This study was carried out to examine The role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly.  A Study of Foursquare Gospel Church Benin District 1. Other objectives were to identify the functions and duties of church leaders in a church and also to identify the other factors militating against church growth and survival. The research design adopted for this work is cross –sectional survey and descriptive analysis on a randomly selected sample of the different categories of church leaders (Church management, Pastors and Parishioners). A total of one hundred and twenty well-structured questionnaires were distributed among the principal leaders. The descriptive statistics was used to analyse the research questions while chi-square was employed to test the null hypotheses. Findings from the study reveals that majority of the respondents are of the opinion that church leaders plays a vital role in ensuring growth and survival of the church. The finding from the study also reveals that a church will grow if church leaders are actively involved in the affairs of the church.




One of the most crucial ingredients that determines the effectiveness of an organization is leadership. Because this is true in business, volunteer and religious organizations, leadership has been widely studied all over the world. In one of the most comprehensive studies of leadership, Bass and Stogdill Handbook of leadership were reviewed in over 1,000 page volume. Despite its massive nature, the work fails to name all the articles on leadership written before 1990.

Within the church of Jesus Christ, pastoral leader is a vital factor. Many churches flourish or flounder based on the type of pastoral leader provided. Peter Wagner, one of the leading authors in church growth contends that pastoral leader is a key to church growth. Wagner’s assertion is supported by frequent commits of lay persons giving credit to pastors when their churches thrive or blaming the pastor when their church is not doing well. Giving the importance of pastoral leader, one may then ask, what are the ingredient that can enable one to be a pastoral leader?

Pastors must be congregational leaders. Though there are other leaders in the church, but pastors must provide leadership in the congregation. Their leadership involves vision and initiative. They see vision of the ministry, communicate the dreams clearly gain consensus and commitment to common objectives, take initiative by setting the pace in ministry action and multiply their Influence by transforming followers into new leaders. Practically proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers by means of preaching and worship as well as evangelism and nurture.

Diligently care for the church members and other persons in the community through pastoral counseling and visitation as well as family ministries and grief support and

Consistently lead the church in the achievement of its missions.

All the work of a pastor is important. Planning and management are linked to preaching, evangelism and pastoral care. The work of shepherding is not done for the benefit of the sheep alone. The Lord has chosen the church as a means of spreading the message of salvation to the entire world. The pastor must be committed to feeding, organizing and leading a well-trained group of God’s people to fulfill His will.

The chief administrator of the local congregation is however the pastor. He is responsible for the over-all actions and results in the work of the church. He needs develops skill in planning, overseeing and evaluating work of the church. He should have the ability and the authority to make decisions and to decide upon the best course of actions. From the social perspective of community of faith, proclaiming usually is practiced one-to-one. Caring is often one-one-one or one-to-a few. Pastoral leader involves working in a challenging blending of public and private setting. Participative processes are fundamental to effective pastoral leader. Congregationally, leadership can be used as a lens through which we can examine proclaiming, caring and managing. Preaching for instance provides a prime opportunity for leaders. In this role, pastors can articulate the congregation’s vision, model the congregation’s atmosphere and mood, and demonstrate their trustworthiness and credibility or to illustrate from the angle of caring, leadership is shown concretely in the development of support structures and problem-solving procedure.

Leadership in congregational setting is relational; and interactive in its focus. After all, the leader isn’t the only member of the congregation. There are followers, preferences and the full range of ministry demands and circumstances to consider. Leadership isn’t exercised in isolation. Leaders and followers relate to one another; leaders and situations interact. Without strong pastoral leader in the local church, the ministries and people will suffer. We must pay attention to pastoral leader work in local churches. The reasons the importance of pastoral leader are as follows:

First, the problem of the church is the pastor, because it is he whom God has entrusted to lead the sheep. The pastor is responsible to fulfill that calling. While not everyone is born to lead, leadership skills can be developed, articulated and enhanced. It is the pastor’s responsibility to learn and to be trained. The church has all kinds of problems such as conflicts among people or co-workers, but some of them could be avoided and better handled if the pastoral leader has the skills to handle them correctly.

