The purpose of the study is to find out the Effect of family background in early childhood education in Ikorodu LGA of Lagos State. The literature review was done through reading of textbooks newspapers and journals the method adopted were the questionnaires. The data got from the questionnaires were collected into figures and percentages which are show in tabular from. The responses from the data collected revealed that the socio-economic of the parents, residence and the size of the family affects the academic performance of children. Finally, recommendations to the above effect of home background on children academic performance in Ikorodu LGA are made and some of that include the following. Parents should try as much as possible to give much affection and encouragement to their children in order, which their children would be motivated which could boost their academic performance parents should have the number of children that they can easily cater for early upbringing of a child plays a vital role in (later) education of the child.






  • Background of the study

The impact of family background on early childhood education in Nigeria is a multifaceted issue that has garnered significant attention from researchers. Family background encompasses various factors, including socioeconomic status, parental education levels, and family structure, all of which play crucial roles in shaping a child’s educational outcomes. According to Eamon (2005), children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds tend to have better educational opportunities and outcomes due to access to resources such as books, educational toys, and private tutoring. In Nigeria, where there is a stark contrast between the wealthy and the impoverished, these disparities are even more pronounced, affecting children’s early educational experiences and long-term academic success.

Parental education is another critical factor influencing early childhood education in Nigeria. Research by Okpala, Okpala, and Smith (2001) indicates that parents with higher educational attainment are more likely to value and invest in their children’s education. These parents are better equipped to provide a stimulating home environment that fosters cognitive and language development. In Nigeria, where educational attainment varies widely, children of educated parents often have a head start in their early years, benefiting from enriched learning environments and higher parental expectations. This advantage can lead to better performance in school and a greater likelihood of pursuing higher education.

Family structure also plays a significant role in early childhood education in Nigeria. Studies have shown that children from stable, two-parent households generally perform better academically than those from single-parent or disrupted families (Amato, 2005). In Nigeria, the extended family system can sometimes mitigate the negative effects of single parenthood by providing additional support and resources. However, the increasing prevalence of nuclear families and the challenges of urbanization have strained these traditional support systems, potentially impacting children’s educational outcomes. The presence of supportive family members can provide emotional and financial stability, which is crucial for a child’s early educational development.

Cultural factors and parental involvement are also essential components of family background that influence early childhood education in Nigeria. According to a study by Obidike (2012), Nigerian parents’ involvement in their children’s education varies significantly based on cultural beliefs and practices. In some communities, education is highly valued, and parents actively participate in school activities and support their children’s learning at home. In contrast, other communities may place less emphasis on formal education, particularly for girls, which can limit children’s educational opportunities and outcomes. Parental involvement is crucial for reinforcing the importance of education and providing the necessary support for academic success.

Economic challenges and poverty are pervasive issues that affect early childhood education in Nigeria. According to UNICEF (2017), a significant proportion of Nigerian children live in poverty, which severely limits their access to quality education. Families struggling with economic hardship may prioritize immediate survival needs over educational investments, leading to lower school attendance and higher dropout rates. Additionally, children from impoverished backgrounds often face malnutrition and poor health, which can hinder their cognitive development and academic performance. Addressing these economic disparities is essential for improving early childhood education outcomes in Nigeria.


However, it is rather paradoxical or true that while some children have good performance, others do not have but do poorly in terms of education. When the children are successful, there is no course for concern but when the children are unsuccessful, it gives course for concern. Some countries like Nigeria have been characterized by this kind of lapses.  Much blame has usually been leveled on the school authority as well as teachers attitude towards teaching. In this regard very few people care to think of other factors which might be responsible for pupil’s poor academic performance at school. The factors include usefulness and meaningfulness of materials learnt, mental retardation. Pupil’s age, classroom atmosphere and children home background and so forth. On this account, it is convey of backwardness asser5ted that background of a child affects his educational achievement. In the word of Bumpass (2009) background may be due to individual courses such as poor health, emotional disturbances and mental retardation. Family background of children determines how the child views himself and the way he views others.

The society is a function of these two factors. In other words, the environment of the child at home determines his behaviour as well as how he relates with others. However, the essential factor inherent in a home or family is the socio-economic, cultural and psychological factors. Culturally, the behavioural pattern among families differs from each other. While in some there is a sound cordial understanding or relationship between parents and children. While in some other, because of the cultural sanctions or taboos they observe their seem to be autocratic atmosphere in the home. This therefore influence children behaviour at school as opined by Musgrave (1975) children who have much affection from the parents and guardians tend to perform better in school than those who have less or no affection from their parents emotionally, they may become depressed whish could hinder their academic performance. The socio-economic status of parents is another decisive factor, which could influence pupil’s performance. It is observed that children from well to do (affluent) home in most cases are more exposed and tend to do better than those from less affluent or very poor homes (Innis,  Hartley, Polesel, & Teese, 2000). Since home is the pre-nursery unit and agent of socialization from which the fundamental education of the child begins, the success or failure of any children depends largely on the encouragement by members of the family.



