Project – Our Lords high priestly Prayer in John 17:21-23: A Panacea to Schism in the Nigerian Church.

Project – Our Lords high priestly Prayer in John 17:21-23: A Panacea to Schism in the Nigerian Church.



  • Background to the Study

The high priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17:21-23 has been a subject of intense theological discourse, particularly in the context of the Nigerian Church. The prayer, which emphasizes unity among believers, has been interpreted as a panacea to the schism that has plagued the Nigerian Church. According to Omenka (2012), the prayer’s emphasis on unity is a direct response to the divisions that have characterized the Nigerian Church, which has been divided along ethnic, denominational, and doctrinal lines.

The prayer, as recorded in John 17:21-23, is a plea for unity among believers, with Jesus praying that “they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” This unity, according to Jesus, is a reflection of the unity between Him and the Father, and is a testament to the world of His divine mission (Carson, 1991). This unity is not just a spiritual concept, but a practical one that should be reflected in the relationships among believers.

However, the Nigerian Church has been plagued by divisions, with different denominations and groups often at odds with each other. This has led to a fragmentation of the Church, with believers often identifying more with their specific denominations or groups than with the universal Church. This division is contrary to the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17:21-23 (Omenka, 2012).

The high priestly prayer, therefore, offers a solution to this problem. By emphasizing the unity of believers, it challenges the Nigerian Church to overcome its divisions and work towards a common goal. This unity, according to Jesus, is not just a spiritual concept, but a practical one that should be reflected in the relationships among believers (Carson, 1991).

However, achieving this unity is not without its challenges. As Omenka (2012) notes, the divisions within the Nigerian Church are deeply rooted and overcoming them requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders. This includes not just the Church leaders, but also the members, who must be willing to put aside their differences and work towards the unity that Jesus prayed for.

The high priestly prayer in John 17:21-23 offers a panacea to the schism in the Nigerian Church. By emphasizing the unity of believers, it challenges the Church to overcome its divisions and work towards a common goal. However, achieving this unity requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders, who must be willing to put aside their differences and work towards the unity that Jesus prayed for.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of schism in the Nigerian Church is a complex and multifaceted issue. The divisions within the church are often rooted in theological, cultural, and political differences, which have been exacerbated by the rapid growth of Christianity in Nigeria (Ayegboyin, 2015). These divisions have led to a fragmentation of the church, with numerous denominations and independent churches emerging, often with conflicting doctrines and practices.

The high priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17:21-23 has been proposed as a potential solution to this problem. In this prayer, Jesus prays for the unity of his followers, expressing his desire that they may be one, just as he and the Father are one (John 17:21-23). This prayer has been interpreted as a call for unity within the church, and it has been suggested that it could serve as a basis for reconciliation and unity within the Nigerian Church (Ogbonnaya, 2017).

However, the application of this prayer to the context of the Nigerian Church is not without its challenges. The diversity of the Nigerian Church, with its multitude of denominations and independent churches, makes it difficult to achieve a unified interpretation and application of biblical texts, including John 17:21-23 (Ayegboyin, 2015). Furthermore, the socio-political context of Nigeria, with its history of religious conflict and tension, adds another layer of complexity to this issue.

Despite these challenges, the high priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17:21-23 remains a powerful and compelling vision of unity for the church. It offers a theological basis for unity that transcends cultural and political differences, and it provides a model of unity that is rooted in the relationship between Jesus and the Father. As such, it holds significant potential as a panacea to the schism in the Nigerian Church (Ogbonnaya, 2017).

However, more research is needed to explore how this prayer can be effectively applied in the context of the Nigerian Church. This includes examining the theological, cultural, and political factors that contribute to the schism in the Nigerian Church, and exploring how these factors can be addressed through the application of John 17:21-23. It also involves investigating the practical steps that can be taken to promote unity within the Nigerian Church, based on the model of unity presented in this prayer.