Secondly, concept in the managerial world today have made a great effect on many businesses. The church is not a business, nevertheless, it deals with people, programs and projects as much as any other organization. Knowledge and skills of handling people, abilities to envision the future, methods of setting long range goals and ways of communication are just as important in the church as they are in the business world. Integrating useful material from the managerial world into the ministry of the church will be beneficial.

Thirdly, as some churches are growing larger and larger, pastors are tempted to be as successful as their peers. Sometimes they go beyond their means to satisfy their ambition, and the result is failure. Therefore, it is important that pastoral leaders develop their character along with their ministerial skills.Leadership is indeed a dynamic reciprocal process of personal influence by which a manager or a leader shapes the attitudes and activities of others towards the achievement or attainment of organizational objectives (Abogunrin, 1986). Even before the modern concepts of leadership came into being, the apostle of Jesus Christ, Paul in the Pastorals lists the qualifications for church leaders to ensure sustainable growth and survival (Dairo, 2007). These have remained the model for ages. For any church leader to steer the ship of the church successfully, these qualities must be imbibed. But contemporary experience in Nigeria has shown a marked departure from this Pauline list of qualifications for church leaders which has really affected growth and survival of churches. The level of understanding expected from both the leaders and the followers is missing in most cases. This often results in crises within “the body of Christ”.

There are some common features in various definitions of leadership. It will be presumptuous for anyone to attempt a definition that will satisfy the populace especially regarding Pastoral leader. Leadership is nothing if not linked to collective purpose; and the effectiveness of leaders must be judged not by press clippings but by actual social change, measured by intent and by satisfaction of human needs and expectations which on the long term will be visible on the church growth and development.

Oluwasegun (2005) defines leadership as the ability to gain consensus and commitment to common objectives beyond organizational requirements which are attained with experience or contribution and satisfaction on the part of the working group. Leadership could also be defined as the relationship in which one person or the leader influences others to work together willingly on related tasks to attain that which the leader desires. It is a means of direction. Leadership is the ability of management to induce the subordinates to work towards a group’s goals with confidence and keenness. It implies that the leader accepts responsibility for the achievement of the group objectives and it is, therefore, essential for the trust and cooperation from both sides to be evidence all the time (Oluwasegun, 2005). Leadership is an art of getting things done. It can be learnt, improved, developed and perfected. It is the key process of influence and the process always includes a number of key components such as leader and followers, they interact in situations and means of influence which emerge from the leader and from the followers, based on their value system and goals which the leader and the followers seek to achieve (Dairo, 2004).

With respect to Pastoral leader, it implies that the church leader gives direction, motivates, reprimands and develops a set objective along with his group andresolves individual or group needs within the church. This is perceived as the only way towards the church growth and survival. In the New Testament it was more often used as Christological title for the exalted Jesus. The results of semasiological and lexicographical investigation of secular Greek indicate an extremely polyvalent spectrum of meaning for the word “church leader”, the basis being he who is the first, who stands at the head of, who leads.

According to the New Testament, the terms “bishop,””pastor,” and “elder” are synonymous. Bishop means “overseer,” and the elders had the responsibility of overseeing the work of the church (Acts 20:17,28; 1Pet5:1-3). “Elder” is the translation of the Greek word presbytes, which means “an old man.” Paul used the word presbytery in (1Tim 4:14), referring not to a denomination, but to the “eldership” of the assembly that ordained Timothy. Elders and Church management (two names for the same office, (cf Titus 1:5,7) were mature people with spiritual wisdom and experience to ensure the survival of the church of God. Also, “pastor” means “shepherd,” one who leads and cares for the flock of God (Vine, 1996:67).


The advancement of the work of the kingdom has a heavy dependence on the leadership, any problems being witnessed in the church of God today are traceable to the challenges in Pastoral leader. Even in our contemporary times, there have been reported cases on stunted growth and other growth –related challenges in the church of God as a result of challenges in Pastoral leader.


