Full Project – Design and implementation of expert system troubleshooting system for telecommunication

Full Project – Design and implementation of expert system troubleshooting system for telecommunication

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The process of troubleshooting is an important step towards solving problems with any type of system or device. It is important to understand, though, that troubleshooting is a way of pinpointing where problems exist. It is not a solution to a problem. Telecom systems are complex and solving problems within them is best left to skilled technicians who repair these systems professionally. However, managers of telecom systems can reduce the time that it takes to complete these kinds of repairs by troubleshooting their systems themselves. If telecom system managers can identify the location of a problem on their own, they can reduce the amount of time that it takes for a technician to repair the problem. This can save a business time and money, and it can sometimes enable a business to work around the problem while waiting for a technician (Larry, 2011).

Norni (2017) stated that when it comes to troubleshooting a telecom system, the problem lies with either the telephone network or the user’s equipment. This leaves the network carrier and the hardware vendor as the two options for reporting problems. Therefore, an important aspect of troubleshooting a telecom system is determining whether the problem lies with the network or with the hardware. Once users figure this out, they can contact the appropriate party or continue to troubleshoot to pinpoint the location of the problem more precisely in either part of the system.

Like a consequence of the big evolution in telecommunications because of the advances produced by the new technologies, it is necessary have a quick, modernized and opportune form of information. So, nowadays, it is possible thanks to the computer science and the use of the communication networks, and especially, Internet. Telecommunication systems have evolved in time in the face of the necessity of satisfying the demands of the several services of telecommunication, that day by day need a greater band width and a better quality of service. Networks technology has increased its complexity generating the necessity of having a better administration of the resources of these systems, which has favoured the associated evolution of the system management (Jegio and Lawrence, 2016).

On the other hand, thanks to the researches carried out in the field of the artificial intelligence, important advances have taken place in the treatment, storage and exploitation of knowledge. Among these advances are the knowledge-based systems like the expert systems  So, expert systems are being applied with success in multiple fields like medicine, geology, chemistry, engineering, etc., for the realization of diverse tasks (interpretation, prediction, diagnosis, design, planning, instruction, control, etc.). The tasks on telecommunication networks are also fields in which is possible the application of expert systems, because many of the previously enumerated tasks are carried out on these networks. Besides, these tasks require specialized knowledge in order to be developed and therefore, an expert system can help to their automation process.


Computer systems typically include a combination of hardware and software components, application programs, System programs, processors, buses, memory, input/output devices etc. As advances in semiconductor processing and computer architecture push the performance of the computer higher and higher. More sophisticated computer software has evolved to take advantage of the higher performance of the hardware, resulting in computer systems that are much more powerful than just a few years ago. In a computer system in different parts different fault may arise. Expert system is able to detect those faults and also to suggest for the probable rectification (Fred and Byer, 2017).

Generally, when user consults an expert system, the system interviews (ask questions of) the user and gets the facts about the problem at hand. During the interviews, questions appear on the computer display screen and the user responds by keeping in answers or important data. Then, utilizing the user’s response the system searches its knowledge base. It systematically searches through the various paths for a solution without becoming lost in the vast numbers of possibilities. Eventually the program comes up with the advice and communicates it to the user. The system also explains its reasoning process and remedy. Before demonstration of the proposed model it is required to understand the knowledge domain based on Artificial Intelligence and its application, i.e., Expert System (Fiftcel, 2011).


Faults in telecommunication network have direct impact on its availability and maintenance costs, so their quick elimination, prevention and removal of causes that generated them, is of special interest. The possibility to analyze distribution of faults and to predict places where future errors may arise can significantly help telecom operators who are in charge to detect and repair such problems to prevent data loss. In other to provide prompt solutions to analyzing and proffering solutions to telecom system can be easily achieved if there is automated system diagnostic software which will run test and propose solutions within seconds and thus, this study seek to design such an expert system.




The general objective of this study is to examine an expert system for troubleshooting of a local telecommunication system.

Specific objectives are:

  • To examine the various common telecom system errors and problems
  • To examine the main parts of telecom systems
  • To examine the various alternatives that most local telecom users adopt in proffering solutions to system failure
  • To examine how an expert system could be designed and implemented for the elimination of defects common in telecommunication systems


The scope of the study emphasizes on the issues and difficulties arising in the troubleshooting of a telecommunication network and the development of an automated troubleshooting system that will solve basic telecom system errors.


The importance of the study is that it will provide a design of an automated troubleshooting system that will ease the problem detection and solution provision demand in local telecom networks. The system will rectify the problems associated with troubleshooting and maintaining a telecomm system. This study emphasizes an automated system that accepts the defects of any system using application oriented formal reasoning and then after consulting with an intelligent database, diagnoses and advises for probable rectification. Thus, the design will benefit individuals and organizations who utilizes local telecom systems in their homes, offices or mobiles.


The following are some factors, which acted as an impeachment or constraints to the progress of the project work, these are;

  1. Time:  There is not enough time on the part of the researcher due to academic work.
  2. Lack of Documented materials:  It was difficult to start the project initially because reference materials at my disposal are limited.
  3. Insufficient information from Telecomm staff also pose as a constraint as they thing information given to me might mar the organization.
  4. Financial constraint is another factors that limited the researcher in owning out this project effectively.


Trouble – shooting: Trouble – shooting is the ac of detecting and mending faults be it a hardware or software facility.  To be good trouble shooter one needed to understand a system better than the average person.

Maintenance: Maintenance is the performance of “prevention or remedial maintenance in order to prevent incipient hardware faults or to correct a hardware fault that has occurred”.  We therefore define computer and printer maintenance as the prevention and correction of faults in the system or as knowing fault that has occurred or as knowing fault that has occurred or that fault can occur  and taking steps to ensure that the fault is eliminated.

Heuristic: In general, the experience a human being acquires in any are of human endeavour are often in the form of rules of thumb which the human experts falls upon when confronted with a new but related situation.  Such rules of thumb are known as heuristic in artificial intelligence terminology.

Inference engine: The knowledge of an expert can be represented as a set of rules that allows the computer to make human like decisions on the subject. The computer program written to shift through the set of rules representing human expert knowledge so as to reach a decision on the current situation can be referred to as inference mechanism or inference engine.

Expert system: The expert system is an off-spring of artificial intelligence (AI) and it is developed using the programming techniques of AI.  when the expert knowledge of human being in a domain of activity is stored in the computer.

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Full Project – Design and implementation of expert system troubleshooting system for telecommunication