Project – Examination card validation and generation system using qrcode

Project – Examination card validation and generation system using qrcode


The purpose of the Exam Card Generation and Validation System using QR code is to streamline and automate the process of generating and validating exam cards in educational institutions. This system utilizes QR codes, which are two-dimensional barcodes that can be easily scanned using a smartphone or a dedicated QR code reader.





A Quick Response code popularly known as QR code is a type of matrix barcode invented in 1994 by Japanese company Denso Wave ( It is used for digital payment, digital showroom, sharing product information, tracing products, authentication and verifying information.

An examination card generation and validation system using QR code is a technology-based solution for conducting exams efficiently and securely. The system involves generating unique QR codes for each examination card, storing them along with relevant information, and using a QR code scanner to validate the examination cards during the exam. The validated information is then used to record attendance and generate reports on examination results (Emmanuel A. et al, 2020). This system provides a convenient and reliable method for managing exams and ensuring the accuracy of examination results.

The use and administration of examinations card is a common means of identifying any student of any department, faculty etc. However, what is obtainable in a typical tertiary institution is peculiar. It is peculiar in the sense that most times, huge number of diverse nationalities, ethnics and races are involved. In most tertiary institutions in Nigeria, examination cards given to student are without either means of authentication or verification. With the advent and access to innovative technology, such examination cards are susceptible to cloning by persons who may be desperate to be a student of particular department, or have ulterior plans (Mustapha Abubakar, 2020). Therefore, there is a need for a mobile and accessible exams card authentication system as solution to both physical security and certain administrative duties that demand examination card authentication and verification. This work proposes an embedded QR-code on examination card to be given to students and introduction of Smartphone App which will be used to authenticate and verify the QR-codes on these cards. Since there’s proliferation of mobile phone users in recent time, coupled with the fact that smart phone prices are now affordable, it is assumed that the potential users of the proposed system presented in. This research would have been used to the operation of smart phone. Thus, the proposed system will be accessible to these intending users at no additional cost and less training. This research presents an examination card automation system utilizes smart phone for reading and recognizing of QR-code embedded within the card using the in-built camera function of smart phones in an offline and real-time basis. Being an offline system, the proposed system isn’t hooked in to the supply of network connection for its deployment unlike other existing systems. Therefore, making it deployable anywhere, anytime, even in remote areas where there aren’t any networks.


1.2.1     Theoretical Background of QR-code

Quick Response codes or in brief QR-codes, are two dimensional (2D) matrix barcodes that are scanned using web capable smart mobile phones having camera, with QR Reader put in as default application, allows one to access some pre-written content such as a web site address, email address, details of things within the catalogue, phone numbers etc (Hui et al., 2014; Shettar, 2020).QR-code is a reasonably 2-D zymology developed by Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave in1994 with the first aim of being a symbol that is easily decoded by scanner instrumentation at high speed with additional knowledge content than conventional barcodes. Conventional Universal Product Code contains decoded data in one direction i.e. vertically into bars and house in between; whereas QR-code contains decoded data in each of the directions i.e. vertical and horizontal direction. QR-code is capable of holding additional volume of data than barcode, which is even an entire bunch of times as abundant data (Ahmed & Jang, 2017; Haque & Dybowski, 2014; Shettar, 2020).

1.2.2    How QR-codes works

(Bajpai & Agrawal, 2013; Shettar, 2020; Ump, n.d.) Data may be encoded into a QR-code by QR-code generator (Some of QR-code Generators available online are listed in later part). Information may be easily encoded in to QR-codes by using any freely available QR-code generators, enter the data to be encoded in to the sphere provided by generators. QR-code generators may ask you to enter data to several Data Fields available, depending on what data you’re encoding. Once all the data fields are filled out with necessary data in correct format, QR-code generator can publish the QR-code for the information, which is in a position to be within the main image format (JPEG, BMP, and PNG etc.). This could be used directly on internet or mails in e-

format or may be revealed in Print format. It’s additionally

attainable to disarrange the color and even attainable to feature image in to QR-codes to provide creative embellishment.

Figure 1.0 Showing A Sample of QR Code

The background of the study for the examination card generation and validation system using QR code is centered around the need for efficient and secure examination management systems in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic. With the increasing number of students and exams, manual methods of keeping track of examination attendance and results have become increasingly cumbersome and prone to errors. To address these challenges, the use of technology-based solutions has become increasingly popular.

