Full Project – Planned change and employee performance in the public sector

Full Project – Planned change and employee performance in the public sector

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Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

The modern business environment is clogged with increased level of competitiveness as a result of recent issues on technological advancements, labour related issues, increased cost of operation, market variations and attendant realities of globalization and as such business organizations are required to continually keep their strategies flexible to accommodate and adopt to changes poses by these current realities within the environment of business (Fendel and Frenkel, 2005). Therefore, private organization have a fair share of this competitive pressure ever such as prevalent within their designated industry, to survive and thrive, the current 21st century organizations will have to make greater efforts to acquire or improve constantly its competitive positions as higher levels of growth and performance will be derived by such attempts (Guzman, Gutierrez, Cortes & Ramirez, 2012).

Every business organization as an open system operates and interacts with other constituent parts within a larger system, which delineates the arena of business, which is constantly in a state of flux, and as such, strategies and policies remain malleable to suit this ever-changing state (Cole, 2005).

The world change means something new. It means to move from one place to another, it means to take off something and put something else on. It means alteration. It is the exchange of one form, phase, place or state to another. Therefore, change has to do with something new, such as new technology, products, processes, services and attitudes. In fact we can change occupation, outlook, money, colour, lands, key, one’s mind, one’s tune, step, clothes, vehicle or bus or train and address.

Thus, change produces emotional reaction change is inevitable and it has been said times without number that the only constant thing or variable in life is change itself. In organizations, charge usually resects from the following forms, the tasks which people do or the duties they carry out, the technology or method or system of carrying out the work, the structure or relationships between people, and the persons doing the work, their skills and attitudes.

It therefore, becomes imperative to always take proactive steps towards change, as it is the only way to take change of the future. This involves approaching it with open mind and learning to develop its positive elements. The deliberate design and implementation of a structural innovation, a new policy or goal, or a change in operating philosophy, climate or style. Every organization makes minor structural adjustments in reaction to changes in its direct action and indirect action environments, of course, what distinguishes planned change from those reactive changes is its scope and magnitude.

Planned change aims to prepare the entire organization, or a major part of it, to adapt to significant changes in the organization’s goals and direction. A planned change is not simple, in expensive, or painless. The private organizations in Nigeria are not left out of the organization change process the performance of the employee of any organization depends to a larger extent on the quality of organizational environment.

On the general level managers have grown increasingly active roles in bringing about change (Alken & Keller, 2007, Kotter & Cohen, 2002, Nadler, 1988). Indeed, more and more managers have become skilled at reacting to external forces, conceptualizing a preferred future state, and implementing the subsequent “plan” for achieving the well-defined end. In this context, however, change is largely viewed as linear and mechanistic, as a series of discrete and at times, traumatic events that need to be controlled to enable the organization to achieve its goals, given the onslaught to changes that a growing number of organization non face, however, this carefully planned approach is quickly becoming inadequate as success in rapidly changing environments demand experimentation, improvisation and the ability to cope with unanticipated occurrences and unintended repercussions (Wheattey, 1992, Gersick, 1991).

From the studies above, we intend the identified Lacuna in this field by examining the inter relationship between organizational planned change and employee performance of private sector in Rivers State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Issues surrounding employee performance of private organizations in Rivers State arise from pressure exerted by the spate of technological advancement, Labor (skilled labor) translated into human capital as rare and valuable resources and assets for the organization which are not readily available, huge financial base required for establishment of standardized facility, this partly because of the unavailability of adequate infrastructural facilities provided, acquisition of highly qualified employees with the requisite skills to operate, poor management as a result ineffectiveness of human resources within the organization, all these are required for any given organization to have a good performance on which to stand and thrive, hence reforms that are targeted at reorganizing the private organization with a view to enhancing efficiency in the supply of services are urgently required if costs are to be controlled and consumers assured of good value for money spent (Ogunbekun & Orobaton, 1999).

