Full Project – Government policies on rural industrialization, impact on Nigeria cooperative development

Full Project – Government policies on rural industrialization, impact on Nigeria cooperative development

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       Cooperative societies are voluntary form of organization in which individuals in a particular track come together to foster a smooth relationship aimed at protecting the interest of their members.  Oguejiofor (2001) defined cooperative society as an association of persons who voluntarily joined together through business organization to achieve their common capital, sharing in the risk and benefits, and members participating actively and democratically.

Cooperative association and movement in the world had been seen as a continued or situation, event or activity and in invention of necessity.  It was born out of the local and economic condition and the industrial situation in Europe.  The industrial revolution in Europe on the eighteenth and all through the nineteenth century culminated in the formation of the cooperative movement.

The rise and the expansion of modern cooperative movement has its roots in the far reaching economics, social and political changes which took places in Europe in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century especially the industrial revolution and the liberation of the peasantry from the feudalistic system.



       In every policy there exist government policies as guiding policy principles or tools for government action to serve as a wide area  e.g. Nipost, Agriculture, Health, Housing, Transport and Services etc.

However, a good government will seek the welfare of its citizens, this explain why such policies are argued out in parliament before they are enacted.  A good government policy is a policy that have achieved a level of good or better life for its citizen.  However, industrialization is the process of introducing a form of philogophical changes where people obtain a different attitude towards their perception of nature and a sociological process ubiquitous rationalization or it is the extensive organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing.  Rural industrialization development usually starts with simple processing of agricultural commodities by hand, later by well fashioned for highly sophisticated equipment mechanized, process out in small firms or in huge plants and factories.



There are so many problem that has hampered rural industrialization in Ahiazu Mbaise such as”

  • Low Level of Technology: In cooperative development in Ahiazu Mbaise as in other local government is still in its infancy, machine are of local technology.
  • Poor Infrastructural Development: Cooperative society in Ahiazu Mbaise has not developed significance to encourage rapid industrialization by infrastructure such as health facilities, roads, electricity, telecommunication, education and postal services.
  • Illiteracy: Most of the rural cooperators are not educated, most of the people in Ahiazu Mbaise are not well educated.
  • Inadequate Capital: The amount of capital required per workers in rural industry is high and this is one of the main reason why they take off into self sustained growth which is a difficult operation as a result of cooperative development in Ahiazu Mbaise still depend much on foreign investment for large industrial establishment.



The broad objective of this study is:

  1. To find out if government policies on rural industrialization have any impact in Nigerian cooperative development
  2. To determine if cooperative have help in the establishment of rural industries.
  3. To find out how the federal government have helped in the development of cooperative throughout the country.
  4. To find out how the services of the rural industries improve industrialization through cooperative development.
  5. To find out how the formation of government policies have helped to achieve industrialization in rural areas.
  6. To find out government policies that favour cooperative in rural industrialization.
  7. To make recommendation based on the findings.



  1. How can the service rendered by industries improve industrialization through cooperative development?
  2. Do you think that government policies have impact on cooperative development through rural industrialization?
  3. Does the formulation of government policies help to achieve industrialization in rural areas?
  4. Do you think that cooperative have helped in the establishment of rural industries?
  5. How can government policies favour cooperative in rural industrialization?
  6. Do you think that government policies on rural industrialization have any impact in the Nigerian cooperative development?



       The finding of this study will be a great benefit to:

  1. The government to rural industrialization on the Nigeria cooperative development.
  2. It will also reveal some factors affecting government policies on rural industrialization.
  3. It will look into various services being offered by rural industries on cooperative development.
  4. Finally, the government should make sure that these policies are very useful to the public and the individual in particular.



       This study will emphasize on the government policies and rural industrialization in Nigeria with particular reference to cooperative development in Ahiazu Mbaise Imo State.  It will also emphasis more fact and government collaboration with cooperative in the development of people in the rural areas.  It also explains productive factors or contribution of cooperative society in the rural areas and how rural dwellers have benefit from cooperative society.



       Research of this standard is limited by problem which hindered the fully completion of the necessary information which required the full detail of cooperative society.  One of the factors that limit the research is finance and also time factor. Inadequate information from the school library and other source made limited this  research.



  1. Government: Which is a body vested with the power and authority for maintaining security, peace and stability by making and enforcing conventional or government is an agency or machine through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and attained.  It is the agency or body to regulate people activity, the society will depreciate to what Hobbes Thomas called the primitive society where life was solitary, poor, waste, british and short.
  2. Policies: A plan of action agreed or chosen to a political party.
  3. Industrialization: This is the process by which raw material input are finished or new product.
  4. Rural Industrialization: This is the process by which the rural areas are industrialized with factors e.g. building of road, manufacturing companies, in the rural areas with the hope of developing the rural areas.


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Full Project – Government policies on rural industrialization, impact on Nigeria cooperative development