The effect of family background on early childhood education in Nigeria is a multifaceted issue that encompasses various socio-economic, cultural, and educational dimensions. In Nigeria, family background significantly influences a child’s access to quality education, shaping their cognitive and social development from an early age. Families with higher socio-economic status often have the means to provide better educational resources, such as books, educational toys, and access to private schooling, which can give their children a head start in their educational journey. Conversely, children from lower socio-economic backgrounds may face challenges such as inadequate learning materials, lack of access to quality pre-school education, and limited parental involvement in their educational activities.

Cultural factors also play a crucial role in shaping early childhood education in Nigeria. In many Nigerian families, traditional beliefs and practices influence the value placed on education, particularly for girls. In some communities, early childhood education may not be prioritized, and children, especially girls, may be expected to contribute to household chores or family businesses instead of attending school. This cultural backdrop can lead to disparities in educational attainment and perpetuate cycles of poverty and limited opportunities for future generations.

Parental education levels are another critical aspect of family background that affects early childhood education. Parents who have attained higher levels of education are more likely to understand the importance of early childhood education and engage in activities that promote their children’s cognitive and social development. They are also more likely to be involved in their children’s schooling, providing support with homework and fostering a positive attitude towards learning. In contrast, parents with limited educational backgrounds may lack the knowledge or resources to support their children’s early education effectively, leading to gaps in learning and development.

The availability of educational resources within the home environment is also influenced by family background. Families with higher incomes can afford to create a stimulating learning environment with access to books, educational games, and technology that can enhance early childhood education. These resources can help children develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a love for learning from a young age. On the other hand, children from low-income families may grow up in environments with limited educational resources, which can hinder their cognitive development and readiness for formal schooling.

Furthermore, the stability of the family unit can impact early childhood education. Children from stable, supportive family environments are more likely to experience consistent routines, emotional support, and encouragement in their educational pursuits. In contrast, children from unstable family backgrounds, such as those experiencing divorce, domestic violence, or financial instability, may face emotional and psychological challenges that can affect their ability to focus and perform well in school. The stress and trauma associated with such instability can have long-lasting effects on a child’s educational outcomes.

The effect of family background on early childhood education in Nigeria is a complex issue that requires a holistic approach to address. Efforts to improve early childhood education must consider the socio-economic, cultural, and educational contexts of families. Policies and programs aimed at supporting low-income families, promoting gender equality in education, and providing resources for parental education and involvement can help mitigate the disparities caused by family background. By addressing these factors, Nigeria can work towards ensuring that all children, regardless of their family background, have access to quality early childhood education and the opportunity to reach their full potential.


The objectives of the study are;

  1. To ascertain the effect of the family background on pupil academic performance
  2. To ascertain the relationship between family size and academic performance
  3. To ascertain the influence of parental motivation on children’ academic achievement.
  4. To ascertain the influence of parental income on children’ academic achievement

The following have been put forward for testing

H0: there is no effect of the family background on pupil academic performance

H1: there is effect of the family background on pupil academic performance

H0: there is no relationship between family size and academic performance

H1: there is relationship between family size and academic performance


The role of education in any society is very vital and a systematic study into pupil’s performance will be of immense use to educational planners, teachers, government officials and any other agency or persons that are interested in the progress of the children. The study is interested in carried out to enable parents acquire the basic knowledge which will help in the laying of good foundation for their children there by having good academic performance. This fact has risen because the home has the pre-nursery unit of socialization. Through this study, parents may identify the problems of poor home background and learn ways which will enhance good academic performance of their children. To the educational planners, the study will help them to know that individual differences arise from different home background in educational planning and administration. To guidance and counselling officer in the school, the knowledge of home background will enable him advise his children appropriately.


The scope of the study covers the Effect of family background in early childhood education in Ikorodu, Lagos State. The study focusses on the parents of pre-nursery school children in Ikorodu LGA. The researcher encounters some constrain which limited the scope of the study;

  1. a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
  2. b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
  3. c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities.


Home: This could be seen as a place where one lives especially with one’s family.

Family: This is a group of people who are related to each other, especially father, mother and children.

Background: The traits of one’s family it can also be seen as the family way of life.

Performance: To carry out something better improve in ones study.


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study