Project – Employee retention strategies (Creating path and progression) and organization performance in the Nigeria Civil Service

Project – Employee retention strategies (Creating path and progression) and organization performance in the Nigeria Civil Service


The study examined Employee retention strategies (Creating path and progression) and organization performance in the Nigeria Civil Service. Four research objectives were adopted for the study, which are: to examine the current state of employee retention strategies in the Nigeria Civil Service; to analyze the impact of employee retention strategies on overall organization performance within the Nigeria Civil Service; to identify the role of creating paths and progression in enhancing employee retention in the Nigeria Civil Service; and to evaluate the effectiveness of the progression strategies in improving the performance of the Nigeria Civil Service. The study employed the descriptive survey design.  The nature of the problem was duly considered in the study.  the researcher used a total number of one hundred (100) staff of Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Lagos State. The study recommended Encourage open communication and feedback channels to address employee concerns and improve overall satisfaction. The study concluded that Employee retention strategies have significant impact on overall or.ganization performance within the Nigeria Civil Service.



  • Background to the Study

Employee retention strategies, particularly those focused on creating paths and progression, have been a significant area of interest in the Nigerian Civil Service. The Nigerian Civil Service, as the administrative apparatus of the government, has been grappling with high employee turnover rates, which have been detrimental to its performance (Adeyemo, 2014). Adeyemo (2014) posits that the lack of clear career progression paths and opportunities for growth are among the primary reasons for this high turnover. This assertion is supported by Ojokuku and Sajuyigbe (2012), who found a strong correlation between employee retention strategies and organizational performance in the Nigerian Civil Service.

The implementation of effective employee retention strategies, such as creating clear career paths and progression opportunities, has been linked to improved organizational performance (Ojokuku & Sajuyigbe, 2012). These strategies provide employees with a sense of direction and purpose, which in turn, increases their job satisfaction and commitment to the organization. This is particularly important in the Nigerian Civil Service, where the lack of these strategies has been identified as a major contributor to employee dissatisfaction and turnover (Adeyemo, 2014).

A study by Ojokuku and Sajuyigbe (2012) found that organizations that implemented clear career paths and progression opportunities experienced a significant reduction in employee turnover and an increase in organizational performance. This finding is consistent with the work of Adeyemo (2014), who found that employees in the Nigerian Civil Service who perceived their career paths as clear and progression opportunities as available were more likely to remain with the organization.

However, the implementation of these strategies is not without challenges. According to Adeyemo (2014), the Nigerian Civil Service faces several obstacles in implementing effective employee retention strategies, including bureaucratic red tape, lack of resources, and resistance to change. These challenges, if not addressed, could undermine the effectiveness of these strategies and their impact on organizational performance.

Despite these challenges, the importance of implementing effective employee retention strategies in the Nigerian Civil Service cannot be overstated. As Adeyemo (2014) and Ojokuku and Sajuyigbe (2012) have shown, these strategies not only reduce employee turnover but also improve organizational performance. Therefore, it is imperative for the Nigerian Civil Service to overcome these challenges and implement effective employee retention strategies.

The literature suggests that creating clear career paths and progression opportunities is a key strategy for retaining employees and improving organizational performance in the Nigerian Civil Service. However, the implementation of these strategies faces several challenges that need to be addressed. Future research should focus on identifying effective ways to overcome these challenges and further explore the impact of these strategies on organizational performance.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of employee retention is a significant issue in the Nigeria Civil Service. According to Adebayo (2006), the civil service has been experiencing a high turnover rate, which has been detrimental to the organization’s performance. The lack of clear career paths and progression opportunities has been identified as a key factor contributing to this problem. Employees often feel stuck in their positions with no clear direction for advancement, leading to dissatisfaction and eventual departure.

The impact of this problem extends beyond the individual employees. As Okeke and Emmanuel (2013) point out, high turnover rates can lead to a loss of institutional knowledge and skills, which can negatively affect the organization’s ability to deliver quality services. This is particularly problematic in the civil service, where the continuity of service delivery is crucial.

Furthermore, the cost of employee turnover is significant. According to a study by Onyishi and Agbo (2014), the cost of replacing an employee in the Nigeria Civil Service can be as high as 150% of the employee’s annual salary. This includes the costs of recruitment, training, and the loss of productivity during the transition period.

Despite the clear need for effective retention strategies, there is a lack of research on this topic in the context of the Nigeria Civil Service. Most studies, such as those by Adebayo (2006) and Okeke and Emmanuel (2013), focus on the problem of turnover but do not provide specific solutions for retention.

Moreover, there is a lack of understanding of the relationship between employee retention strategies and organization performance. While it is generally accepted that high turnover rates can negatively affect performance, there is little empirical evidence to support this assumption in the context of the Nigeria Civil Service.

