Full Project – Motion detection security system (MDSS) in live video stream

Full Project – Motion detection security system (MDSS) in live video stream

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As early as 1965, police forces of many countries around the globe implemented the use of surveillance cameras in public areas. The simple Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring embarks the beginning of surveillance in videos. By the time videocassette recorders were available, the world was conversant with the concept of video surveillance (Ansari et. al., 2008).

If you consider video in the simplest of terms, video surveillance began with simple closed circuit television monitoring (CCTV). As early as 1965, there were press reports in various countries across the world suggesting police use of surveillance cameras in public places. When video cassette recorders hit the market, video surveillance became really popular. Analog technology using taped video-cassette recordings meant surveillance could be preserved on tape as evidence. A complete analog video-surveillance system consisted of a camera, monitor, and VCR. The old tube camera was only useful in daylight, and the VCR could only store eight hours of footage at best. The drawback was that after a while, owners and employees of such a system would become complacent and not change the tapes daily or the tapes would wear out after months of being re-used. There was also the problem of recording at night or in low light. While the concept was good, the technology hadn’t yet peaked. The next step was the Charged Coupled Device camera (CCD), which used microchip computer technology. In the 1990’s video surveillance made great strides in practicality by the introduction of digital multiplexing. When digital multiplexer units became affordable, it revolutionized the surveillance industry by enabling recording on several cameras at once (more than a dozen at time in most cases)(Duane, Hanselma &Bruce,2008).

The motion detection security system is an application developed to enhance security, using motion detection as a way of advancing the current surveillance systems. This system uses a webcam to get the video, and then compares the current captured frame with the previous frame to verify if there is motion in the area being secured. Upon confirming presence of motion, the system triggers the alarm and the video recorder. It streams the video of the event that happened, afterwards attaching red pixels to the specific area where the frames are different(Sani et al.,2013).

Furthermore, the video streams are compressed so as to reduce the memory consumption of surveillance systems. The streams are recorded in small rates, so as to simplify the tracking of events and exact place from where the intrusion occurred. The red pixels follow the moving object to keep track of where the object is going, and stays with it as long as the object is within the visual area of the camera. The recorded videos can further be processed, i.e., converted to any other format. Consequently, the system is also developed to reduce the cost of security so that there is no extra hardware required for this system to work. It is a standalone system and it uses the webcam, thus, no additional measures required.

 1.2      Statement of the Problem

The current security system, specifically, the well-known CCTV, consumes a lot of resources such as memory, due to nonstop recording. Verily, they are efficient but it takes a while before one gets back to locate the precise time where an event happened in the area under surveillance. One has to rewind and fast forward, going back and forth to search a particular scene and that takes a lot of time and effort.  Furthermore, time is needed to keep watch of the activities going on via the screen. Something may be happening but due to negligence and human errors it may pass by without been noticed, until something happens. Then the search will begin without any idea of where to start searching with lots of videos to go through. As such, much attention and concentration is required to avoid missing important and significant activities.

Moreover, as the recorded scenes are continuous, it keeps consuming space, which increases the cost of maintenance, cost of tape or storage medium, technician labour fee, and so on. Another issue is identifying where the scene has happened, in a place whereby a subject moving or conducting an act is far from the camera, the place can be spotted, but then not clear.


1.3      Aim and Objectives of the Project

1.3.1   Aim of the Study

The aim of the research work is to design and implement a Motion Detection Security System(MDSS) in live video stream.

1.3.2   Objectives of the Study

In order to achieve this aim, the following specific objectives are formulated:

  1. to review the existing Motion Detection Security System(MDSS) in live video stream.
  2. to design and develop a new system based on the findings above.
  3. to implement the new system based on motion detection algorithms.

 1.4      Research methodology

This research work implements the study of motion-detection is the process of detecting moving objects (particularly people) from a captured or live video. Motion-detection has many applications like security, surveillance, automated lighting control, etc. A video comprises a set of continuous frames (images). There are many approaches for detecting motions in a video; most of them are based on comparing a frame of the video with the next-frame or previous-frame or the background.

Motion detection algorithm refers to the approach or procedure in which the actual detection is made, how the system verifies the presence of motion, which in other words can be said to be the steps in which motion is been detected. They are the support for an extensive variety in computer vision such as visual surveillance, recognition and tracking of objects and clamping streams. If it is faulty, the whole system will not run well and the main objective not achieved.


1.5      Significances of the Project

The significances of this project are formulated:

  1. It relieves operators from work load of watching over numerous cameras that may not update for a long period.
  2. It monitors all the scenes from cameras of the program.

iii.        It reacting to any suspicious activity in the scene.

  1. It reduces the storage space consumed.
  2. It is much more simpler to understand;.
  3. The implementation of the filter is more efficient, so the filter produce better performance.


