Project – Design and implementation of a billing system for restaurants – case study of restaurants

Project – Design and implementation of a billing system for restaurants – case study of restaurants



The Restaurant Billing System is an application that facilitates the process of generating a bill for meals or other services provided by a restaurant. This is to help with the tedious work that comes with manually generating a bill with pen and paper which becomes tiring and time consuming. When generating a bill manually it may encompass some human errors like adding wrong items, summing up the wrong figures to mention just a few and it may tarnish the image of the restaurant before the customer. Ideally, the user should be able to create a bill without mistakes and quickly too allowing them to enhance their process. In order to overcome this problem, a billing system was created using Python Programming language. This Restaurant billing system is very convenient to small scale businesses or restaurants or café or food trucks. This project has a menu list with the prices of meals available to be selected by the user and the prices are added according to the quantity of items picked. This project primarily deals with customer’s payment information in relation with to their specific meal orders and amounts. This system also enables users to choose which food and drink items to calculate and how much of them to input. However, this product only includes an Admin Panel. The system user must choose a specific food or drink item, input an amount, and the app will calculate the total cost. The system also calculates the final bill amount. Also produced by the system is a payment receipt with a reference number. Last but not least, for a better user experience when using this Python restaurant billing system project, a clear and straightforward GUI is provided with straightforward color schemes. Tkinter is on board as the primary GUI library for its UI elements. Introducing a new restaurant/cafe billing system in Python that has a user interface with all the necessary features to follow up on and a helpful learning resource.


A restaurant is a place of business that prepares and serves food and beverages to patrons in return for payment, which may be made upfront, at the conclusion of the meal, or on an open account. Meals are typically prepared, presented, and consumed on site. In terms of appearance and menu options, restaurants come in a broad range of prices, cuisines, and service philosophies, from low-cost fast food joints to pricy luxury eateries.

Recent years have seen a growth in the restaurant industry. Many restaurants in Makurdi are prospering by giving their patrons high-quality service. It must manage a lot of data about its customers and workers, all of which are stored manually and physically in a drawer or a room. Due to this situation, reliable data may take a while when required and in time is not possible.


The main objective of this software is a computerized working environment. This system is made on the assumption that the organization is fully requires manual work for any task. This project will serve the following objectives:

  • To add and maintain records of available menu.
  • To add and maintain description of new menu.
  • To provide view of transaction to the owner.
  • To provide a convenient solution of billing pattern.
  • To make an easy to use environment for users.
  • Easy to use system.

The billing process is done manually by manpower. It results in delayed time for the consumer and to the organization while the bill is being processed. So, there is a room for improvement here. A certain computer-based billing system could aid the organization to utilize its resources better. Computerized Billing System provide capabilities for entering client, employee and payment information, building a record and managing other related data needs in the organization. The currently used system contains the following problems which are listed be-low:

  • Inability of modification of data
  • Manual operator control
  • Lots of paperwork
  • Difficult to record information systematically
  • Difficult to retrieve information in time
  • Wastage of paper

Based on the given problems, management of the information and billing process can be more efficient with the help of RBS.


Restaurant Billing System is a computer-based billing system with user friendly interface which automatically manages the billing process of the customer very easily taking only a short period of time. The system can large amount of data and also generates bill for the customer. Billing history, reservation information and staff information can also be obtained with the use of RBS. It is an automated desktop-based software which has a simple design and very easy to use also. This project’s main focus is on proper management of information regarding the staffs, billing and reservation records. It is also specialized in automatically processing the customer bills and discounts. The proposed system either does not require paper work or very few paper works are required. All the data is fetched into the computer immediately and various bills can be generated through computers. Since all the data is kept in a database, no data of the organization can be destroyed. Moreover, works become very easy because there is no need to keep data on papers.


The software has a lot of features and advantages over the paper-based billing system. It has the following scopes:

  • This project will help the employee in fast billing.
  • The project will enable to see free reservation available.
  • Quality and faster service can be given to the customers.
  • Easy to maintain in future prospect.

The limitations of this system are as follows:

  • It is a desktop-based software. A wider reach of customers cannot be obtained.
  • Insufficient time for development.
  • Need further more improvements for high class restaurants.
  • Employees/staffs should be trained at first to use this system.


Various tools have been used to develop this software. They are listed below:

  • Programming language used: Python
  • IDE used: Pycharm IDE 3.9
  • System used: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit or above.
  • Microsoft Word 2016 for documentation.



The following are the non-functional requirements of RBS:

  • Consistency– This system provides consistent user interface design to the user. The designs of the screen are up to standard and consistent, which makes for easy user manipulation.
  • Convenience – The system gives convenience to the user to perform different activities like making order, menu managing, staff management, etc.
  • Usability – The RBS software is ready to use system. The users will feel easy to use the system without much technical expertise.
  • Reliability – The restaurant billing system provides effective method to maintain the back-end of the system. All the orders are managed by this system effectively.
  • Scalability – It has the capacity to handle a growing amount of work and its • potential to be enlarged in order to accommodate that growth.


A functional requirement defines a function of a system and its components. This subsection presents the identified functional requirements for RBS which are listed below.

  • Make order –The staffs can record orders by simply selecting the cate-gory and type of the item or meal. The order will be added to database.
  • Billing – The orders made can be billed as well. The staffs as well as the admin can make bills of the orders made by the customers easily.

Project – Design and implementation of a billing system for restaurants – case study of restaurants