Full Project – Computer aided learning of basic science subjects

Full Project – Computer aided learning of basic science subjects

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Science is made of subjects that serve as bedrock to most scientific, engineering and medical fields of study. Physics, chemistry and mathematics subject puts a lot of fear in the mind of students. The fear of this subject is generally termed “Science Phobia”. Science and technology is what is reigning in the world economy today and as a result, students are encouraged to be technology oriented.

The word science comes from a Latin word “Scentia”, meaning knowledge. Knowledge attained through the study or practice or knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws and tested through scientific study method concerned with the physical word. With the difficulty pronounced there is need for students to study by making use of tools they will love to use so as much so that their attention can be drawn to the basic subjects, just as kids are meant to learn with toys. This work is intended to reduce this phobia through the use of multimedia accesses available on the computer. It is also aimed at making science subjects easier, friendlier and less stressful. The user can also carryout some other activities in his system while learning. This idea, its invention and its level of development are treated in detail using the senior secondary school.



Mathematics, physics and chemistry are the basic foundation to anyone’s success in any science field.

The need to develop and improve the teaching of the basic science subjects is of importance for many reasons.

Students have poor follow-up after teaching by the tutor, poor performance of students in basic science subject examination, Decline in the number of students wishing to study science because of what the feel and the science phobia.

We also have the inability of students to cope with science due to poor science background build up and materials presented to students without proper illustration by the tutor.



The objective of this research project work is aimed at the following:

  • Providing access to a range of resources and materials which may not otherwise had been available or accessible. In this study there is much need to create interaction through the tutor, which gives the students the feeling being aided or assisted by a teacher.
  • Creating an environment that promotes an active approach to learning, developing a systematic way to make the study of science more enjoyable to help students improve in science and possibly make user solve questions at different steps while the answer to frequently asked questions are stored in the software to aid the students.



This project significance involves what the students will acquire academically after going through the study or exercise and it is to support and encourage students in collaborative learning, encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning.

Complimenting classroom teaching showcases the vast multi usefulness of the computer and motivates students through appropriate use of interactive course ware.



This study is about a tutorial on secondary school basic science subjects restricted to SS1 introductory subject topics in mathematics and chemistry.



Usually, every work has some limitations and this study is not exempted.

Among the limitations of this study are the constant electricity power supply or alternative source, time limits within which the study is expected to be completed as well as financial constraints. The electricity or power failure coursed the program from working and been completed early enough. The time constraint prevents the researcher to have an in depth study and analysis on the subject matter. While the issue of financial constraint limits the frequency of investigation to the company toward gathering the necessary information relevant for the study.



Teacher: Somebody who teaches, especially as a profession or an occurrence, idea, or object from which something may be learned.

Tutor:   a teacher who instructs an individual student or a small group of students, especially one teaching students in need of remedial work.

Software:  programs and applications that can be run on a computer system, e.g. word processing or database packages

Aided:  an act of guiding one through something.

Test: In form of examination or evaluation. a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge somebody’s knowledge, ability, or experience


1. study of physical world: the study of the physical and natural world and phenomena, especially by using systematic observation and experiment (often used before a noun)
2. branch of science: a particular area of study or knowledge of the physical world

the life sciences

3. systematic body of knowledge: a systematically organized body of knowledge about a particular subject

the behavioral sciences

4. something studied or performed methodically: an activity that is the object of careful study or that is carried out according to a developed method

the science of dressing for success

5. knowledge gained from science: the knowledge gained by the study of the physical world


Mathematics:  study of relationships using numbers: the study of the relationships among numbers, shapes, and quantities. It uses signs, symbols, and proofs and includes arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry.


Physics: study of physical forces and qualities: the scientific study of matter, energy, force, and motion, and the way they relate to each other. Physics traditionally incorporates mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, and thermodynamics and now includes modern disciplines such as quantum mechanics, relativity, and nuclear physics.





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Full Project – Computer aided learning of basic science subjects