Project – The Upsurge of Idolatry among Igbo youth: a socio- cultural causes and solution

Project – The Upsurge of Idolatry among Igbo youth: a socio- cultural causes and solution



  • Background to the Study

The upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth is a topic that has been gaining attention in recent years. This phenomenon is not only a religious issue but also a socio-cultural one, deeply rooted in the traditions and customs of the Igbo people. According to Uchendu (2017), the resurgence of idolatry is a response to the perceived failure of Christianity and Western values to address the socio-economic challenges faced by the Igbo youth. The author argues that idolatry provides a sense of identity and belonging that is lacking in the modern, globalized world.

In a study conducted by Nwosu (2018), it was found that the rise in idolatry is also linked to the increasing disillusionment with the political and economic situation in Nigeria. The author suggests that idolatry offers a form of escapism for the youth, allowing them to retreat into a world where they feel empowered and in control. This is particularly relevant in a context where the youth are often marginalized and their voices silenced.

However, not all scholars agree with this interpretation. Okafor (2019) argues that the resurgence of idolatry is not a rejection of Christianity or Western values, but rather a reinterpretation of them. According to Okafor, the Igbo youth are not turning to idolatry because they are disillusioned, but because they are seeking to reconcile their traditional beliefs with their Christian faith. This suggests that the upsurge of idolatry is not a regression, but a form of cultural evolution.

The solutions to this issue are complex and multifaceted. Uchendu (2017) suggests that the key lies in education and dialogue. By educating the youth about the dangers of idolatry and engaging them in discussions about their beliefs, it is possible to challenge their perceptions and encourage them to question their practices. This approach, however, requires a deep understanding of the Igbo culture and a willingness to engage with it on its own terms.

Nwosu (2018) proposes a different solution. According to him, the solution lies in addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by the Igbo youth. By providing them with opportunities for economic empowerment and political participation, it is possible to reduce their sense of disillusionment and their need for escapism. This approach, however, requires significant political will and resources.

The upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth is a complex issue that requires a nuanced understanding of the socio-cultural context. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, it is clear that any effective response must take into account the unique challenges and aspirations of the Igbo youth. As Okafor (2019) rightly points out, the key lies in respecting their cultural heritage while also providing them with the tools to navigate the modern world.

  • Statement of the Problem

The upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth is a significant socio-cultural issue that has been gaining attention in recent years. This phenomenon is not only a religious concern but also a socio-cultural one that affects the overall development of the Igbo youth and the society at large (Nwosu, 2018). The problem is multifaceted, involving a complex interplay of cultural, social, and individual factors.

The first cause of this upsurge can be traced to the erosion of traditional Igbo values and the influence of Western culture (Eze, 2016). The Igbo society, like many other African societies, is undergoing rapid socio-cultural changes due to globalization. This has led to a decline in the adherence to traditional Igbo values and an increase in the acceptance of Western values, which often conflict with the traditional Igbo worldview. This cultural shift has contributed to the rise in idolatry among Igbo youth.

Another contributing factor is the lack of proper religious education and guidance. Many Igbo youths are not adequately educated about their traditional religious beliefs and practices, leading to misconceptions and misunderstandings (Nwosu, 2018). This lack of knowledge and understanding has made them susceptible to the allure of idolatry.

The influence of peer pressure and the desire for social acceptance also play a significant role in the upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth (Eze, 2016). In their quest for social acceptance and belonging, many Igbo youths are drawn into idolatrous practices.

To address this problem, there is a need for a comprehensive approach that involves the family, the community, and the religious institutions. The family, as the primary socializing agent, should play a more active role in instilling traditional Igbo values in the youth (Nwosu, 2018). Religious institutions should also intensify their efforts in providing proper religious education and guidance to the youth.

The upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted solution. It is a problem that threatens the socio-cultural fabric of the Igbo society and needs to be addressed urgently. By understanding the causes and implementing effective solutions, it is possible to curb this trend and ensure the preservation of the Igbo cultural heritage.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the upsurge of Idolatry among Igbo youth: a socio- cultural causes and solution. The specific objectives are:

  1. To investigate the extent of the upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth.
  2. To identify the socio-cultural factors contributing to the increase in idolatry among Igbo youth.
  3. To examine the impact of this upsurge on the Igbo community and the youth’s social and cultural identity.
  4. To explore potential solutions to curb the rise of idolatry among Igbo youth.
  • Research Question

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the extent of the upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth?
  2. What are the socio-cultural factors contributing to the increase in idolatry among Igbo youth?
  3. What is the impact of this upsurge on the Igbo community and the youth’s social and cultural identity?
  4. What are the potential solutions to curb the rise of idolatry among Igbo youth?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: The upsurge of idolatry has no significant effect on Igbo youth.

H1: The upsurge of idolatry has significant effect on Igbo youth.

  • Significance of the Study

The study “The Upsurge of Idolatry among Igbo Youth: A Socio-Cultural Causes and Solution” is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it provides an in-depth understanding of the resurgence of idolatry among the Igbo youth, a phenomenon that has been largely overlooked in contemporary discussions. This study brings to light the socio-cultural factors that have contributed to this upsurge, thereby filling a gap in the existing literature.

Secondly, the study is significant because it offers a unique perspective on the Igbo youth’s cultural identity. By examining the resurgence of idolatry, the study provides insights into the ways in which the Igbo youth are navigating their cultural identity in a rapidly changing society. This is particularly important in the context of globalization, where traditional cultures are often at risk of being eroded.

Thirdly, the study is important because it proposes solutions to the issue at hand. By identifying the socio-cultural causes of the upsurge in idolatry, the study is able to suggest practical and culturally sensitive solutions. This makes the study not only an academic endeavor but also a practical guide for community leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

Fourthly, the study contributes to the broader discourse on youth and religion in Africa. By focusing on the Igbo youth, the study adds to our understanding of how young people in Africa are engaging with traditional religious practices. This is crucial in a continent where the youth constitute a significant proportion of the population.

Fifthly, the study is significant because it challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about African traditional religions. By presenting a nuanced analysis of idolatry among the Igbo youth, the study counters the often negative and simplistic portrayals of African traditional religions in popular discourse.

Lastly, the study is significant because it has implications for the preservation of cultural heritage. By highlighting the resurgence of idolatry among the Igbo youth, the study underscores the importance of preserving and promoting traditional cultural practices as a way of safeguarding cultural heritage. This is particularly relevant in a world where cultural diversity is increasingly being recognized as a vital aspect of human development.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study examines the upsurge of Idolatry among Igbo youth: a socio- cultural causes and solution. The study is limited to Igbo youths of selected States, namely Anambra and Imo State.

  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. “Upsurge”: This term refers to an increase or rise in something. In the context of the study, it suggests a growing trend or a sudden increase in the practice of idolatry among Igbo youth.
  2. “Idolatry”: Idolatry is the worship of idols or physical objects as a representation of gods. It’s a religious practice that involves the veneration of deities through statues, symbols, or other physical forms.
  1. “Igbo Youth”: This term refers to the young population within the Igbo ethnic group. The Igbo people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa, primarily residing in southeastern Nigeria.
  2. “Socio-cultural”: This term is a combination of ‘social’ and ‘cultural’. It refers to the intersection of social and cultural factors. In this context, it suggests that the study examines the social and cultural influences that contribute to the upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth.
  3. “Causes”: In the context of this study, causes refer to the various factors or conditions that have led to the upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth. These could be social, cultural, economic, or psychological factors.
  4. “Solution”: This term refers to the means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation. In the context of the study, it suggests strategies or measures that could be implemented to address the upsurge of idolatry among Igbo youth.

Project – The Upsurge of Idolatry among Igbo youth: a socio- cultural causes and solution