary school, thus affecting their academic performance.

In conclusion, socio-economic factors play a significant role in the academic performance of students in computer science in senior secondary schools in Nigeria. Therefore, it is crucial to address these issues in order to improve the academic performance of these students.

 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Socio Economics factor affecting academic performance of student in computer science in senior secondary school. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To investigate the socio-economic factors that can influence the academic performance of students studying computer science in Nigeria.
  2. To identify the socio-economic factors that have the most significant impact on the academic performance of students.
  3. To understand the relationship between the socio-economic status of a student’s family and their performance in computer science.
  4. To find out strategies that can mitigate the negative effects of socio-economic factors on the academic performance of students in computer science.



  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below

  1. What are the socio-economic factors that can influence the academic performance of students studying computer science in Nigeria?
  2. Which socio-economic factors have the most significant impact on the academic performance of students?
  3. How does the socio-economic status of a student’s family relate to their performance in computer science?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement is buttressed below:

Ho: Socio-economic factors has no significant influence on the academic performance of students studying computer science

H1: Socio-economic factors has significant influence on the academic performance of students studying computer science

 Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the socio-economic factors affecting the academic performance of students in computer science in senior secondary school is manifold.

Firstly, understanding these factors can provide valuable insights into the barriers that students from different socio-economic backgrounds face in their academic journey. This can help educators and policymakers to design interventions that are tailored to the specific needs of these students, thereby promoting equity in education.

Secondly, this study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between socio-economic status and academic performance. While numerous studies have explored this relationship in general, there is a dearth of research focusing specifically on computer science students in senior secondary school. This study can therefore fill this gap in the literature.

Thirdly, the findings of this study can inform the development of strategies to mitigate the negative effects of socio-economic factors on academic performance. For instance, if the study finds that financial constraints are a major barrier to academic success, schools could consider implementing measures such as scholarship programs or subsidized tuition fees to alleviate this burden.

Fourthly, this study can have implications for the broader field of computer science education. By identifying the socio-economic factors that influence academic performance, educators can better understand how to support students in their learning and help them to achieve their full potential.

Fifthly, the study can also have societal implications. By improving the academic performance of students in computer science, we can potentially increase the number of skilled professionals in this field, which is crucial for the technological advancement of our society.

Lastly, the study can serve as a basis for future research. Other researchers can build upon the findings of this study to further explore the complex interplay between socio-economic factors and academic performance, or to investigate similar issues in other educational contexts.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines Socio Economics factor affecting academic performance of student in computer science in senior secondary school. The study is limited to selected Secondary schools in Shomolu, Lagos.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

“Socioeconomics”: This term refers to the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. It analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy.

“Factor”: In this context, a factor refers to a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome. It is an element that plays a part in a particular situation or event.

“Academic”: This term is related to education and scholarship. It refers to the work or study done in schools, colleges, and universities. It also pertains to the skills, knowledge, and abilities acquired through education.

“Performance”: Performance, in an academic context, refers to the accomplishment of a student in terms of grades or marks received in examinations or assignments. It is a measure of the student’s understanding and grasp of the subjects they are studying.

“Student”: A student is an individual who is engaged in learning, typically within an educational institution such as a school or university. They are enrolled in a course of study and are seeking to gain knowledge or skills.

“Computer Science”: This is a field of study that involves the understanding and design of computers and computational processes. It is a science that requires both abstract and concrete thinking, and it includes various sub-disciplines such as algorithms, software engineering, computer architecture, and artificial intelligence.

“Senior Secondary School”: This is a stage of education that follows the junior secondary school. In Nigeria, it typically includes students aged 15 to 18 and covers grades 10 through 12. It is the final stage of secondary education, preparing students for tertiary education or vocational training.

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Project – Socio Economics factor affecting academic performance of student in computer science in senior secondary school