Project – Design and implementation of child birth control management system

Project – Design and implementation of child birth control management system



1.1    Background to the Study

In the society today, there is high risk pregnancy among certain age group amongst the women. Scientifically and medically, there is need for the administration and intake of contraceptives to reduce the rate of pregnancy in the society. Child birth control is a measure adopted to reduce pregnancy among young girls and to prevent the high risk of sexual transmitted infections or diseases. So, child birth control is the use of medicines, devices, or surgical to prevent pregnancy and sexual transmitted infections or diseases.

In achieving improved child birth and reproductive health outcomes, Nigeria faces many challenges. With a current population of 196 million and a growth rate of approximately 2.9 percent per annum, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa (NPC, 2022). Nigeria’s youth dominated age structure, with approximately 44 percent of the population younger than age 15, will have a significant effect on the growth rate; almost half the population will be at or reaching reproductive age within the next 15 years. Even if growth immediately drops to replacement rates, the Nigerian population will effectively double in the next 25 years.

The fertility rate in Nigeria is high, at an average of 5.7 children per woman (Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey, 2021). Although the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has declined slightly from 6.0 in 1990, current rates coupled with a desired large family indicate that further immediate decreases will likely continue to be minimal. However, intention to use child birth control measures among married women who are not currently using child birth control is at 64 percent (Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey, 2021).

However, in other to manage the various types of child birth control measures and procedures, the need to design a system that can manage different child birth control measure becomes paramount. The Child Birth Control Management System is designed to properly manage various types of contraceptives and devices used for the prevention of pregnancies, diseases and infections. Some of contraceptives are male condom, female condom, contraceptive sponge, spermicide, diaphragm and cervical cap, oral contraceptives (pills), contraceptive patch, vaginal ring, injectable birth control, implant, intrauterine device (IUD), Tubal ligation and vasectomy.


1.2    Statement of the Problem

This study tends to solve problems associated with data management of certain groups of persons in the society. The agency of government responsible for data mining and management failed in their responsibility to update the public on the total number of pregnant women in the country. As such it was difficult to know how many child birth control measures are there for the much number of pregnant women in Nigeria. Other problems include:

  1. Lack of data mining
  2. Inconsistent data generation

To this end, the researcher choses to design and implement the child birth control management system for Rivers State University Teaching Hospital.

1.3    Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to design and implement the child birth control management system for Rivers State University Teaching Hospital. While other objectives are:

  1. To design an interface for the system
  2. To design a system that can manage data for child birth control measures
  3. To implement a system that can display total number of child birth contraceptives in the hospital

1.4    Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following groups and sector in the society. The study is of great benefit to the health sector to manage the delivery of the child birth control devices and medicines. It will be of significant to the Federal Ministry of Health to know and enable them take stock of the delivery. It will also benefit the women in the society to know when and the kind of child birth control measure suitable for every individual.

1.5    Scope of the Study

The scope for this study covers the Design and Implementation of Child Birth Control Management System for Rivers State University Teaching Hospital. 

1.6    Limitations of the Study

The study is limited to the designing a Child Birth Control Management System using PHP programming language, Code Igniter Framework and MYSQL database. Time constraints towards design of the system. Data collectors were also involved in the operation of the system, so some level of subjectivity is likely. For about half the duration of the data collection, a hike in fuel pump price resulted in transportation difficulties, as well as in challenges in reaching facility personnel.

1.7    Definition of Terms

Child Birth Control: It allows individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births

Computer System: It is seen as a set of integrated devices that input, output, process, and store data and information

Contraceptives: It is defined the intentional prevention of pregnancy by artificial or natural means.

Contraceptive sponge: It is defined as a contraceptive device placed inside of a female vagina just before sex to help prevent pregnancy.

Cervical cap: It is seen as a small cup made of silicone that fits over the cervix.

Contraceptive patch: It is defined as a transdermal patch applied to the skin that releases synthetic oestrogen and progestogen hormones to prevent pregnancy

Database: It is defined as an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system

Data mining: It is defined as a process used to extract usable data from a larger set of any raw data.

Project – Design and implementation of child birth control management system