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1.0 Background to the Study

An Identity card system (ID) is packaged with all of the components needed to be up-and-running and printing IDs within 15 minutes -guaranteed. Every ID Maker System comes with an intuitive, full-featured ID Maker Software, photo-taking tools, as well as enough blank card stock and printer ribbons to get through first run.  A system, with numerous definitions can be literally seen in a computer way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer. According to Chiemeke and Franca (2006), a system is set of components that interact to achieve a common goal. In another sense, a system is a group of interrelated or intersecting elements forming a unified whole. A automated system as in this project is an application program used to verify that someone or something rightly and legally belongs to a collection, an organization or an individual.

A new student comes in, and while their paperwork is being filled out, an ID card is printed. This ID card has a full color picture of the student, their signature, and a barcode or magnetic stripe.  The student visits the library and since their ID card also works as a library card, it is scanned to record the checkout details.  The student visits the cafeteria, and instead of handing over money, they simply have their ID card scanned. Since it also works as a meal card, the total amount is deducted directly from their student account.

The student attempts to enter the staff lounge, and is because their special student ID card also works as a security card, and it does not allow them access to the staff lounge.  When the student enters a classroom, they swipe their ID and are marked present. When they leave the classroom, they swipe again to verify they were in class the full time… and to verify where they were last. If that student turns up missing, the school’s security system will know where they were last — and when.  The student goes to computer class, and swipes their ID to log into a computer. That computer then allows access to specific applications only… based on their pre-set configured access levels.

There are different automated system, notably address computer system, adult verification system and card verification system to mention but a few. Student verification system is used to know whether or not a student is or was a legal and rightly registered student. In this context, it is used to verify that a student belongs/belonged to an institution and to confirm that he/she is properly registered in a particular department running any of the institutions programme. This student verification system (SVS), also known as DELSU e-Verify is a window based system. It is an electronic and automated means of verifying someone’s claim of studentship to an institution by means of their matriculation number (Mat No) being input, hence using an output clearly showing the truth or false of his/her claim.

An identity document is any document which may be used to verify aspects of a person’s personality. If issued in the form of a small, mostly standard-sized card, it is usually called and identity card (IC). Countries which do not have formal identity documents may require informal documents.

In the absence of formal identity document, driving licenses can be used in many countries as a method of proof of identity, although some countries do not accept driving licenses for identification, often because in those countries they do not expire as documents and can be old easily forged. Most countries accepts passports as a form of identification. Schools, colleges and universities utilize secure ID cards to foster a safe learning environment, often combining access control, identification and transactional applications into one card for flexibility and convenience. Datacard® school ID systems make it easy and affordable to integrate new ID card technologies that make campus life more efficient for everyone.

Students Identity card issued by the school administrators to a citizen intending to travel abroad from the definition, identity card can also be called a true image of an individual, because it tells well about a person coming into a country. Citizens in a country have the right to apply for issuance of an interstudents passport. There is a need for the maintenance and generating of students records in order to maintain current data concerning an individual in the institute of management and technology Enugu, the unit, which takes the responsibility of producing an identity card for student, has many sections. A system, with numerous definitions can be literally seen in a computer way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer.

According to Chiemeke & Franca (2006), a system is set of components that interact to achieve a common goal. In another sense, a system is a group of interrelated or intersecting elements forming a unified whole. A verification system as in this project is an application program used to verify that someone or something rightly and legally belongs to a collection, an organization or an individual. There are different verification system, notably address verification system, adult verification system and card verification system to mention but a few. Student verification system is used to know whether or not a student is or was a legal and rightly registered student. In this context, it is used to verify that a student belongs/belonged to an institution and to confirm that he/she is properly registered in a particular department running any of the institutions programme. This student verification system (SVS), also known as DELSU e-Verify is a window based system. It is an electronic and automated means of verifying someone’s claim of studentship to an institution by means of their matriculation number (Mat No) being input, hence using an output clearly showing the truth or false of his/her claim.

In this modern age, computers have verified the cause of their existence. The advent of computers in our society caused a lot of criticism on the danger it poses on the society. Critics of computer and new techniques express their fear on how computers will displace and replace all human skills thus resulting to mass unemployment. The presence of computer on virtually every field of today’s fast life has proved the critic wrong as the invention of computers and new technologies continues to create additional jobs for those who identify themselves with computers and new technologies. This make computes partner to human beings in any fields of human endeavour. Over the past decades, students identification and verification has been a major problem in large institutions as documents, certificate and studentship can be forged at a great rate and easy way, using the computer negatively. Forgers fail to know that in this fast moving world, the computer has equally served as an aid to decision making, verification and authentication. This is because of computers efficiency in terms of speed, accuracy, reliability, cost and security among others. In recent years, awareness has existed and created in people as it concerned the use of computer in verifying, authenticating and security activities either through web-based (internet) or window-based. Decision support system (DSS) and others system like management information system (MIS) and information system (IS) are used in organization. Decisions are largely based on experience and principle. The value of every degree is the reputation of the institution and the students produced, hence, the greatest obstacle to any academic institution which is dishonesty and forgery has to be balanced with verification and authentication systems and processes. “In recent times, effort are bring made to build intelligence into computer system, whereby the computer can be used to process large volume of structural and unstructured information for decision making.

