Project – Theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in the Gospel Faith Mission International. A case study of Apete Ibadan.

Project – Theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in the Gospel Faith Mission International. A case study of Apete Ibadan.



  • Background to the Study

The theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in the Gospel Faith Mission International (GOFAMINT) is a fascinating area of study. The family church growth model, also known as the cell church model, is a church growth strategy that emphasizes the importance of small, intimate groups, often meeting in homes, as a way to foster spiritual growth and community (Comiskey, 2009). This model has been adopted by GOFAMINT, a Pentecostal Christian denomination founded in Nigeria in 1956, and has been instrumental in its expansion both within Nigeria and internationally.

The family church growth model is deeply rooted in theological principles. It is based on the New Testament model of the church, where believers met in homes for worship, fellowship, and discipleship (Acts 2:46). This model emphasizes the importance of relationships and community in spiritual growth, reflecting the Trinitarian understanding of God as a community of persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) (Banks & Banks, 1994). In GOFAMINT, this theological understanding is reflected in its emphasis on small group ministry and its commitment to fostering a sense of family and community among its members.

The adoption of the family church growth model by GOFAMINT has had significant effects on its growth and development. According to Akinboye (2017), the emphasis on small group ministry has facilitated rapid church multiplication, as new groups can be easily formed and led by lay members. This has enabled GOFAMINT to plant churches in various parts of Nigeria and in other countries, contributing to its status as one of the fastest-growing Pentecostal denominations in Africa.

The family church growth model has also had profound effects on the spiritual growth and development of GOFAMINT members. According to Ojo (2006), the intimate, relational nature of small group ministry fosters a sense of belonging and encourages active participation in the life of the church. This, in turn, promotes spiritual growth and maturity, as members are able to learn from one another, support each other in their spiritual journeys, and exercise their spiritual gifts in a safe, supportive environment.

However, the family church growth model is not without its challenges. Some critics argue that it can lead to a fragmentation of the church, as groups become isolated from one another and from the larger church body (Hestenes, 1993). Others express concern about the potential for abuse of power in small groups, particularly if they are not adequately supervised and held accountable (Hellerman, 2009). These are issues that GOFAMINT, like other churches adopting this model, must carefully navigate.

The theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in GOFAMINT is a rich and complex field of study. The family church growth model, rooted in biblical and theological principles, has significantly contributed to the growth and development of GOFAMINT. However, it also presents certain challenges that must be carefully managed. Further research is needed to fully understand the implications of this model for church growth and spiritual development.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem statement for the theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in the Gospel Faith Mission International (GOFAMINT) is multifaceted. Firstly, there is a lack of comprehensive research on the role of family in church growth within GOFAMINT. While there are general studies on family church growth (Barna, 2017), specific research on GOFAMINT is scarce. This gap in literature makes it difficult to understand the unique dynamics of family church growth within this specific context.

Secondly, the relevance of family church growth in GOFAMINT is not clearly defined. The church’s mission statement emphasizes evangelism and discipleship (GOFAMINT, 2020), but it does not explicitly mention the role of the family in achieving these goals. This lack of clarity makes it challenging to assess the effectiveness of family church growth strategies within the church.

Thirdly, there is a need to understand the theological underpinnings of family church growth in GOFAMINT. The church’s theology is rooted in Pentecostalism (Anderson, 2004), which traditionally emphasizes individual conversion and spiritual experiences. However, the role of the family in this theological framework is not well-explored.

Fourthly, the impact of family church growth on the overall growth of GOFAMINT is not well-documented. While there are anecdotal reports of families contributing to church growth (Smith, 2015), there is a lack of empirical evidence to support these claims. This lack of evidence makes it difficult to measure the impact of family church growth on the overall growth of the church.

Fifthly, there is a need to explore the potential challenges and opportunities of family church growth in GOFAMINT. The church operates in diverse cultural contexts (GOFAMINT, 2020), which may present unique challenges and opportunities for family church growth. However, these factors are not well-documented in the existing literature.

