Full Project – Solving the problem of unemployment through co-operative societies

Full Project – Solving the problem of unemployment through co-operative societies

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Global unemployment is causing bodies’ sleepless night several government bodies have setup institution that can find solution to the unemployment. Times  these bodies come up with several communiqué that government should control population of Educational system and compulsory services for graduating youth etc. as means of checking unemployment rate

In Africa, particularly Nigeria, unemployment menace has caused the government to come up with employment schemes like National Directorate of Employment (NDE), to provide jobs on its teeming population. However, the government even carried itself reliant programmes so as to impact into its citizenry, the need to develop heir initiative and employ them.


Some state government were not left out in trying to fond solution or its teeming populace. Several employment agencies were setup like voluntary services scheme (VSS) at Anambra state, suffice it to say that soon all the effort of government policies, provisions of human and materials subventions training or man power; employment of expatriates has been able to improve employment rate.

Like a mustard seed, an ideology that marched force with European Industrial Revolution of 18th century, particularly in British, not only survived but also was expected to some parts of the world including Nigeria.

Co-operative call of sell mutual help, integration of resources to the satisfaction of all contributions identified need(s). Besides “No man is an island” a tree cannot make a forest. People from different background pools their resources voluntarily to form their business ventures as to satisfy their expectation. The act of carrying out these activities is called co-operative society.

Therefore in Anambra state, particularly Nnewi North Local Government Area, this research activity is conducted as to know the level or impact of co-operative in reducing unemployment menace.



Taking cognizance of the time and age we are in now, coupled with the volatile native of the Nigeria economy, being an employee in a very risky affair in view of the problem, the Nigerian Government at all levels as well as private individuals have recently realized the relevant of co-operative businesses enterprises as vehicle for economic development of co-operative business organization. This gesture would not doubt help to solve the unemployment problems for owners and create some employment opportunities for others.

However, this enthusiasm notwithstanding, only a few individuals succeeded in the final analysis in setting up their own co-operative business enterprise (Oshagbana 1996:2).

The reason attributed ti this situation include lack of finance or initial capital, lack of access to credit facilities among others. It is a well known fact that in this country, many co-operative business organizations are moribund and only exist in names.

The major reason responsible for this state of affair is the capitalization structure. For instance, in co-operative, both owned capital and loan able funds are found to be insufficient.

Therefore, unless these problems are tackled the emphasis on co-operative may continue to be a mirage. Thus, the dynamic role co-operative business organizations are expected to play in our match to economic greatness and the motivation of entrepreneurs in this direction are being realized at all. This is a great dissonance to our national economy.



The general purpose is to find out how the problem of unemployment could be solved through co-operative societies in Nnewi North L.G.A of Anambra state.

The specific purpose includes

  1. To find out whether or not co-operative societies have enough potentials to generate employment opportunities for the ever growing population of the nation from the point of view of Nnewi North Local Government Area.
  2. To determine the causes of unemployment in the local government area.
  3. To reveal the problems caused by unemployment to the local government area socio economic life.
  4. To study the role played by the co-operative societies in its mandate to tackle the unemployment problem in the local government.
  5. To identify the types of Co-operative so cities that will help solve these problems and menace.
  6. To study the role- played by the government to encourage more individuals to establish more industries and co-operative.



The study covers the operations and working of co-operative societies with respect to solving the problems of unemployment in Nnewi North Local Government Area and also alleviating poverty.


  1. What solution and recommendation are to be used to solve the problem of unemployment through the co-operative.
  2. What type of co-operative societies will help to solve these problems and menace
  3. What are the roles played by the co-operative societies in its mandate to tackle the unemployment in the local government area.
  4. What determines the working capital on the daily income of co-operative businesses organization.
  5. What determine the role played by the government to encourage the establishment of more co-operative in Nnewi North L.G.A?


Ho: Cooperative societies contribute significantly to solving the problem of unemployment.

Hi:   Cooperative societies contribute significantly to solving the problem of unemployment.



The menace “Unemployment” has become a threat to the Nigeria society in general if the findings of this study is anything to go by there would be of immeasurable value of the following:

  1. To the employed, it will be known the working of the co-operative societies in the L.G.A, this will go a long way in assisting them secure unemployment or make them self employed.
  2. To the staff of the co-operative societies this can serve as a mirror which co-operative staff can see their objective, targets, achievement and importantly, people’s perception of them.
  3. To the Federal Government, through this work, the government can use it as a yardstick to measure the effectiveness of co-operative societies. The government can through this work know the workings of co-operatives.
  4. To Nigerians in general, this work can be of immense contributions this unemployment prevalent in Nigeria and the steps taken by the government in curbing the menace.



The problems of finance and due to great extent have some hindrance on the researcher’s ability to collect sufficient information needed for this research work.

Some of this official document could not be provided for the sufficient data as required by the research. For instance the members and staff of the co-operative societies could not give some documents with required regards to their operations.



For the purpose of classification the definition of some terms in this project topic is needed.

PROBLEMS: Is a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand.

UNEMPLOYMENT: The fact of a number of people not having a job or the number of people without a job co-operative: Co-operative is the coming together of different individuals to solve their common problem by undertaking an economic venture. 

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Full Project – Solving the problem of unemployment through co-operative societies