Full Project – Design and implementation of project defense grading system

Full Project – Design and implementation of project defense grading system

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Over the years, several efforts have been made to alleviate the burden on project supervisors when it comes to project defense grading. Data processing is defined as the entire process of converging or manipulating data into definite meaningful information. The information obtained at the end of the process is the result. Therefore project defense grading can be seen as a continuous process of converting data (which can be scores, grade points, results, points etc) into definite meaningful information, which can either be statement of result. The end point of data processing activity by the project defense panel of assessors is the product of basic documents and informatio from basic data (which can be students’ project scores, result, grade point etc) for managements’ use.

In educational institutions, the result produces information for the management about the performance of each student in their project defense. These results obtained are used to assess the students’ project/research work. In the course of this research, an intensive investigation was carried out on how computer science department performs its project defense grading. From my findings, it appears that the current method adopted needs improvement. Introduction of computer in the system will do the much required magic in grading. Structured system analysis and design methodology were applied to arrive to the development of the new system.



It is an established fact that after every assessment or research work, a result must be obtained. In any academic environment, there is need to have results to be aware of the students performance and to generate transcripts whenever the need arises.

To achieve this in higher institutions, it involves the registration of courses and students personal data examination scores, computation of result, transcript generation, records up dating and so on. However, the problem is how to carry out these activities, presently, the project defense grading system in computer science department is performed manually. Project supervisors are employed to handle various stages of the process, such as grading the oral presentation, report work and making sure the student meets the project report guidelines. The introduction of computer in the project defense grading system will reduce the burden of manual processing to the barest minimum.



The project defense grading system is done manually in the department long before now. The manual method of grading from my investigation has many problems among which are:-

Delay:- This occurs due to the tediousness of manual documentation and grading.

Missing results:- This happens as a result of carrying about of files from one place to another. Some results may be lost in this process.

Miscalculations:- Human beings are prone to errors, sometimes, during result computation, wrong formulae might be entered on the calculator, which will give wrong answers but for computerized grading, formulae are stored in the computer’s memory. This can be referred to whenever needed.

Duplication of grades:- Due to the tiredness of the operator, a grade can be duplicated since he/she has no strength to trace the student’s data such as registration number.

Omission/incomplete results: once these results have been documented on paper, one finds it difficult and tiresome to edit so as to cancel out some errors such as wrong entries, omissions etc. When these corrections are effected, the resulting documents are not often very neat and pleasant to the eyes. This also makes the transcript untidy since those corrections will also be affected on it.



The primary objective of the study is to develop a project defense grading system for computer science department. The objectives could be summarized as follows:

  • Eliminate lag time between the submissions of grades.
  • Help to ease jobs of project supervisors and student can rely on having an accurate grade.



The study of “Project Defense Grading System” will be beneficial to the following:

  • The School: This study will be of benefits to the school because an automated grading system is feasible, economically viable and accurate.
  • The Students: It will help the students to get their grades processed fast and on time. Through this grading system, they could also help the students see the connection between effort and grades that could help them become more accountable for their progress.
  • The Project Supervisors. This will serve as a tool for the easy management of students’ project grades.
  • To the Researcher: This study will equip them with knowledge about the school’s project grading system.
  • To the Future Researchers: It will serve as their reference for their research activities and will help them to gain knowledge to express their ideas in their chosen study.




This project work covers the documentation of students’ defense presentation performance and the recording of grades as well as processing the scores in order to general results for the students.




This project was faced with a number of restricting factors which made the work impossible to get beyond this scope. The most pressing factors were.

  1. Lack of finance
  2. Epileptic power supply
  • Inadequate supply of data
  1. Inadequate time for the project work.




The following are terms that the researcher used for better understanding about the concepts in the study. The terms are defined operationally, as they are used in the study.

Panel of assessors:  this is usually made up of three or more lecturers (external lecturers inclusive).

Project defense: the process through which the panel of assessors determines if the researcher did a thorough job.

Examination: it is the process through which ones ability is determine after going through a certain process of learning.

Oral presentation: This involves explaining something to an audience, usually in a classroom, but sometimes in a work setting.

Grade point (GP):- this is the corresponding points 0.00 to 5.00 of the grade letters A-F respectively.

Grade point average (GPA):- this is the point in which the academic performance of a student is measure at the end of every semester. It has the maximum value of 5.00 and minimum 0.00. It can be calculated thus: GPA- Sum of quality points/total credit unit for all course registered in the semester.

Software:- These are set of logically related instructions given to the computer to perform some specific tasks.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of project defense grading system