Lastly, the problem statement is concerned with the future direction of family church growth in GOFAMINT. With changing family structures and societal norms (Pew Research Center, 2019), there is a need to understand how the church can adapt its family church growth strategies to remain relevant and effective.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in the Gospel Faith Mission International. The specific objectives are:

  1. To investigate the theological underpinnings of family church growth within the context of the GOFAMINT.
  2. To examine the relevance of family church growth in the propagation of faith and doctrine in the GOFAMINT.
  3. To assess the impact of family church growth on the overall growth and expansion of the GOFAMINT.
  4. To explore the relationship between family church growth and the sustenance of faith among members of the GOFAMINT.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the theological principles that underpin family church growth within the GOFAMINT?
  2. How does family church growth impact the overall growth and development of the GOFAMINT?
  3. What is the relevance of family church growth in the context of the GOFAMINT?
  4. How does the GOFAMINT incorporate theological teachings in their approach to family church growth?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Family Church growth has no significant impact on the sustenance of faith among members of the GOFAMINT.

H1: Family Church growth has significant impact on the sustenance of faith among members of the GOFAMINT.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the theological exploration of the effects of family church growth within the context of the Gospel Faith Mission International (GFMI) is multi-faceted. Firstly, it provides a deeper understanding of the role of family in church growth. The family unit is often considered the basic building block of society, and this is no different within the church. By studying the effects of family church growth, we can gain insights into how the family unit contributes to the overall growth and development of the church. This can help church leaders and members to better support and nurture these family units, leading to a stronger and more vibrant church community.

Secondly, this study is significant as it sheds light on the unique characteristics and dynamics of the GFMI. As a Pentecostal Christian denomination founded in Nigeria, the GFMI has a rich history and a unique cultural context. Understanding the effects of family church growth within this specific context can provide valuable insights into the ways in which culture, history, and theology intersect within the GFMI. This can help to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of the church’s ministry within its specific context.


Thirdly, the study is relevant in the broader context of theological studies. It contributes to the ongoing academic discourse on church growth, family dynamics in religious contexts, and the role of culture in shaping religious experiences. By adding to this body of knowledge, the study can help to inform future research and theological reflections in these areas.

Fourthly, the study has practical implications for the GFMI and other similar religious organizations. The findings can be used to inform strategies for church growth and family ministry. For instance, if the study finds that certain family structures or practices are particularly conducive to church growth, these can be encouraged and supported within the church community.

Fifthly, the study is significant as it can help to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the GFMI and its contributions to global Christianity. By exploring the effects of family church growth within the GFMI, the study can help to highlight the unique contributions of this denomination to the broader Christian community. This can foster greater unity and mutual respect among different Christian denominations.

Lastly, the study is significant from a spiritual perspective. It can help individuals and families within the GFMI to better understand their role and significance within the church community. This can inspire and motivate them to contribute more actively to the church’s growth and development, thereby enriching their own spiritual journey.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in the Gospel Faith Mission International. A case study of Apete Ibadan.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Theological Exploration: This refers to the process of investigating and studying religious beliefs and practices. It often involves examining the nature of the divine, religious texts, rituals, and the moral and ethical implications of religious beliefs.
  2. Effects: In this context, effects refer to the outcomes or consequences that result from a specific action or cause. It’s about understanding the impact or changes that occur due to certain actions or events.
  3. Family Church: A family church is a religious institution where the congregation is primarily made up of families. These churches often focus on creating a community that supports the spiritual growth of all family members, from children to adults.
  4. Growth: In the context of a family church, growth can refer to both the increase in the number of church members and the spiritual development of the individuals within the church. It’s about expanding the church community and deepening the faith of its members.
  5. Relevance: This term refers to the importance or applicability of something in a particular context. In this case, it’s about how the growth of the family church is significant or meaningful to the Gospel Faith Mission International.
  6. Gospel Faith Mission International: This is a specific Christian denomination that originated in Nigeria. It’s known for its emphasis on evangelism, church planting, and holistic development. The organization has a global presence, with churches and missions in several countries around the world.

Project – Theological exploration of the effects of family church growth and its relevance in the Gospel Faith Mission International. A case study of Apete Ibadan.