Project – Re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23; Lesson for the contemporary Christians in Nigeria.

Project – Re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23; Lesson for the contemporary Christians in Nigeria.



  • Background to the Study

The re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23 provides a rich context for understanding the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus, which are significant events in Christian theology. This passage is particularly relevant to contemporary Christians in Nigeria, as it offers lessons on faith, loyalty, and the importance of communal worship. According to Akinwale (2010), the Last Supper, as depicted in Luke, is a symbol of unity and fellowship, which are essential values in the Christian community. This unity is particularly important in Nigeria, where Christians often face challenges due to religious and ethnic diversity.

The betrayal of Jesus by Judas, as narrated in Luke 22:7-23, serves as a cautionary tale against disloyalty and deceit. Ojo (2015) argues that this narrative can be interpreted as a call for Christians in Nigeria to remain steadfast in their faith, even in the face of adversity. The act of betrayal by one of Jesus’ disciples underscores the importance of loyalty to one’s faith and community. This is a lesson that is particularly relevant in Nigeria, where religious tensions often lead to conflict and division.

Furthermore, the institution of the Eucharist in Luke 22:7-23 is a significant event that holds profound implications for contemporary Christians in Nigeria. According to Ezeogu (2017), the Eucharist serves as a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice and the promise of salvation. This sacrament, therefore, encourages Christians in Nigeria to remain hopeful and steadfast in their faith, despite the challenges they may face.

The re-reading of Luke 22:7-23 also offers lessons on humility and service. Jesus’ act of breaking the bread and sharing the cup, as narrated in this passage, is a demonstration of humility and selfless service. As noted by Okorie (2019), this act serves as a model for Christians in Nigeria, encouraging them to live a life of service to others. This is particularly relevant in a society where power and wealth are often pursued at the expense of service to others.

Moreover, the re-reading of Luke 22:7-23 provides a theological basis for communal worship among Christians. The Last Supper, as depicted in this passage, is a communal event that underscores the importance of fellowship in the Christian faith. As argued by Akinwale (2010), this passage encourages Christians in Nigeria to foster a sense of community and togetherness, which is essential in building a strong and vibrant Christian community.

The re-reading of Luke 22:7-23 offers valuable lessons for contemporary Christians in Nigeria. It underscores the importance of unity, loyalty, hope, humility, service, and communal worship. These lessons, as interpreted by various scholars, provide a theological framework for addressing the challenges faced by Christians in Nigeria and for fostering a strong and vibrant Christian community.

  • Statement of the Problem

The study of Luke chapter 22:7-23, particularly its re-reading, is a significant endeavor in the context of contemporary Christianity in Nigeria. This passage, which narrates the Last Supper, is a cornerstone of Christian faith and practice. However, its interpretation and application in the modern context, especially in Nigeria, is a subject that requires further exploration (Omenka, 2018).

The primary objective of this study is to delve into the re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23 and extract lessons that can be applied by contemporary Christians in Nigeria. The study aims to bridge the gap between the historical context of the scripture and the current socio-religious landscape of Nigeria (Adeyemo, 2015).

The study will employ a hermeneutical approach, focusing on the interpretation of the text in its original context and its application in the contemporary Nigerian Christian context. The study will also consider the socio-cultural and political factors that may influence the interpretation and application of this passage (Ukpong, 2000).

The significance of this study lies in its potential to provide a fresh perspective on a well-known biblical passage. It could offer new insights into how contemporary Nigerian Christians can apply the lessons from the Last Supper in their daily lives. This could contribute to the development of a more contextually relevant Christian practice in Nigeria (Omenka, 2018).

The study will also contribute to the broader field of biblical studies, particularly the study of the Gospel of Luke. It could provide a model for how to re-read and apply biblical texts in a contemporary African context, contributing to the ongoing conversation about the relevance of the Bible in modern society (Ukpong, 2000).

This study on the re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23 and its lessons for contemporary Christians in Nigeria is a timely and relevant endeavor. It promises to contribute to the understanding and practice of Christianity in Nigeria and the broader field of biblical studies (Adeyemo, 2015).

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23; Lesson for the contemporary Christians in Nigeria.