1.6      Scope of the Project

The project is aimed at creating a Motion Detection Security System(MDSS) in live video stream. Motion-detection is a two-step process.  (Step 1) identifies the objects that have moved between the two frames (using difference and threshold filter). The difference between each corresponding pixel of two frames is calculated; and the pixels with difference greater than the specified threshold are marked in foreground color (white). All the other pixels are marked in background color (black). So, the output of Step1 will be a binary-image with only two colors (black and white). The intensity value (brightness level) of the pixels are used to calculate the difference. The intensity value of each pixel in a grayscale image will be in the range 0 to 255. If RGB images are used, then the grayscale intensity value can be calculated as (R + G + B / 3).

(Step 2) identifies the significant movements and filters out the noise that are wrongly identified as motions (using erosion-filter). Erosion-filter removes the pixels that are not surrounded by enough amount of neighboring pixels. Essentially, this gives the ability to shrink the objects thereby removing the noisy pixels i.e. stand-alone pixels. The binary image (output of Step1) is scanned pixel-by-pixel; and if enough number of pixels in current window are not turned on, then the entire window is turned off i.e. ignored as noise.

1.7      Limitation of the Project

The problems encountered during the course of carrying out this research work include:

Fund: There was limited fund to take care of the research properly especially when test running the application.

Research Material: Lack of access to research materials on the topic in the school library and even public libraries were also a major constraint in the cause of this project.


1.8      Definition of Terms

Capturing: Accomplished using a web cam (WC) that ceaselessly gives a sequence of video frames with particular speed of FPS (frames per second). To detect motion, the system initially has to capture live video frames of the scene and region under surveillance.

Comparison of Frames: This stage is for checking if there is motion from the live feed captured. To do so, the system compares the frames obtained through the WC with one another in order to detect variation in the frames and sequentially exert the presence of motion. On confirming presence of motion, it is time for the next step to carry on.

Database: A collection of interrelated data stored with controlled redundancy to serve one or more applications.

E-Mail: The term electronic mail is used to describe various system of sending data or message electronically via the telephone Network or other data network, through a central computer without the need to post letters.

Flowchart: This is the diagrammatic representation of the program components using standard symbols.

Hacking:  A hacker is people who attempt to invade the privacy of a system. Hackers are normally skilled programmers.

Hardware: This is the physical part of a computer system.

Internet: The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP) to serve billions of its users worldwide

Methodology: A methodology is a collection of procedure techniques, tools and documentation aids which will help the system developer in their effort to implement a new information system, Abdul J.I (2004).

Microsoft Visual Basic: This is the software which allows you to develop your own software.

Network Servers: These are devices used to manage how the various resources on the network are shared.

News Group: These are meeting places for people discussing special topics.

Notification of Motion: When the movement is detected, attention of the user is required and may want to be told instantly of an intrusion or suspicious movement detected in the premises under surveillance, and thus, a caution system is added to the system. The alarm system instantly triggers an MP3 format audio file alert signal once motion is detected, and this facilitates the prevention of any sort of security breach at that instant.

Offline: This is the process of the computer not connected to the internet.

Online: This is the direct connection to the computers through the internet and under the influence of the computer C.P.U.

Security: This is an act of safeguarding a file or a document in order to prevent unauthorized access.

Software: This is the program that controls the computer operation.

Storing the frames: If motion is detected the next action expected of the system is to store this kind motion for the client viewing later. This helps the user in that he can provide a legitimate confirmation in case of any inappropriate action, since the video footage can be utilized as evidence to the authorities, police and even in courts of law.


1.9      Project Layout

Chapter One: This chapter discusses the introduction about the topic, pointing out details of the topic in wider view. The background of the study is discussed, statement of the problem is emphasized, the aim and objectives of the project is also covered in this chapter, Research methodology is also employed, significances of the project is also discussed, the scope of the study is also discussed after which the limitation of the study is stated. Further in the chapter, the definition of terms is stated.

Chapter Two: This is the chapter in which various literatures are reviewed; this chapter requires the referencing of existing relevant literatures on the project topic. In this chapter, much explanation of the topic is made containing views and contributions of authors who have worked on the exact or related topic in time past.

Chapter Three: This chapter covers the methodology and system analysis, the methodology focuses mainly on the approaches employed in carrying out the research i.e. how, where and mode with which researches were made. All the tools and methods used in gathering facts about the project are discussed under the methodology.

Chapter Four: The chapter four deals with the design and implementation of the system, input and output design, program design, system testing, programming language used and system implementation.

Chapter Five: The chapter five is the concluding chapter of the project, it comprises of the summary of the project, conclusion on the project and recommendation to the project.

In this chapter, the student is expected to summarize the entire purpose of the project, give his/her conclusion about the project so far and lastly give constructive recommendations on the project after which the flowchart and program a Motion Detection Security System(MDSS) in live video stream are drawn.

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Full Project – Motion detection security system (MDSS) in live video stream