The high priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17:21-23 offers a promising solution to the problem of schism in the Nigerian Church. However, the application of this prayer in the Nigerian context is a complex task that requires careful theological, cultural, and political analysis. Further research in this area is therefore crucial to fully realize the potential of this prayer as a panacea to the schism in the Nigerian Church.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine Our Lords high priestly Prayer in John 17:21-23: A Panacea to Schism in the Nigerian Church. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the context and content of Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17:21-23 and its relevance to the Nigerian Church.
  2. To investigate the causes and effects of schism within the Nigerian Church.
  3. To explore the potential of Jesus’ high priestly prayer as a solution to the divisions within the Nigerian Church.
  4. To analyze the theological interpretations of John 17:21-23 and their implications for unity in the Nigerian Church.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the context and content of Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17:21-23 and how is it relevant to the Nigerian Church?
  2. What are the causes and effects of schism within the Nigerian Church?
  3. How can Jesus’ high priestly prayer be seen as a potential solution to the divisions within the Nigerian Church?
  4. What are the theological interpretations of John 17:21-23 and what implications do they have for unity in the Nigerian Church?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Schism has no significant impact within the Nigerian Church.

H1: Schism has significant impact within the Nigerian Church

  • Significance of the Study

The study of Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17:21-23 as a potential solution to the schism in the Nigerian Church holds significant implications for both theological discourse and practical church life.

Firstly, this study contributes to the ongoing theological conversation surrounding the interpretation of John 17:21-23. By examining the context and content of Jesus’ prayer, this research can provide fresh insights into its meaning and relevance for the contemporary church. This could potentially lead to a deeper understanding of Jesus’ intentions and teachings, enriching the theological knowledge base.

Secondly, the study has practical implications for the Nigerian Church. The divisions within the church have caused significant strife and discord, hindering the church’s mission and ministry. By exploring Jesus’ high priestly prayer as a potential solution to these divisions, this study could provide a roadmap for reconciliation and unity. This could lead to a more harmonious and effective church, better able to serve its community and fulfill its mission.

Thirdly, this study could have broader implications for the global church. The problem of division and schism is not unique to the Nigerian Church; it is a universal issue that many churches around the world grapple with. Therefore, the findings of this study could potentially be applied in other contexts, contributing to the global conversation on church unity.

Fourthly, this study could also contribute to the field of religious studies more broadly. By examining a specific case study of religious division and potential reconciliation, this research could provide insights into the dynamics of religious conflict and unity. This could be valuable for scholars studying similar issues in other religious communities.

Fifthly, this study could also have societal implications. The church plays a significant role in Nigerian society, and its divisions can have ripple effects throughout the community. By promoting unity within the church, this study could contribute to greater social harmony and cohesion.

Finally, this study could also have personal implications for individual believers. By providing a deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings on unity, this study could inspire individuals to strive for greater unity in their own relationships and communities. This could lead to personal growth and transformation, contributing to the overall health and vitality of the church.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines Our Lords high priestly Prayer in John 17:21-23: A Panacea to Schism in the Nigerian Church. A study of selected Churches in Nigeria.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

“Our Lord’s high priestly Prayer in John 17:21-23” refers to a specific passage in the Bible where Jesus prays for his disciples and all believers. This prayer is often referred to as the ‘high priestly prayer’ because Jesus intercedes on behalf of others, a role traditionally associated with the high priest in Jewish religious practice.

“Panacea” is a term that originates from Greek mythology, referring to a goddess who was a universal remedy for all diseases. In a broader context, it is used to denote a solution or remedy for all difficulties or problems.

“Schism” is a division or a split, usually due to differences in opinion or belief. In the context of a church, it refers to a formal division within, or separation from, a church or religious body over some doctrinal difference.

The “Nigerian Church” refers to the Christian religious institutions and believers in Nigeria. Christianity is one of the major religions in Nigeria, with a significant proportion of the population identifying as Christians. The Nigerian Church is diverse and includes various denominations such as Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Pentecostal churches.

Project – Our Lords high priestly Prayer in John 17:21-23: A Panacea to Schism in the Nigerian Church.