The QR code technology provides a unique and secure means of identifying and tracking examination cards, and has been widely used in various applications. By generating unique QR codes for each examination card, the examination card generation and validation system using QR code eliminates the risk of duplication and ensures the authenticity of the examination card. The QR code scanner can then be used to validate the examination card and record attendance during the exam, providing a reliable and efficient method for examination management.

The development of this system aims to address the challenges faced by educational institutions in managing exams, and to provide a technology-based solution that is both efficient and secure. The implementation of this system is expected to significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of examination management, and to provide a valuable tool for educational institutions in ensuring the integrity of examination results.


The statement of the problem for the examination card generation and validation system using QR code is centered around the inefficiencies and security concerns associated with traditional methods of examination management in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic. The following are some of the key problems addressed by this system:

  1. Inaccurate attendance tracking: Traditional methods of keeping track of examination attendance, such as manual roll calls or paper-based examination cards, are prone to errors and inconsistencies.
  2. Risk of cheating: The use of paper-based examination cards only creates opportunities for cheating, as students can easily obtain or forge examination cards.
  3. Lack of security: Traditional methods of examination management lack sufficient security measures to ensure the authenticity of examination cards and prevent cheating.
  4. Inefficient examination management: The manual methods of examination management are inefficient and can result in long lines, delays, and other disruptions during generation, stamping and validation of the exam cards.

By addressing these problems, the examination card generation and validation system using QR code aims to provide a more efficient, secure, and accurate method of examination management.


The aim and objectives of the study for the examination card generation and validation system using QR code are as follows:

  1. To develop a technology-based system for generating and validating examination cards using QR code.
  2. To eliminate the risk of errors and inconsistencies associated with traditional methods of examination attendance tracking.
  3. To prevent cheating and ensure the authenticity of examination cards by using unique QR codes.
  4. To provide a secure and efficient method of examination management that reduces the time and resources required for conducting exams.
  5. To ensure the accuracy and consistency of examination results by automating the calculation of scores and grades.
  6. To provide a tool for educational institutions to improve the efficiency and security of examination management.
  7. To evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the examination card generation and validation system on examination management processes.

Overall, the aim of this study is to develop a technology-based solution that significantly improves the efficiency and security of examination management in educational institutions. The objectives of the study are to identify and address the challenges associated with traditional methods of examination management, and to provide a reliable and efficient alternative.


The examination card generation and validation system using QR code is a justifiable study for several reasons:

  1. Improving examination management: The implementation of this system is expected to significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of examination management in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, reducing the time and resources required to conduct exams.
  2. Enhancing security: By using unique QR codes, the examination card generation and validation system provides a secure and reliable method of identifying and tracking examination cards, reducing the risk of cheating and ensuring the authenticity of examination results.
  3. Reducing errors: The automation of examination card generation and tracking is expected to reduce errors and inconsistencies associated with traditional methods of examination management.
  4. Enhancing student experience: By reducing lines and delays during exams, the examination card generation and validation system using QR code provides a more convenient and streamlined experience for students.
  5. Keeping up with technology: With the increasing use of technology in various aspects of education, the examination card generation and validation system using QR code provides a timely and relevant solution for examination management.
  6. Meeting the needs of Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic: With the growing number of students and exams, the examination card generation and validation system provides a valuable tool for Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic in ensuring the efficiency and security of examination management.

Overall, the examination card generation and validation system using QR code is a justifiable study that addresses the challenges faced by Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic in managing exams, and provides a technology-based solution that improves the efficiency, security, and accuracy of examination management.


The scope of the study for the examination card generation and validation system using QR code includes the following:

  1. Development of an examination card generation system using QR code technology.
  2. Implementation of a validation system that uses QR code scanning to track examination attendance and ensure the authenticity of examination cards.
  3. Automation of examination card generation to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  4. Integration of the system with existing examination management software or systems used by educational institutions.
  5. Evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of the examination card generation and validation system on examination management processes.

The limitations of the study include:

  1. The system is limited to the use of QR code technology and is not compatible with other types of barcode or RFID technology.
  2. The system is limited to Hassan Usman Katsina, and may not be suitable for other educational institutions.
  3. The system is limited to computer-based generation, and may not be applicable for written examination card generation.
  4. The system may not be able to accommodate institutions with poor internet connectivity.
  5. The system is limited to the generation of examination card and validation, it does not include other activities like invigilation and marking.

Overall, the examination card generation and validation system using QR code has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and security of examination management in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, but its scope and effectiveness may be limited by certain factors such as the use of QR code technology and the specific needs of individual institutions.

Project – Examination card validation and generation system using qrcode