Full Project – Design and implementation of an intelligent system for cybercrime forensic investigation

Full Project – Design and implementation of an intelligent system for cybercrime forensic investigation

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In today’s world, crime is not limited to the physical stealing or violence committed against a person. We now have an expansion to the definition of crime and cyber crime has been added to the growing list.

Data forensics experts have grown increasingly popular and there is also a need for more tools to assist them. The study explores the application of the practice of forensics to fight the occurrences of cyber crime especially over computer networks. This study attempts to study existing methods of cyber crime investigation and potential improvements to them. It also studies the various laws that are on the books over countries that have helped to deter this problem in times past.

The implementation of this study is in a web based form coupled with the application of artificial intelligence in form of intelligent systems because of the cross-platform nature and the ease of use of the system.




The study is based on the relatively increasing levels of cyber security incidents and breaches in a globalized world. Computers are used for cyber attacks daily and it is also the subject of attacks and thus, the need for an investigation system with the use of a forensic system. Moore(2005). It also has a larger tendency to cause sufficient harm to individuals, corporations and even entire governments. For example in the United States Internal Revenue Service reported an estimated five billion dollars in fraudulent income tax refunds to identity thieves.Cyber crime was used in that instance to fraudulently obtain government benefits.
Cyber crime which is also known as computer-oriented crime is described as a crime which involves a computer system and a network. The computer can either be the target or the tool used to commit such crimes Gordon(2006).
Using the Computer as a tool, it requires some sort of user expertise to exploit human weaknesses. Common crimes that the computer systems are actively used to perpetuate include:

  • Fraud and Identity Theft
  • Information Warfare
  • Phishing Scams
  • Spam
  • Illegal content dissemination

In the case of the role of computers as a target, These crimes are committed by a selected group of criminals. Unlike crimes using the pc as a tool, these crimes require the technical knowledge of the perpetrators. As such, as technology evolves, so too does the character of the crime. These crimes are relatively new, having been alive for less than as long as computers have—which explains how unprepared society and therefore the world, generally , is towards combating these crimes. There are numerous crimes of this nature committed daily on the web . It is seldom committed by loners, instead it involves large syndicate groups.
Some of those targeted attacks include:

  • Computer Viruses
  • Denial Of Service Attacks
  • Malware

Intelligent systems are defined as technologically advanced machines that perceives and responds to the world around them. (University of Nevada, 2021)
Generally, we define a forensic investigation as the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems, especially scientific analysis of physical evidence. In the case of ICT, we focus on the cyber crimes.
With the evolution of computer, the internet and the world wide web which has made the world a globalized community, so have criminals also taken advantage of this technological advancement to engage in several sorts of cyber crime starting from terrorism, internet fraud to the discharge of sophisticated viruses which is difficult to trace the perpetrators thanks to lack of sophisticated software which will retrieve information of such activities. This led to the planning of a computer based security and monitoring system for forensic experts which can help in tracking the activities of internet users and for recovery of digital evidence of crime committed during a computing system .
This study was motivated by the fact that the world in general is moving persistently towards technological which have to be secured because most of these applications collect information which has potential for vulnerability. It is also to put an end to or at least reduce to the barest minimum instances of cyber crime.
The aims of this system include:

  1. Design and implement a computer based security and monitoring system for forensic experts.
    ii. Implement a system for capturing, collecting, analyzing, preserving and presenting evidence of computer crime in a suitable manner.

The objectives of this system include:

  1. Studying with detail the field of Artificial Intelligence and specifically intelligent systems.
  2. Exploring the various algorithms that have been implemented.
  • Creating an accurate algorithm to perform forensic functions against cyber crime.
  1. Recommend the findings and areas the algorithms created can be improved.

    The implementation of this project was achieved through with the use of the server-side programming language PHP and there the MySQL database querying language. This will even be hosted as an internet application on a web domain.
    This project is meant to check the activities of computer users and also to research and fish out cyber criminals. The project employed PHP/MYSQL programming languages in ensuring the planning and implementation of a Web Based Security and Monitoring system which will aid forensic experts in their investigations and prosecution of criminals.
    The study is significant in the sense that it would provide a platform for the prevention and possible proffering of solutions to the problems of cyber crime in a forensic manner.
    1.ELECTRONIC MAIL(E-MAIL): This refers in short for electronic message, most ordinarily mentioned as email or e-mail since approximately 1993, may be a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to at least one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the web or other computer networks.
    2.COMPUTER FORENSIC(CF): Computer forensics is that the application of investigation and analysis techniques to collect and preserve evidence from a specific computer in a way that’s suitable for presentation in a court of law. The goal of computer forensics is to perform a structured investigation while maintaining a documented chain of evidence to seek out out exactly what happened on a computer and who was responsible for it. Noblett et al(2000).
    3.PERSONAL COMPUTER(PC): a private computer (PC) may be a general-purpose computer, whose size, capabilities, and original sale price makes it useful for people , and which is meant to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator.
    4.GRAPHIC USER INTERFACE(GUI): Graphical user interface (GUI, sometimes pronounced ‘gooey’) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices using images rather than text commands. Nielsen (2012).
    5. DISK OPERATING SYSTEM(DOS): Disk Operating System (specifically) and disk operating system (generically), most often reveal themselves in abbreviated as DOS, refer to an operating system software used in most computers that provides the abstraction and management of auxiliary storage devices and therefore the information on them (e.g., file systems for Organizing files of all sorts).
    6.OPERATING SYSTEM(OS): An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The OS is a vital component of the system software during a computing system. Application programs usually require an OS to function primarily as an interface between them and the hardware

The project is organized such that; Chapter One gives a brief introduction in form of the Background of the Study of forensic investigative intelligent systems. In Chapter Two, we’ve a broad check out the related implementations of intelligent forensic investigative systems. Chapter Three examines the System Architecture, the system design and analysis. Chapter Four presents the implementation of the project using necessary programming languages and development models. It also presents the result of testing carried out. Chapter Five rounds off the project work with the summary, conclusions and recommendations for future works.

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Full Project – Design and implementation of an intelligent system for cybercrime forensic investigation