The problem of employee retention in the Nigeria Civil Service is a complex issue that requires further research. Specifically, there is a need for studies that investigate the effectiveness of different retention strategies, particularly those focused on creating paths and progression, and their impact on organization performance.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine employee retention strategies (Creating path and progression) and organization performance in the Nigeria Civil Service

  1. To examine the current state of employee retention strategies in the Nigeria Civil Service.
  2. To analyze the impact of employee retention strategies on overall organization performance within the Nigeria Civil Service.
  3. To identify the role of creating paths and progression in enhancing employee retention in the Nigeria Civil Service.
  4. To evaluate the effectiveness of the progression strategies in improving the performance of the Nigeria Civil Service. 
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the current state of employee retention strategies in the Nigeria Civil Service?
  2. How do employee retention strategies impact the overall organization performance within the Nigeria Civil Service?
  3. What role does creating paths and progression play in enhancing employee retention in the Nigeria Civil Service?
  4. How effective are the progression strategies in improving the performance of the Nigeria Civil Service?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Employee retention strategies have no significant impact on overall organization performance within the Nigeria Civil Service

H1: Employee retention strategies have significant impact on overall organization performance within the Nigeria Civil Service

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on employee retention strategies, specifically creating a path and progression, and its impact on organizational performance in the Nigeria Civil Service, is multi-faceted. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the importance of employee retention strategies in the public sector. In an era where the competition for skilled labor is high, it is crucial for organizations, including those in the public sector, to develop and implement effective retention strategies. This study, therefore, provides a roadmap for the Nigeria Civil Service to enhance its retention strategies, thereby reducing turnover and increasing organizational stability.

Secondly, the study underscores the importance of creating a path and progression for employees. This strategy not only motivates employees but also gives them a sense of direction and purpose in their work. By understanding their career trajectory within the organization, employees are more likely to stay committed and contribute positively to the organization’s performance. This study, therefore, highlights the need for the Nigeria Civil Service to invest in career development programs that promote employee growth and progression.

Thirdly, the study provides empirical evidence on the relationship between employee retention strategies and organizational performance. By examining the Nigeria Civil Service, the study offers valuable insights into how effective retention strategies can enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall performance in the public sector. These findings can be used to inform policy and decision-making, not only within the Nigeria Civil Service but also in other public sector organizations.

Fourthly, the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on human resource management in the public sector. Despite the growing interest in this field, there is still a dearth of research focusing on the Nigeria Civil Service. This study, therefore, fills this gap by exploring the role of employee retention strategies in enhancing organizational performance.

Fifthly, the study has practical implications for human resource practitioners and policymakers in the Nigeria Civil Service. The findings of the study can be used to develop and implement effective retention strategies that not only attract but also retain skilled labor. This is particularly important in the Nigeria Civil Service, which has been grappling with high turnover rates and a shortage of skilled labor.

Lastly, the study has broader implications for the Nigeria Civil Service and the public sector at large. By demonstrating the importance of employee retention strategies in enhancing organizational performance, the study underscores the need for a paradigm shift in the way human resources are managed in the public sector. This shift involves moving away from traditional, transactional human resource practices towards more strategic, people-centered practices that prioritize employee retention and development.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines employee retention strategies (Creating path and progression) and organization performance in the Nigeria Civil Service. A study of Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Lagos State.

  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. Employee: An employee is an individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights and duties. In the context of this study, employees are the individuals working within the Nigeria Civil Service.
  2. Retention Strategies: Retention strategies are policies and initiatives organizations implement to reduce employee turnover, keep employees satisfied, and make them less likely to leave. These strategies can include competitive salaries, benefits, positive work environments, and opportunities for advancement.
  3. Creating Path and Progression: This is a specific type of retention strategy. It involves creating clear career paths and progression opportunities within an organization. This means employees can see a future within the organization and understand the steps they need to take to advance. This can increase job satisfaction and loyalty, reducing the likelihood of employees leaving.
  4. Organization: An organization is a group of people who work together in an organized way for a shared purpose. In this case, the organization is the Nigeria Civil Service, which is a sector of the government of Nigeria that implements the policies of the government.
  5. Performance: In the context of an organization, performance can refer to how well the organization is meeting its goals. This can include financial performance, such as profits or cost savings, as well as non-financial performance, such as employee satisfaction, quality of service, or efficiency. In this study, performance likely refers to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Nigeria Civil Service.
  6. Nigeria Civil Service: The Nigeria Civil Service is part of the public sector in Nigeria that implements the executive and administrative works of the government. It plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development and good governance in the country.

Project – Employee retention strategies (Creating path and progression) and organization performance in the Nigeria Civil Service