However, these attempts in reforms and regulatory efforts directed towards the operations of private organizations, advances in performance and increasing use of high cost services and procedures are estimated to emanate which would consequently put to test the performance position of these employees. Accordingly, Herzlinger (2004) opines that tree market competition, consumer choice, and innovative management would determine success in the industry. To this end, this study seeks to examine the effect of organizational planned change on employee performance of private firm in Rivers State.



1.3 Conceptual Framework








Fig. 1.1


Fig 1.1

Source: Researcher’s Desk, 2021.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the research work is to examine the relationship between organizational planned change and employee performance of Dangote Cement in Rivers State. Other specific objectives are to:

  1. Determine if there is relationship between structural change and employee task performance.
  2. Examine if there is relationship between Structural change and employee contextual performance.
  3. Ascertain if there is relationship between technological change and employee task performance.
  4. Examine if there is relationship between technological change and Employee contextual performance.

1.5 Research Questions

The aforementioned objectives give rise to the following research questions.

  1. What is the relationship between structural change and employee task performance?
  2. What is the relationship between structural change and

employee contextual performance?

  1. What is the relationship between technological change and employee task performance?
  2. What is the relationship between technological change and employee contextual performance?

1.6 Research Hypotheses

To provide tentative answers to the research questions above, this research work is guided by the following propositions stated in the null form:

H01: There is no significant relationship between structural change and employee task performance

H02: There is no significant relationship between structural change and employee contextual performance

H03: There is no significant relationship between technological change and employee task performance.

HO4: There is no significant relationship between technological change and employee contextual performance.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The importance of this study cannot be overemphasized because it goes a long way to ensure continuous existence and survival of organization.

This study is important to policy makers, also beneficial to the government, civil service, as it will help to explore the key roles that managers can play in the overall performance of the various ministries and society.

The findings will assist researchers have firm knowledge on how the management could be improved in terms of enhancing the employees work attitude and sustaining the organization, this will serve as a repository to existing body of knowledge and encourage the younger minds for further research in the area of organization planned change and Employee performance.

1.8   Scope of the Study

This study will be performed investigated under three fundamental scopes.

The content/Theoretical scope: this covers all relevant theories and literatures on organizational planned change and employee performance.

The Geographical scope: this study will be carried out in the entire department in Dangote cement, in Rivers State.

The unit of Analysis: this study will be performed at the micro level or individual level of analysis, which means that the employees will be the respondents.

1.9   Limitations of the Study

In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher had to choose two measures (Employee Task Performance and Employee Contextual Performance) out of the many measures of employee performance and also the choice of the research design (cross-sectional) adopted by the researcher is seen as a limitation of the study. This study focused on Dangote cement only, which may hot be generalized to cover other private sectors in Rivers State.

Despite all these constraints, the researcher did not allow the essence of the study to be defeated as we considered all these.

1.10. Operational Definition of Terms

Organizational planned change: this refers to the deliberate design and implementation of a structural innovation, a new policy or goal, or a change in operating philosophy, climate or style.

Structural change: this refers to the rearranging its natural systems, such as the lines of communication, work flow, or management hierarchy.

Technological change: this refers to altering equipment, engineering processes, research techniques or production methods.

Employee performance: this refers to the ability of an employee to ensure that job assigned to him/her is done in congruent with the organizational goals.

Employee task performance: this refers to the proficiency with which an employee performs central job task.

Employee contextual performance: this refers to the employee behaviour that support the organizational, social and psychological environment in which the central job task and performed.

1.11 Organizational Profile Of Dangote Cement.

Dangote Cement is a subsidiary of Dangote Industries, which was founded by Aliko Dangote in 1981 as a trading business with an initial focus on importation of bagged cement and other commodities such as rice, sugar, flour, salt and fish.

Over time, the Group began to import bulk cement into the Apapa and Port Harcourt terminals, which it then bagged for distribution. Through the 1990s, the Group made a strategic decision to transition from a trading based business into a fully-fledged integrated manufacturing operation. This is where our ambitious plan to become Africa’s leading Cement producer began.


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Full Project – Planned change and employee performance in the public sector