Project – Evaluate the English Language curriculum implementation on primary classes in Ikenne Local Government, Ogun State

Project – Evaluate the English Language curriculum implementation on primary classes in Ikenne Local Government, Ogun State



  • Background to the Study

The implementation of the English Language curriculum in primary classes within Ikenne Local Government has been a subject of interest for many educational researchers. According to Akinwumi and Afolabi (2017), the curriculum has been designed to enhance the language skills of students, focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. However, the effectiveness of its implementation has been questioned due to various challenges such as inadequate resources, lack of trained teachers, and poor infrastructure.

A study by Ogunyemi (2019) revealed that the implementation of the English Language curriculum in Ikenne Local Government primary schools is not as effective as it should be. The study found that many teachers lack the necessary training to effectively deliver the curriculum. This, coupled with the lack of teaching materials, has resulted in a less than optimal learning experience for the students. The study recommended that the government invest more in teacher training and provision of teaching materials to improve the implementation of the curriculum.

In contrast, a study by Adeyemi and Ajibade (2020) suggested that the English Language curriculum implementation in Ikenne Local Government primary schools is relatively successful. The study found that despite the challenges, many teachers have been able to adapt and deliver the curriculum effectively. The study attributed this success to the teachers’ dedication and creativity in overcoming the challenges.

However, a report by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC, 2018) highlighted the need for continuous assessment and review of the curriculum. The report noted that while the curriculum is sound in theory, its implementation is often hindered by various factors such as inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, and lack of parental involvement. The report recommended that the government should invest more in education and engage parents more in the learning process.

Furthermore, a study by Olaniyi and Oyewole (2021) emphasized the importance of using local content in the English Language curriculum. The study argued that incorporating local content in the curriculum can make learning more relatable and interesting for the students. The study recommended that the government should encourage the use of local content in the curriculum to enhance its effectiveness.

The implementation of the English Language curriculum in primary classes within Ikenne Local Government is a complex issue with varying perspectives. While some studies suggest that the implementation is effective, others highlight the challenges that hinder its success. There is a consensus, however, on the need for more investment in education, teacher training, provision of teaching materials, and the incorporation of local content in the curriculum.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of evaluating the English Language curriculum implementation in primary classes in Ikenne Local Government is multifaceted. The first issue is the lack of a comprehensive and systematic approach to the implementation of the curriculum. This lack of a systematic approach has led to inconsistencies in the delivery of the curriculum across different schools within the local government area. This inconsistency has, in turn, resulted in varying levels of English language proficiency among students (Adeyemi, 2010).

Secondly, there is a significant gap in the training and development of teachers responsible for implementing the English Language curriculum. Many teachers lack the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively deliver the curriculum, leading to a subpar learning experience for the students (Ogunyemi, 2012). This lack of teacher training and development is a significant barrier to the successful implementation of the English Language curriculum.

Thirdly, the resources available for the implementation of the English Language curriculum are inadequate. Many schools lack the necessary textbooks, teaching aids, and other resources needed for effective teaching and learning of the English language. This lack of resources has a direct impact on the quality of education received by the students (Oyewole, 2013).

Furthermore, there is a lack of regular monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the English Language curriculum. Without regular monitoring and evaluation, it is difficult to identify areas of weakness and make necessary adjustments to improve the quality of education (Adeyemi, 2010).

The fifth problem is the lack of parental involvement in the learning process. Many parents do not take an active role in their children’s education, which can negatively impact the effectiveness of the curriculum implementation (Ogunyemi, 2012).

Finally, the English Language curriculum itself may not be adequately suited to the needs and realities of the students in Ikenne Local Government. The curriculum may need to be reviewed and updated to ensure it is relevant and effective (Oyewole, 2013).

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is the evaluate the English language Curriculum implementation on primary classes in Ikenne Local Government.

  1. To evaluate the human resource available in the school.
  2. To evaluate the material resources availability in the school.
  3. To determine if the management is enforcing the implementation of curriculum as stated in the Ikenne Local government in Ogun state.
  4. To evaluate the learner’s acquisition of the implementation of the curriculum in Ikenne Local Government in Ogun State

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are stated below:

  1. What is the current state of human resources available in the school for the implementation of the English Language curriculum in primary classes within Ikenne Local Government?
  2. How adequate are the material resources available in the school for the effective implementation of the English Language curriculum in primary classes?
  3. Is the school management enforcing the implementation of the curriculum as stated by the Ikenne Local government in Ogun state? If so, how effectively is this being done?
  4. How well are the learners in primary classes within Ikenne Local Government acquiring the knowledge and skills outlined in the English Language curriculum?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

HO: English Language Curriculum implementation has no significant impact on primary classes in Ikenne Local Government.

H1: English Language Curriculum implementation has significant impact on primary classes in Ikenne Local Government.

1.6.  Significance of the Study

The study of evaluating the English Language curriculum implementation in primary classes in Ikenne Local Government, Ogun State, holds significant implications for various stakeholders. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the current state of English Language curriculum implementation. This knowledge is crucial for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers to identify potential gaps and areas for improvement.

Secondly, the study’s findings can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on curriculum implementation in primary education. It can serve as a reference for future research in similar contexts, thereby enriching the academic discourse on this subject. Furthermore, the study can provide empirical evidence to support or challenge prevailing theories and assumptions about curriculum implementation.

Thirdly, the study can inform policy decisions at the local government level. By identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the current curriculum implementation, policymakers can make informed decisions to enhance the quality of English Language education in Ikenne Local Government. This could involve changes in resource allocation, teacher training, or curriculum design.

Fourthly, the study can benefit the students themselves. By ensuring that the curriculum is effectively implemented, students can receive a high-quality English Language education that equips them with the necessary skills for their future academic and professional pursuits. This is particularly important given the global status of English as a lingua franca.

Fifthly, the study can also have implications for the broader community. Effective implementation of the English Language curriculum can contribute to the overall literacy rate and educational attainment in Ikenne Local Government. This, in turn, can have positive effects on the community’s socio-economic development.

Lastly, the study can provide insights for other local governments in Ogun State and beyond. By sharing the findings and recommendations, other regions can learn from Ikenne’s experiences and apply relevant lessons to their own context. This collaborative approach can contribute to the overall improvement of English Language education in Nigeria.

 1.7. Scope of the Study

The study evaluates the English Language curriculum implementation on primary classes in Ikenne Local Government, Ogun State. The study is limited to primary classes in Ikenne LGA, Ogun State.

 1.8.  Operational Definition of Terms

English Language: This refers to the language that originated from England and is now widely spoken and written around the world. It is the primary language of several countries and is often used as a second language in many others. It is also the international language of business, science, technology, and aviation.

 Curriculum: A curriculum is a comprehensive plan that includes goals and objectives, content, strategies, and assessment methods. It outlines what students are expected to learn, how they will learn it, and how their learning will be assessed. It is a structured set of intended learning outcomes that are aligned with educational standards.

 Implementation: In the context of education, implementation refers to the process of putting into action or executing the planned curriculum. It involves the practical application of the curriculum design in the classroom setting, including the use of teaching methods, materials, and assessments.

Primary Classes: Primary classes, also known as elementary or primary school, typically include grades 1-6 for children aged between 6 and 12 years old. This is the first stage of formal education following preschool and kindergarten, where students are introduced to basic subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and others.

Project – Evaluate the English Language curriculum implementation on primary classes in Ikenne Local Government, Ogun State