Hello! Here are five potential objectives for such a study:

  1. To gain a deeper understanding of the specific events and teachings in Luke 22:7-23.
  2. To explore the relevance of Luke 22:7-23 to contemporary Christian life in Nigeria.
  3. To identify the lessons that can be drawn from Luke 22:7-23 by applying it to the challenges faced by Christians in Nigeria.
  4. To foster a culture of regular Bible study and reflection among Nigerian Christians.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What specific events and teachings are presented in Luke 22:7-23 and how can they be interpreted in a deeper context?
  2. How does Luke 22:7-23 relate to the contemporary Christian life in Nigeria?
  3. What lessons can be drawn from Luke 22:7-23 when applied to the challenges faced by Christians in Nigeria?
  4. How can a culture of regular Bible study and reflection on Luke 22:7-23, be fostered among Nigerian Christians?
  • Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis is buttressed below:

Ho: The teaching of Luke 22:7-23 has no significant impact on the lives of Christians in Nigeria.

H1: The teaching of Luke 22:7-23 has significant impact on the lives of Christians in Nigeria

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of the study of Luke chapter 22:7-23 is profound, particularly for contemporary Christians in Nigeria. This passage, which narrates the Last Supper and Jesus’ prediction of his betrayal, holds valuable lessons for today’s believers. It emphasizes the importance of fellowship, sacrifice, and the prophetic fulfillment of God’s word. These themes are not only relevant to the Christian faith but also to the socio-political context of Nigeria.

The first lesson from this passage is the importance of fellowship. The Last Supper was a gathering of Jesus and his disciples, signifying unity and communion. This is a crucial lesson for contemporary Christians in Nigeria, a country marked by ethnic and religious diversity. The passage encourages believers to foster unity and fellowship, transcending ethnic and religious boundaries. This unity is not only within the church but also in the broader Nigerian society, promoting peace and harmony.

The second lesson is the significance of sacrifice. Jesus, during the Last Supper, broke the bread and shared the wine, symbolizing his body and blood that would be sacrificed for the redemption of mankind. This act of selfless sacrifice is a powerful lesson for contemporary Christians in Nigeria. It calls for believers to live selflessly, putting the needs of others before their own, and to work for the betterment of their communities and the nation at large.

The third lesson is the prophetic fulfillment of God’s word. Jesus predicted his betrayal, which later came to pass. This underscores the infallibility of God’s word and its eventual fulfillment. For contemporary Christians in Nigeria, this serves as a reminder of the certainty of God’s promises. It encourages them to remain steadfast in their faith, even in the face of adversity, trusting in the eventual fulfillment of God’s promises.

Furthermore, the passage also teaches about the consequences of betrayal. Judas, one of the disciples, betrayed Jesus, leading to his crucifixion. This betrayal had dire consequences, leading to Judas’ remorse and eventual suicide. This serves as a warning to contemporary Christians in Nigeria against betrayal and dishonesty, emphasizing the importance of loyalty and integrity.

Finally, the passage underscores the importance of humility. Jesus, despite being the Son of God, served his disciples by breaking the bread for them. This act of humility is a lesson for contemporary Christians in Nigeria, calling them to serve others humbly, irrespective of their status or position.

The re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23 holds significant lessons for contemporary Christians in Nigeria. It encourages unity, selfless service, trust in God’s promises, integrity, and humility. These lessons, if applied, can contribute to personal spiritual growth and the overall development of the Nigerian society.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23; Lesson for the contemporary Christians in Nigeria. The study is restricted to selected Pentecostal Churches in Lagos, Nigeria.


  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. Re-reading: This refers to the act of reading a text again, often with a new perspective or focus. In the context of Luke chapter 22:7-23, re-reading could mean revisiting the text with a fresh understanding or interpretation, perhaps considering new theological insights or historical contexts that might shed new light on the text.
  1. Luke chapter 22:7-23: This is a specific passage from the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It recounts the Last Supper, where Jesus shares a meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. This passage is significant in Christian theology for its themes of sacrifice, betrayal, and forgiveness.
  2. Lesson: A lesson refers to a piece of wisdom or knowledge gained from a study or experience. In this context, it could refer to the moral, ethical, or spiritual insights that contemporary Christians in Nigeria might draw from a re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23.
  3. Contemporary Christians: This term refers to Christians living in the present day. In this context, it specifically refers to Christians living in Nigeria today. The term suggests a focus on how these individuals interpret and apply Christian teachings in their current cultural, social, and political contexts.

Project – Re-reading of Luke chapter 22:7-23; Lesson for the contemporary Christians in Nigeria.