Full Project – Student e-voting registration system

Full Project – Student e-voting registration system

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1.1       Background of the Study

The field of information technology has improved tremendously in the past decade with the invention of all kinds of new technologies for example e-commerce, e-learning, e-business, and e- registration to mention a few.

Voting is fundamental in our modern societies. In line with this, mobile applications are being developed and deployed on smart phones to make the voting process much more simple and effective. It is a matter of fact that these applications have raised our standard of living whereby people can rule the whole world at their fingertips‟-voting systems have been introduced to enhance several features of the electoral process (IDEA, 2015). It is generally perceived as a medium for promoting democracy, establishing belief in electoral management, adding integrity to election outcomes and improving the overall efficiency of the electoral process (Ofori, 2011). It is a fact that, with proper implementation, online voting system can get rid of several frauds, pace up the preparing of results and make voting more appropriate for the public.

However, if not precisely devised and outlined, online voting may ruin the trust in the entire electoral process (Ofori, 2011 and Ambler, 1998). This research work investigates the design of an online voting system that can be used at university level to proceed with their annual election. This system will be an altogether paperless one since it will eliminate all the manual tasks. Students can access the application on their mobile phone, wherever and whenever they desire and choose their student bodies provided they have internet connection. Students will no longer have to wait for long hours to obtain the result since the system will provide real time results.

In modern society almost everything is tending to make things in the democratic way, giving everyone a chance to make their own decisions. One of the most important processes in every democratic country is selecting a new president or the government representatives. For now, a lot of people think that this process is defrauded and the results are simply manipulated by others. This is a fear of everyone and they probably think that their vote will not change anything. This process makes people to gather in a public place and deposit their vote in the urn, and after the voting all votes are going to be counted and the result published. With the fast and strong evolution of computer science and technology, people propose new alternatives to the traditional voting process based on computers and the internet.

There is a big discussion about the most secure, faster and better way to implement them, but not only the implementation problem is holding this process, also there is a human indecision. A lot of them think that this method is not secure or it will be even worse than the traditional one, as it happened with bank accounts and internet payments, not everyone can use and trust them. Probably they can be right, because of the hundreds hacking attacks on bank systems proving that they have vulnerabilities. For this purpose we want to implement an electronic voting process based on the hemimorphic property to show that this process is easy and can be a lot more secure than the traditional one.


In a true democracy, elections are the basis for the nation to function healthily. As the elections are hold frequently, the costs of voting are increasing geometrically. In order to save human resource and time, the current trend is using information technology on elections. Recent years the issues of combining voting with information technology have developed into two directions. The former one is electronic voting (E-voting), which is voting on the particular machine in the fixed position; the latter is internet voting (I-voting), which is voting on the internet without limiting people in the polling station but needs higher level of security. Over the years, the scholars are addressed their concept of e-voting, they integrated information technology to satisfy the characteristic of election such as uniqueness, accuracy, completeness, verifiability, auditability, privacy, and uncoercibility. But most of these researches focused on designing encryption algorithm, a usable and applicable implementation is rarely.

In this project work, I’m going to design and implement a feasible system with contactless IC card for identification. Reason been that contactless IC card can be recycled, also, this feature can be used for effective long term cost reduction. With information technology, we can simplify the traditional electoral procedures and saving the cost of human resource and time. In addition, the touchscreen panel is used as the input interface with easy accessibility, and it can decrease the learning difficulty when the voters are instructed on how to use the new system.

1.2       Statement of Problems

The following are the problems inherent with the manual system.

  1. Insufficient utilities in handling student’s registration.
  2. Inability of students to remotely register and access their registration number immediately.
  3. Students spend too much time in processing their registration and worse, this can only be done with their physical presence on campus.
  4. Difficulty faced by students in retrieving their lost receipt from bursary.
  5. Inconveniences faced by students queuing to pay school fees and collect registration
  6. Wear and tear that occurs during retrieval and manual handling of files, sometimes data get lost as a result.
  7. Increase of paper work in the bursary department and course form registration center.

1.3       Aim and Objectives

The aim of the research work is develop an E-Voting system that will be used to capture student votes in the institutions during students’ election. This aim can be achieved with the following objectives;

  1. To develop an electronic voting system for student election in the institution
  2. The system should be able to collect the detailed record of students.
  3. The system should be able to store every information properly
  4. The system should be able to perform transaction processes for the payment of fees by students and generation of receipts.
  5. The system interface should be user friendly

1.4       Significance of the Study

This project work “An e-voting system for election in MOUAU will be of great significance to tertiary institutions in the sense that it will help in overcoming the problems of manual operations. Such problems includes; difficulty experienced in updating a record in a file, difficulty faced by students in retrieving their lost receipt from bursary, and inability of students to remotely register and access documents like school fees receipt.

This institution will make use of the software to access their student’s record majorly for voting. The institution will through the knowledge gained in this research work discover the need to fully adopt this new system. The students also will greatly benefit from this project as it will enable them to have a new experience of registration when the system is finally adopted.it will also make them to embrace any policy strategy and innovational steps taken by the institution to enhance the quality of education in school.

1.5       Scope and Limitation of the Study

1.5.1    Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the development of e-registration system for Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. It shall include programs which will contain detailed information of the students from the date of enrollment up to the graduating date including the students’ information and procedures required by the students during registration.

1.5.2    Limitation of the Study

The limitation here speaks that the research work will only cover student in MOUAU and the electronic platform is only meant for voting. The act of carrying out a project work such as this was not an easy task. Several challenges were encountered by the researcher but efforts were made to ensure that they were overcome and that the objectives of the study were realized.

  1. Unavailability of data and inadequate resource materials for researcher in this part of the country.
  2. Time constraint was another issue the researcher has to battle with as a stipulated time was given for the accomplishment of this task.
  3. The problem of financial constraint was also an issue of great concern. The meager income available to me had to be managed to realize this work.
  4. The problem of interrupted power supply also affected my fastness in the design of my work.

In spite of these challenges the objectives of this study was realized as the researcher made judicious use of what was available.

1.6       Definition of Terms

Electronic Registration: The creation and use of an online registration form, electronic registration form, online registration process, online registration template or digital registration form completed by an individual, group or organization to apply to register for an agency, funding, newsletter, school, college, university, service or other types of necessary and vital services and purposes.

Student: A student is a learner or someone who attends an educational institution. those attending university are termed “students” while “pupil” refers to an attendee of a lower educational institute.

Voting: Voting is a method for a group, such as, a meeting or an electorate to make a decision or express an opinion, usually following discussions, debates or election campaigns. Democracies elect holders of high office by voting. Residents of a place represented by an elected official are called “constituents”, and those constituents who cast a ballot for their chosen candidate are called “voters”.



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Full Project – Student e-voting registration system