The study examined Motivation and workers productivity in the public sector. A study of Eti Osa local government of Lagos State 2019-2024. Four research objectives were used which are: examine the effect of workers motivation on organizational productivity; determine the effect of reward system on workers productivity; determine how often the organization motivate its workers; and measure the level of motivation of workers’ productivity. The data collected were analyzed using the simple percentage. The reasons for the use of the simple percentage were to present and interpret the responses from respondents while hypotheses were tested using the Chi-square. The population for this study comprises of workers of Eti Osa Local Government in Lagos-Island, Lagos. The sampling design used in this study was the convenience sampling. The study recommended that recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and dedication can boost motivation levels and ultimately improve organizational productivity. The study concluded that Worker’s motivation has significant impact on organizational productivity.



1.1       Background of the Study

The workers of any organization are the most central part of the organization so, they need to be influenced and persuaded towards tasks fulfillment (Cetin, 2013). How they feel about the work they are doing and the results received from that work has direct impact on an organization’s productivity and it’s stability for instance if an organizations’ workers are highly motivated and proactive, they will do whatever is necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. For example, Lagos State Public sector as public oriented organization is saddled with the responsibility of implementing the Government policies and programmes that will improve the wellbeing of the citizenry and develop the State which in-turn moves the State to the next level (Akerele, 2001).

Motivation could be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation derives from within the person. It refers to the direct relationship between a worker and the task, and is usually self- applied. Examples of intrinsic motivation are achievement,   accomplishment, challenge and competence which are derived from performing one’s job well (Afful-Broni, 2004). Extrinsic motivation comes from the work environment, external to the person and his or her work. Good salary, fringe benefits, enabling policies and various forms of supervisions are good examples of this type of motivation (Mankoe, 2006). Good remuneration has been found over the years to be one of the policies that organization can adopt to increase their workers’ productivity and thereby increase the organizations productivity. Also, with the present global economic trend most employers of labour have realized the fact that for their organization to compete favorably, the productivity of their workers goes a long way in determining the success of the organization, on the other hand the productivity of workers in any organist ion is vital, not only from the growth of the organization but also for the growth of individual workers (Meyer and Peng, 2005). An organization must know who are its outstanding workers, those who need additional training and those not contributing to the efficiency and welfare of the organization. Also productivity on the job can be assessed at all levels of employment such as personnel decision relating to promotion, job relation, job enrichments etc. In the Lagos State Public sector annual productivity appraisal is being done yearly to ascertain those who are to be promoted, trained and transferred to other challenging duties (Akerele, 2001).

In view of this, this study attempts to identify the impact that motivation has on workers productivity in orders to address problem arising from motivational approaches in an organization settings (Baumeister and Voh, 2004), supported the assumption that workers tend to perform more effectively if their wages are related to productivity which is not based on personal bias or prejudice, but on objective evaluation of an workers’s merit.

In general the specification technique chosen varies with the type of work. For achieving prosperity, organization design different strategies to compete with their rivals and of increasing the productivity of the organization (Akintoye, 2000). Very few organizations believe that the human personnel and workers  of any  organization are its main assets which can lead them to success or if not focused well, to decline unless and until, the workers of any organization are satisfied with it, are motivated for the tasks fulfillment and goals achievement and encourage, no organization can progress or achieve success. All these issues call for research efforts, so as to bring to focus how an appropriate reward package can jeer up or influence workers to develop positive attitude towards their job and thereby increase their productivity.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Nigerians have so much complained about a low productivity of civil servants. Even workers themselves have also been worried about their own level of productivity. The problems of the study are buttressed below: Delayed salaries can affect the productivity of workers especially in the public sectors. Workers are not motivated to work when they have not been paid. The motivational tool and incentives were not properly provided to the workers that will make them to put in their best. Lack of programmes provision for developing workers made many junior workers undertake personal training at the detriment of the employers. The fear of Job security among workers is one of the factors responsible for low productivity in both public and private sectors.

1.3       Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to ascertain the Motivation and workers productivity in the public sector. The objectives of the study are to:

  1. examines the effect of workers motivation on organizational productivity.
  2. determine the effect of reward system on workers productivity.
  3. determine how often the organization motivate its workers.
  4. measure the level of motivation of workers’ productivity.

1.4       Relevant Research Question

  1. How effective is workers’ motivation on organizational productivity?
  2. How effective is reward system on workers productivity?
  3. How often does the organization motivate its workers?
  4. How can the level of motivation of workers’ productivity be measured?

1.5       Relevant Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1

H0:       Worker’s motivation does not have significant impact on organizational productivity.

H1:       Worker’s motivation has significant impact on organizational productivity.

1.6       Significances of the Study

This research work is significant in two ways:

It is significant to the employers as it exposes the reasons and circumstances that led to the lateness and nonchalant attitudes of the workers and the reason why most of them are not always happy doing their jobs. It is also significant because it will serve as an object of consultation for government functionaries and as well contribute to the relevant literatures and which will be useful to the academic and other scholars for further research. In addition, it will assist management to engage in workers welfare development in order to improve the output of productivity of workers. This study will also serve as a useful tool for those in the management sciences discipline who would like to carry out further research in this area. Practically, it assists practicing manager in understanding the impact of incentives on workers’ productivity, hence enabling these elements to be incorporated into policy and objectives of the organization.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The study examines the Motivation and workers productivity in the public sector. A study of Eti Osa local government of Lagos State 2019-2024.. And the study will be structured into five chapters. The study as perceived might face some logistic challenges in term of the time and the costs involved in carrying out the research, but nevertheless, it would strive to accomplish its aims and purpose.

1.8       Definition of Terms

Motivation: Motivation is the process of arousing behavior, sustaining behaviors in progress and channeling behavior into a specific course of action.

Incentive: this is a conscious use of rewards and penalties to encourage good productivity in the utility sector.

Non-monetary: Transactions that do not result in a transfer of funds between accounts. Nonmonetary transactions can be something as simple as a change of address or an appreciation note.

Monetary Incentive: A monetary incentive is to reward associates for excellent job productivity through money.

Workers: This is a person who is paid to work for an organization or business enterprises.

Task Fulfillment: This means the accomplishment of assigned job with a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Productivity: How well an workers does his job actively.

Productivity: The rate at which works are done and delivered and the quantity of work done especially in relation to the work, time and money needed to perform the work.

Reward: To give something to someone because they have done something good or helpful or have worked hard for it.

Organization: This an organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or government department.

Goals: A goal is a desired result that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve: a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development.