Project – Utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in Junior secondary school

Project – Utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in Junior secondary school



  • Background to the Study

The utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in junior secondary schools has become a significant area of interest in the field of education. According to a study by Kozma (2011), the integration of technology in teaching business studies enhances the learning experience, making it more interactive and engaging. The study further suggests that technology can be used to simulate real-world business scenarios, thereby providing students with practical knowledge and skills. This approach is particularly beneficial in junior secondary schools where students are just beginning to understand the complexities of business studies.

In a similar vein, a study by Chen (2013) found that the use of broadcast technology in teaching business studies can significantly improve students’ understanding of the subject. The study revealed that broadcast technology, such as video conferencing and online lectures, allows for a more comprehensive and in-depth exploration of business concepts. This is because these technologies enable teachers to bring in experts from different fields of business to share their knowledge and experiences with the students.

However, the successful integration of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies is not without challenges. According to a study by Ertmer (2005), one of the main challenges is the lack of adequate technological resources in many junior secondary schools. This lack of resources often hinders the effective use of technology in teaching business studies. Additionally, the study found that many teachers lack the necessary skills to effectively use these technologies, further limiting their potential benefits.

Despite these challenges, several strategies have been proposed to enhance the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies. For instance, a study by Hew & Brush (2007) suggests that providing teachers with adequate training on how to use these technologies can significantly improve their effectiveness. The study also recommends that schools should invest in the necessary technological infrastructure to support the use of these technologies.

Moreover, the use of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies has been found to have several benefits. According to a study by Means, Toyama, Murphy, Bakia, & Jones (2009), these technologies can enhance students’ critical thinking skills, improve their problem-solving abilities, and foster a deeper understanding of business concepts. The study further suggests that these technologies can make learning more enjoyable and engaging for students, thereby improving their overall academic performance.

In conclusion, the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in junior secondary schools holds great potential. However, for this potential to be fully realized, there is a need for adequate investment in technological resources and teacher training. Future research should focus on identifying effective strategies for integrating these technologies into the teaching of business studies.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of utilizing interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in junior secondary schools is multifaceted. Firstly, there is a lack of adequate technological infrastructure in many schools, particularly in rural and underprivileged areas. This lack of resources hinders the effective implementation of technology-based teaching methods, thus limiting the potential benefits for students.

Secondly, there is a significant gap in the technological literacy of teachers, with many lacking the necessary skills to effectively utilize interaction and broadcast technologies in their teaching. This lack of skills not only hinders the implementation of these technologies but also affects the quality of education delivered.

Thirdly, the integration of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies is often met with resistance from both teachers and students. Teachers may resist due to a lack of confidence in their technological skills or fear of change, while students may resist due to a lack of familiarity with the technology.

Fourthly, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of using interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies at the junior secondary school level. This lack of empirical evidence makes it difficult for educators to justify the investment in these technologies.

Fifthly, the rapid pace of technological change presents a challenge for schools in keeping their technology and teaching methods up-to-date. This constant need for updating and learning new technologies can be overwhelming for both teachers and students.

Lastly, there are concerns about the potential negative effects of technology on students’ social skills and physical health. Excessive screen time and lack of face-to-face interaction are often cited as potential drawbacks of technology-based teaching methods.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in Junior secondary school.

  1. To examine the current state of interaction and broadcast technology skills among teachers of business studies.
  2. To assess the effectiveness of using interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies.
  3. To identify the challenges faced by teachers in utilizing interaction and broadcast technology for teaching business studies.
  4. To propose strategies for improving the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the current state of interaction and broadcast technology skills among teachers of business studies?
  2. How effective is the use of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies?
  3. What are the challenges faced by teachers in utilizing interaction and broadcast technology for teaching business studies?
  4. What strategies could be proposed to improve the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Interaction and broadcast technology has no significant impact in the teaching of business studies.

H1: Interaction and broadcast technology has significant impact in the teaching of business studies.

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in Junior secondary school is manifold. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the current state of technology use among business studies teachers. This is crucial as it helps to identify the gaps in the use of technology, which can be addressed through targeted interventions. It also provides a benchmark against which future improvements can be measured.

Secondly, the study assesses the effectiveness of using interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies. This is important as it helps to determine whether the use of such technology enhances the learning experience and outcomes for students. It also provides insights into the specific ways in which technology can be used to improve teaching and learning in business studies.

Thirdly, the study identifies the challenges faced by teachers in utilizing interaction and broadcast technology for teaching business studies. This is significant as it helps to understand the barriers that prevent teachers from fully utilizing technology in their teaching. These insights can be used to develop strategies and interventions to overcome these challenges and enhance the use of technology in teaching.

Fourthly, the study proposes strategies for improving the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies. These strategies are based on the findings of the study and are therefore tailored to the specific needs and challenges identified. They provide a roadmap for enhancing the use of technology in teaching business studies and can be used by teachers, school administrators, and policymakers to improve teaching and learning.

Fifthly, the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on the use of technology in teaching. It adds to the literature by providing empirical evidence on the use of interaction and broadcast technology in teaching business studies in Junior secondary school. This can be used by other researchers and practitioners in the field to further their understanding and practice.

Lastly, the study has implications for policy and practice. The findings and recommendations can be used by policymakers and school administrators to develop policies and practices that support the effective use of technology in teaching. This can lead to improved teaching and learning outcomes, and ultimately, better preparedness of students for the digital age.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in Junior secondary school. The study is limited to selected secondary schools in Ikorodu Lagos.

  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. Interaction: This refers to the process of two or more entities (in this case, teachers and students) communicating or influencing each other in some way. In the context of teaching, it could refer to the exchange of ideas, questions, and feedback between teachers and students.
  2. Broadcast: This refers to the transmission of information by radio or television. In an educational context, it could refer to the use of these mediums to disseminate educational content to students.
  3. Technology Skills: These are abilities and knowledge in using a range of technology tools, including but not limited to computers, software applications, and internet-based resources. In the context of teaching, it could refer to the ability to use these tools to enhance the learning experience.
  4. Teaching: This is the process of imparting knowledge or skills to others. In the context of this study, it refers to the act of teaching business studies to junior secondary school students.
  5. Business Studies: This is an academic subject that involves the study of business and its various aspects like finance, marketing, economics, and management. It provides students with a basic understanding of the principles and practices related to running or managing a business.
  6. Junior Secondary School: This is a level of education typically for students aged 12-15 years old. It is the stage before senior secondary school and usually involves a broad curriculum to provide a well-rounded education.

Project – Utilization of interaction and broadcast technology skills for teaching business studies in Junior secondary school