Most countries have the rule that foreign citizens need to have their passport or occasionally a students identity card from their country, available at anytime if they do not have residence permit in the country. A student identification card can only be issued to genuine bonafide students. Card holders can use the can to identify themselves as a student around the campus or outside the campus. The identity card is managed and administered by the (Student Identity Card Association (SICA) of the school.

In recent times, systems design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. It could be seen as the application of systems theory to product development. The design and implementation of World Wide Web has become an environment for distributed applications of all kinds. The originally intended use of the Web as distributed system for knowledge-interchange seems to disappear, compared to the increasing number of Electronic Commerce Web applications. Organizations offer products and services in the Web, and use the Web as a means to integrate their (heterogeneous) business application systems. Offering Web-based products requires combining services of different application systems, which were build on the coarse-grained Web implementation model. Reusing the respective fine-grained services and application systems respectively integrating these cross-platform application systems increases quality and reduces costs of the new product.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

In examination of the main generating techniques used in ID-card generating system from the stage of data generating system to end stage of the processed ID-Card, a number of problem area are made known, which are as follows: It has been noted that for students to relieve or collect their ID-Card in institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu, they queen up for several hours from one unit of the generating center to the another with the manual processed involved in handling the students ID-card process, most of them waste the whole day in the generating center without getting their ID-cards. So student do waste a lot of time in taking information and retrieving the students records.

1.2 Aim and Objectives 

The aim of the study is to examine the Design and Implementation of automated Students ID card generating system (Id  card system).

Other objectives of study include:

  1. To identify various existing students’ identity card (Id card system) being used in the school.
  2. Determine the factors affecting students’ identity card (Id card system).
  3. Examine the extent of the use of students’ inventory management systems in students’ identity card (Id card system).
  4. Assess the appropriateness of the regulations and rules guiding the students’ identity card (Id  card system)
  5. Develop the students’ identity card (Id  card system).


1.3 Research Questions

The following research questions are as follows:

  1. What are the various existing students’ identity card (Id card system) being used in the school?
  2. What are the factors affecting students’ identity card (Id card system)?
  3. What are the extent of the use of students’ inventory management systems in students’ identity card (Id card system)?
  4. What are the appropriateness of the regulations and rules guiding the students’ identity card (Id card system)?

1.4 Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are as follows:

  1. Various existing students’ identity card (Id card system) is not significantly used in the school.
  2. There is no significant use of factors affecting students’ identity card (Id card system).
  3. There is no significant use of students’ inventory management systems in students’ identity card (Id card system).
  4. There is no appropriateness of the regulations and rules guiding the students’ identity card (Id  card system)

1.5 Significance of the Study

For the fact that this project research is aimed at having comprehensive review of the manual system of operation being carried out in the students identity card. The following will be taken into consideration for subject matters. They are:

–           Ensure accurate and timely update of the holder record.

–           Check multiple possession of the students Identity card.

–           Deprive fake students who are not bonafide students from obtaining the identity card.

–           A proper account of the identity card issued.

–           Finally, a proper storage system which keeps all vital information ready for use.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research work will be limited in scope to the Design and Implementation of automated Students ID card generating system (Id card system). The study would be limited to the students of a selected schools  in Lagos state.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

Some of the constraints that they have in one-way or another affected the outcome of this work include:

  1. Resources: Due to the complex and insecurity associated with human factors during this research work, personnel who are used to the manual system perhaps for fear of losing their jobs have been reserved in relinquishing all necessary information to make this project an enticingly extensive one.
  2. Time: Due to time allowed for this project work, as a student was limited to come up with a reasonable work within the stipulated time.
  3. Power: Availability of stable, efficient and reliable power supply was also a major limitation of this project as it had to be suspended several times during design and testing stages.

1.8 Definition of Terms

The following words have been defined as they will be used in the study:

Computer: An electronic machine capable of accepting data in the form of input, processes it under a set of complete condition, stores information or request for references and generated result in the form of output.

Application: As it concerns this subject matter, it is one who applies to the Department of Students Civil Registration for the Issuance of Students Identity Card of the stipulated age.

Students: Under the provision of the amended constitution of 1999, students is any person who becomes learner of any country either by birth, descendant, Registration or Studentsization.

Identity Card Generating: The procedure involved in generating and identity card.

Students Id Card Assessment: The procedure or act of checking Identity card already in used.


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