Full Project – Automated hypertension diagnostic system

Full Project – Automated hypertension diagnostic system

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This research is based on “HYPERTENSION” it’s causes, symptoms, and other things related to it and how it will be diagnosed by the automated system and how possible treatment will be prescribed by the system.

Hypertension (high blood pressure): is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of blood vessels, and the magnitude of this force depends on the cordial output and resistance of the blood vessels.

“Hypertension is having a blood vessels higher than 140 over 90mmhg, a definition shared by all the medical guidelines”.

This means that the systolic reading (the pressure as the heart pumps blood around the body) is over 140mmhg (millimeters of mercury) or the diastolic reading (as the heart relaxes sand refills with blood)) is over 90mmhg. This threshold has been set to define hypertension, it is for clinical convenience and because achieving targets below this level brings benefits for patients but rather than being marked by a particular cut-up points the medical expert committees on the condition actually see high blood pressure as having a continuous relationship to cardiovascular health they believe that to a point (down to levels of 115-1110mmg systolic and 75-70mmg diastolic the  lower the blood pressure the better.

This view has led the American Heart Association (A.H.A) for example to define the following ranges of blood pressure in mmHg:

  1. Normal blood pressure is below*
  2. 120 systolic and below 80 diastolic.
  3. Pre hypertension: is 120 -139 systolic or 80-89 diastolic.
  4. Stage 1 blood pressure` (hypertension) is 140-159 systolic or 90-99 diastolic.
  5. Stage 2 blood pressure (hypertension) is 160 or higher systolic or 100 or higher diastolic.
  6. Hypertension crises (a medical emergency) is when blood pressure is above 180 systolic or above 110 diastolic.

New wise leading US hypertension experts unveiled a new definition of hypertension at the American Society of hypertension Inc (ASH) twentieth Annual Scientific meeting. The group has expanded the definition of hypertension beyond the numbers obtained from a blood pressure reading and instead, urge that blood pressure be viewed as a part of patients overall risk for cardiovascular diseases. The goal of the new definition of hypertension is to improve the way physician conceptualize, diagnose and treat hypertension by encouraging them to think about the disease earlier than they commonly do now, with the ultimate goal of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease linked to high blood pressure, such as heart attack and stroke.

“For many years we have defined hypertension primarily by blood pressure levels, but in many cases elevated blood pressure is an effect, and not the cause of hypertension” said Dr Thomas Giles, president of American society of hypertension and professor of medicine at the Louisiana state university school of medicine in new Orleans”. Our new definition incorporates the presence or absence of risk factors, easily disease workers and target organ damage, and more accurately represents the different physiological abnormalities in the cardio vascular system and other organs ca   used by hypertension”.

The writing group of the American Society of hypertension Inc (WCr-ASH) is a collaboration of several  nations leading experts in hypertension.

In artificial intelligence, an expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert. Expert system are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge represented primarily as if then rules rather than through conventional procedural code. The first expert systems were created in the 1970s and then proliferated in the 1980s.

Expert systems were among the first truly successfull forms of AI software. An expert system is divided in to two sub-system the inference engine and the knowledge base. The knowledge base represents facts and rules. The inference engine applies the rules to the known facts to deduce new facts. Inference engines can also include explanation and debugging capabilities.


  1. There is likelihood of the shortage of the medical practitioners especially in the remote villages to satisfy or meet the immediate needs of the people.
  2. Human beings as fallible as they are can make mistakes, doctors are no exception during diagnosis or prescription of drugs for their patients to commit some mistakes though not always.
  3. The normal methods of diagnosis and prescription of drugs is relatively slow.
  4. There is constant report of destruction and loss of data record of patient in the manual method of diagnosis.
  5. The process of searching through a bulky set of files for patients records is very boring, tedious and cumber-some. This is always the case in the retrieval of information of patient who had already been registered with the record office of the hospital using the manual procedure of record keeping.


The main aim and objective of the research is to design an expert system that will be able to diagnoses and prescribe possible treatment to the hyper tension patients. Other aims of the research include the following:

  1. Computerization of the existing manual system of diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
  2. To simplify the existing system of medical diagnosis by making it more efficient and effective by the use of computer system which processes data at very fast speed and perform a repetitive operation without getting bored.
  • One of the main aims is to develop data base that helps in the following:
  1. Storing of records
  2. Retrieving of records
  3. Editing of records
  4. Deleting of information and result of diagnosis given to the hypertensive patients.


  1. The automated hypertension diagnostic system will help the hypertensive patient.
  2. Reduce the tedious work for doctors.
  3. Computerized data base will help to improve the method of keeping patient data records compared to that of the existing system which is manual.


  1. With this software (computerized hypertension diagnostic system) hosted on the internet, can a few number of staff in a remote village get on the assistance on hypertensive issues they don’t readily have solution for?
  2. Is this software dependable and reliable?
  3. What assistance will automated hypertension diagnostic system give to doctors?
  4. If there is catastrophe on one computer system, can the data stored on it be gotten from another network system?
  5. Can the computer speed up the operation of FMC Gusau in terms of searching for registered patient record or registering new patients?


1.6.0 SCOPE

The scope of this research is limited to the federal medical centre Gusau in order to diagnose hypertension and prescribe possible treatment or solutions using an automated system.


The limitations of the study are as follows:

Financial resources: in every aspect or scope of the study, financial resource plays an important role, this role can not be over emphasized. A very much amount of money will be consumed for the processes of this study, we demanded for much financial resources but little was granted to us. But for the fact of the so little financial resources we have we make wise use of it, so that eventually the study can come to a good and interesting end.

Material Resource: for the work to be done, so much materials are required in which we utilize to make the study to come to a whole. As the little implies “Automated hypertension diagnostic system” Many software’s will take part and other materials which will result to a very cost amount. The materials are very difficult to get.

Time Factor: the time is so limited and the research was able to use the limited time together information that help in developing the required hypertension and when it associate with some disease like kidney disease chest pain, vision disorder and other disease that can lead to hypertension. The little time has been used to make all necessary materials present and everything in order.


Automated: Using machines or done by machines instead of people.

Backward: chain (or backward reasoning) is an inference method that can described (in lay terms) as working backward from the goals. It is used in automated theorem proverbs proof assistants and other artificial in intelligence applications. But it has also been observed in primates.

Diagnosis: diagnosis is the identification of the nature and cause of anything. In computer science, diagnosis is typically used to determine, the causes of symptoms, mitingatoms for problems and solution to issues.

Forward Chain: is one of the two main methods of reasoning when using inference rules (in artificial intelligent) and can be described logically as repeated application of modus, pones forward chaining is a popular implementation strategy for expert system.

Hypertension: (MEDICAL) a condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high.

Inference base: in computer science, knowledge base inferences is the processing program in an expert system it derives a conclusion from the facts and rules for problem solving.


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Full Project – Automated hypertension diagnostic system