It became a major problem when the key actor, the pastor, who is one of the major solution to the overall growth of the local church, is also waiting for solution to come from someone else; not knowing that every aspect of the church majorly is molded after the type of pastoral leader that is on ground. It is from this problem that this research work was conducted as a modest contribution to the postulations on the issue of pastoral leader especially as it attracts the growth of the local church.According to Dairo (2008), many Churches in Nigeria are characterized with false teaching, preconceived ideas and human-formed regulations which have too often undermined the Holy Spirit’s specification and has militated greatly against church growth and survival. According to Apostle Paul, church leader must be kind of man that can carry the followers along. All church leaders may not possess these qualities in thesame measure but a leader must have these quality attributes to a degree that is noticeable in his life to ensure sustainable growth. If a man isknown to be harsh instead of being gentle, intemperate instead of being temperate, disgraceful instead of being respectable, he has disqualified himself (Bible Org. 2004).

The work of Pastoral leader is a noble task. Suchan office needs the right kind of people to serve. Accumulation of material wealth, by capitalizing on the “gross ignorance” of the people about the teaching of the Bible on wealth by church leaders as also limited growth and survival of many churches because of the increased awareness of these dubious strategies. However, the researcher is examining The role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly.


The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To examine the role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly.
  2. To identify the functions and duties of church leaders in a church.
  3. To identify the other factors militating against church growth and survival.
  4. What is the role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly?
  5. What are the functions and duties of church leaders in a church?
  6. What are the other factors militating against church growth and survival?

1.5       HYPOTHESIS

HO: Church leaders do not have a role in church growth and survival

HA: Church leaders do have a role in church growth and survival


The role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly is a topic of significant importance, as it directly impacts the spiritual growth and development of the congregation. Pastoral leaders are not just spiritual guides, but also community leaders, counselors, and teachers. They play a crucial role in shaping the moral and ethical fabric of the community they serve. Their influence extends beyond the confines of the church, impacting the broader community and society at large.

The pastoral leader’s role is multifaceted and complex. They are responsible for providing spiritual guidance, teaching biblical principles, and leading worship services. They also provide counseling and support to individuals and families during times of crisis, such as illness, death, or personal struggles. This role requires a deep understanding of the Bible, strong communication skills, and a compassionate heart.

In addition to these spiritual responsibilities, pastoral leaders often have administrative duties. They may be involved in the planning and execution of church programs, budgeting, and managing staff and volunteers. This aspect of their role requires strong leadership and organizational skills. It also requires them to balance their spiritual responsibilities with the practical aspects of running a church.

The effectiveness of a pastoral leader can have a profound impact on the health and growth of a local assembly. Effective pastoral leadership can lead to increased church attendance, stronger community ties, and a more vibrant and engaged congregation. Conversely, ineffective leadership can lead to a decline in church attendance, a lack of community engagement, and a congregation that is spiritually stagnant.

The study of the role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly is therefore of great significance. It can provide insights into how pastoral leaders can be more effective in their roles, leading to stronger, healthier churches and communities. It can also inform the training and development of future pastoral leaders, ensuring they are equipped to meet the challenges of this important role.

In conclusion, the role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly is a topic of great importance and significance. It is a role that requires a unique blend of spiritual, leadership, and administrative skills. The study of this role can provide valuable insights into how to support and develop effective pastoral leaders, leading to stronger, healthier churches and communities.



This study will cover the activities of Foursquare Gospel Church Benin District 1 in Nigeria with special focus on the role of a pastoral leader in a local assembly.

Limitations of study

  1. Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
  2. Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Role: In the context of a social system, a role refers to the set of expectations, norms, and responsibilities that a person has to fulfill. It is a part that an individual plays in a particular social context, which is defined by a set of expectations about the behavior and responsibilities of the person in that position.

Pastoral Leader: A pastoral leader refers to a person who provides spiritual guidance and leadership to a community, often within a religious context. This role typically involves duties such as preaching, teaching, counseling, and overseeing the spiritual well-being of the community. Pastoral leaders can be found in various religious traditions, including Christianity, where they are often referred to as pastors.

Local Assembly: In a religious context, a local assembly refers to a local congregation or community of believers. This term is often used in Christian denominations to refer to a local church or group of worshippers. The local assembly is typically the primary context in which members of the community participate in religious practices and rituals, receive spiritual guidance, and engage in communal activities.