Full Project – Interactive sales control system for minimart

Full Project – Interactive sales control system for minimart

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  • Introduction

This chapter focuses on the introduction, background of the study, statement of problem, aim and objectives, significance, scope, of the study, organization of the research as well as definition of terms.


1.1     Background of the Study

Interactive sales control system for mini-part is an application with the discipline that deals with architectures, mechanisms and algorithm for tracking and maintaining steady information about particular goods or product in a supermarket. Interactive sales control system for mini-mart is extensively used in both business organization and companies. It enables mass surveillance of the flow of goods. It is important therefore that a business either hold sufficient inventories to meet the actual and anticipated order, or can get stock quickly enough to meet those orders. Goods should be checked systematically and regularly for quality faults identified and the affected batch weeded out this will allow one to raise and problems with the supplier and at the same time demonstrate the safety and quality of the company’s goods with computerized sales and purchase management system, this kind of tracking to relatively straight forward sales management provides a transparent and process-oriented sales management processes. Starting from sales order to Rental orders, track everything in an enterprises sales management one can create competitive quote and send it to ones prospect in no time from sales management modules itself. Acocella(2015), interactive sales control system for mini-mart is an application with a large database system that an organization are to keep track and stock of and purchases of goods in their daily transaction of businesses. Visual Basic NET (9.0 Express edition) programming technology was used in developing the proposed system because of its friendly user interface. Scalability and usability over the years. The system of sales and purchase management of gods at bonanza supermarket is most done with mainly physical cash. That is, when the buyer purchase specific goods sold, and the total financial balance of all transactions. Equally, in bonanza supermarket the method of sales and purchase management is systematic. That is, goods are manually documented and tallied before sales. Before supplying date and quantity of goods supplied, total quantity of goods is stuck, quantity sold and quantity left are recorded (Adams, 2017)


1.2     Statement of the Problem

Several problem are deterred the smooth sales control management system of products and goods in Nteps supermarket such as

  1. Misplacement of important since the real owner of the goods is not captured adequately on the manual invoice or document of the organization.
  2. Instruction and unauthorized accessed to some important records of the activity of the supermarket


1.3     Aim and Objectives of the Study

The research is aimed at developing an interactive sales control system for mini mart, with the following objectives.

i        To design a system that will keep track and purchase order of the daily sales and purchase management of goods to customers.

  1. To design system that will prevent undues access to sales order of goods to the company

iii.     To design a system that will increase the speed of times in the company to customers.


1.4     Significant of the Study

         The significant of the study includes:

  1. Proper finically account will be made available by the system
  2. It could help to keep inventory of the total stuck or product available
  • Enhanced storage mechanism will be greatly experienced
  1. It would help to improve budget and cash management


1.5     Scope of Study

The scope of this research work will be keeping inventory of all stuck available, keeping track of the total quantity of goods sold and permitting the sale of goods available at Bonanza supermarket. IkotEkpene.


1.6     Organization of Research

         This project work is divided into five chapters.

Chapter one: this starts with introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, aim and objective of the study, scope of the study, organization of research and definition of terms.

Chapter two: this focused on the review of related literature as made available by researchers basically contains the introduction, theoretical background, and the general overview.

Chapter three: this is concerned with the system analysis and design which includes introduction, research methodology, analysis of the existing system advantage of the existing system, disadvantage of the existing system, analysis of the proposed system, advantages of the proposed system, system design, input layout, output layout, algorithm, flowchart, database layout, system architecture and use case/class diagram.

Chapter four: this reveals the system implementation and documentation which are the introduction, system design diagram, choice of programming language, analysis of modules, programming environment, software requirements, system implementation and software testing.

Chapter five: this is the last in this research contains summary, conclusion, constraint of the study and recommendation.


1.7     Definition of Terms

Account: accounts are detailed records of all the money that a person or business receives and spends after the sales of goods.

Audit: an official examination and business and financial records to see that they are true and correct with respect to the sale and purchase of goods.

Dispatch: an organization or conveyance for delivering goods.

Goods: Goods are thing or items that are made to be sold or purchased by an individual.

Invoice: an invoice is a document that list goods that have been supplied or purchased, it also states how much that is to be paid.

Management: management is the control and organized of a business or other organizations.

Production control: this is a systematic planning, coordinating, and directing of all manufacturing activities so as to ensure having goods made on time of adequate quantity, and at reasonable cost.

Purchase: this is the act or process of buying goods

Sales: the sales of a product are the quantity of it that is sold

Scheduling: A schedule is a plan that gives a list of events or task and the times at which each one should happen or be done.

Stock: A shop’s stock is the total amount of goods which it has available to sell.


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Full Project – Interactive sales control system for minimart