Project – Design and implementation of digital logbook system

Project – Design and implementation of digital logbook system



1.1 Background of the Study

The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) stands as a cornerstone within the academic journey of students, particularly those navigating technical domains like Computer Science. Offering a bridge between theoretical concepts and practical application, SIWES facilitates invaluable experiential learning. In contemporary educational landscapes, efficient record-keeping and progress monitoring are pivotal for program efficacy. Thus, this project undertakes the development of a digital logbook system tailored for the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University Dutsinma. This initiative seeks to supplant the conventional paper-based logbook utilized during SIWES, aiming to streamline record management while bolstering accessibility and data security. Traditionally, students document their daily endeavors, newfound skills, and encountered challenges within paper logbooks during SIWES placements. These entries undergo scrutiny from both internal and external supervisors, offering insights into student development and furnishing avenues for feedback.However, the inherent limitations of paper-based systems, such as susceptibility to damage or loss, hindered accessibility, and inefficiencies in tracking and evaluation, underscore the necessity for a digital alternative. Thus, the call for a robust digital logbook system emerges, poised to provide reliability, accessibility, and efficiency in recording and managing student experiences throughout SIWES.


1.2 Problem Statement

The current challenges in the area of the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) at the Federal University Dutsinma revolve around the antiquated paper-based logbook system employed for record-keeping. This system presents multifaceted obstacles, including susceptibility to damage or loss, inefficiency in manual record-keeping processes, limited accessibility for stakeholders, difficulty in tracking student progress, and security vulnerabilities. These challenges arise due to the inherent limitations of paper-based systems, such as their physical nature, which makes them prone to damage, theft, or misplacement. Additionally, manual processes are time-consuming and error-prone, hindering effective record-keeping and progress monitoring. The lack of accessibility for remote stakeholders further exacerbates the issue, impeding collaboration and oversight. Moreover, the absence of robust security measures poses risks of unauthorized access and tampering, compromising the integrity and confidentiality of recorded information. Therefore, there is a compelling need to address these challenges by transitioning to a digital logbook system. Such a system would mitigate these issues by providing a secure, efficient, and accessible platform for record-keeping and progress tracking, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of the SIWES program.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this project is to design and implement a digital logbook system for the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University Dutsinma.


  1. To design the system.
  2. To implement the new system
  3. To evaluate the system

1.4 Significance of Study

The significance of this study lies in its pivotal role in modernizing the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) at the Federal University Dutsinma. By transitioning from a traditional paper-based logbook system to a digital platform, this work aims to achieve several crucial objectives. Foremost, the implementation of a digital logbook system promises to resolve significant challenges inherent in the existing paper-based system. It addresses issues such as the risk of data loss or damage, inefficiencies in manual record-keeping, limited accessibility for stakeholders, and concerns regarding data security. By providing a secure, efficient, and accessible platform for recording and tracking student activities, the digital system ensures the integrity and confidentiality of student records while streamlining administrative processes. Moreover, the significance of this study extends to its impact on various stakeholders involved in the SIWES program. Students benefit from a more organized and user-friendly system for documenting their work experiences, facilitating better self-reflection and skill development. Supervisors, both internal and external, gain access to real-time progress updates and enhanced collaboration tools, enabling more effective monitoring and feedback provision. Additionally, administrators benefit from streamlined data management processes and improved oversight capabilities, contributing to overall program efficiency. Overall, the importance of this study lies in its potential to modernize SIWES operations, improve efficiency, enhance data security, and ultimately enrich the educational experience for students and stakeholders alike.

1.5 Scope and Limitations


The scope of this project includes the design, development, and deployment of a digital logbook system specifically tailored for the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University Dutsinma. The system will cater to the needs of students, the SIWES coordinator, internal supervisors, and external supervisors. Key features to be implemented are user authentication, logbook entry management, feedback and commenting, notifications, report generation, and role-specific dashboards.


Despite its potential benefits, the digital logbook system may face several limitations, including:

  1. Technical Challenges: Developing a secure and scalable system that meets all user requirements may be technically challenging.
  2. User Adaptation: Transitioning from a paper-based to a digital system may require training and adjustment for users who are accustomed to traditional methods.
  3. Resource Constraints: Limited resources, such as funding and technical expertise, may impact the development and deployment of the system.
  4. Dependence on Internet Connectivity: The system requires reliable internet access, which may be a constraint in areas with poor connectivity.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Digital Logbook: An electronic system for recording and managing entries, typically used to document activities and progress in an organized manner.

SIWES: Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme, a program designed to give students practical experience in their field of study.

User Authentication: A security process that verifies the identity of a user attempting to access a system.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): A method of regulating access to a system based on the roles of individual users.

CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete – the basic functions of persistent storage.

Feedback System: A mechanism for supervisors to provide comments and evaluations on student logbook entries.

Notification System: A feature that alerts users about important updates, deadlines, and activities.

Dashboard: A user interface that provides an overview of key metrics and activities tailored to specific user roles.

1.7 Summary

This chapter has introduced the need for a digital logbook system for the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University Dutsinma. It has outlined the background of the study, the problem statement, the aim and objectives, the significance of the study, the scope and limitations, and definitions of key terms. The subsequent chapters will delve into the literature review, system design, implementation, testing, and evaluation of the digital logbook system.


Project – Design and implementation of digital logbook system