Project – Leadership ambition and its implications for the ministry. A case study of Assemblies of God Church

Project – Leadership ambition and its implications for the ministry. A case study of Assemblies of God Church



  • Background to the Study

Leadership ambition within religious organizations, such as the Assemblies of God Church, has been a subject of considerable academic interest. Leadership ambition can be defined as the desire and drive to attain leadership positions and exert influence within an organization. In the context of the Assemblies of God Church, this ambition can have profound implications for both the individual leaders and the broader ministry. According to Burns (1978), leadership is a process where leaders and followers engage in a mutual pursuit of a higher purpose, which in religious settings often translates to spiritual growth and community development. The ambition to lead in such a context is often intertwined with a sense of divine calling and personal vocation.


The Assemblies of God Church, a Pentecostal Christian denomination, places significant emphasis on spiritual leadership and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding leaders. Ambitious leaders within this denomination often seek to align their personal goals with the perceived will of God, as outlined in the church’s doctrinal beliefs (Poloma, 1989). This alignment can lead to positive outcomes such as increased motivation, dedication, and a strong sense of purpose. However, it can also result in challenges, particularly when personal ambition conflicts with collective goals or when leaders prioritize their own advancement over the needs of the congregation (Cartledge, 2012).

One of the key implications of leadership ambition in the Assemblies of God Church is its impact on church governance and decision-making processes. Ambitious leaders may bring innovative ideas and a proactive approach to ministry, which can drive growth and revitalization within the church (Anderson, 2004). However, this ambition can also lead to power struggles, factionalism, and a focus on hierarchical advancement rather than collaborative ministry. The balance between ambition and humility is crucial, as leaders must navigate the tension between personal aspirations and the servant-leadership model advocated by the church (Greenleaf, 1977).

Theological education and ministerial training play a significant role in shaping leadership ambition within the Assemblies of God Church. Institutions such as Bible colleges and seminaries provide aspiring leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective ministry. These educational experiences often emphasize the importance of spiritual formation, ethical leadership, and community service (Hollenweger, 1997). However, they can also inadvertently foster a competitive environment where ambition is driven by academic achievement and recognition rather than spiritual maturity and pastoral care (Warrington, 2008).

Gender dynamics also influence leadership ambition within the Assemblies of God Church. Historically, leadership roles within the church have been predominantly male, reflecting broader societal norms and theological interpretations (Synan, 1997). However, there has been a growing recognition of the contributions of women in ministry and a gradual shift towards more inclusive leadership practices. Ambitious female leaders often face additional challenges, including gender bias and limited opportunities for advancement. Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort to promote gender equity and create supportive environments for all leaders (Yong, 2005).


Leadership ambition within the Assemblies of God Church has multifaceted implications for the ministry. While ambition can drive positive change and innovation, it also presents challenges related to governance, theological education, and gender dynamics. Understanding these implications requires a nuanced approach that considers the unique context of the church and the diverse experiences of its leaders. Future research should continue to explore these dynamics, providing insights that can inform leadership development and support the growth of healthy, vibrant faith communities.

  • Statement of the Problem

Leadership ambition within religious organizations, such as the Assemblies of God Church, presents a complex dynamic that can significantly impact the ministry’s effectiveness and spiritual health. Ambition, when aligned with spiritual calling and ethical standards, can drive positive change and growth within the church. However, when ambition is driven by personal gain or power, it can lead to conflicts, division, and a departure from the core mission of the ministry (Greenleaf, 1977). This duality of ambition necessitates a thorough examination to understand its implications fully.

The Assemblies of God Church, with its decentralized structure and emphasis on local church autonomy, provides a unique context for studying leadership ambition. The church’s governance model allows for significant local leadership discretion, which can either foster innovation and responsiveness to community needs or lead to power struggles and inconsistent ministry practices (Poloma, 1989). Understanding how leadership ambition manifests in this context is crucial for developing strategies to harness its positive aspects while mitigating potential negative outcomes.

One of the primary concerns is the potential for leadership ambition to create a competitive rather than collaborative environment within the church. When leaders prioritize personal advancement over collective mission, it can erode trust and cooperation among church members and leaders (Burns, 1978). This competitive atmosphere can detract from the church’s ability to effectively minister to its congregation and community, as resources and energy are diverted towards internal power dynamics rather than outward-focused ministry efforts.

Moreover, unchecked leadership ambition can lead to ethical lapses and moral failures, which can have devastating effects on the church’s reputation and credibility. High-profile scandals involving church leaders often stem from a combination of ambition and a lack of accountability (Thumma & Travis, 2007). These incidents not only harm the individuals involved but also undermine the trust and faith of the congregation, leading to disillusionment and decreased engagement in church activities.

The implications of leadership ambition extend beyond the local church to the broader denomination. Ambitious leaders may push for changes in doctrine or practice that align with their personal vision rather than the collective discernment of the church body (Hoge & Wenger, 2005). This can create theological and practical rifts within the denomination, challenging its unity and coherence. Addressing these issues requires a balanced approach that encourages healthy ambition while maintaining a strong commitment to the church’s core values and mission.

Leadership ambition within the Assemblies of God Church presents both opportunities and challenges. While ambition can drive growth and innovation, it also has the potential to create conflict, ethical issues, and division. A nuanced understanding of this dynamic is essential for developing effective leadership development programs and governance structures that promote healthy ambition aligned with the church’s mission. Further research and dialogue are needed to explore these issues in depth and to identify best practices for fostering a positive leadership culture within the church.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine Leadership ambition and its implications for the ministry. A case study of Assemblies of God Church.  The Specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the factors that contribute to leadership ambition within the Assemblies of God Church.
  2. To analyze the impact of leadership ambition on the effectiveness of ministry initiatives within the church.
  3. To explore the relationship between leadership ambition and organizational culture within the Assemblies of God Church.
  4. To investigate the potential challenges and opportunities that arise from leadership ambition in the context of ministry at the church.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below;

  1. What factors contribute to leadership ambition within the Assemblies of God Church?
  2. How does leadership ambition impact the effectiveness of ministry initiatives within the church?
  3. What is the relationship between leadership ambition and organizational culture within the Assemblies of God Church?
  4. What are the potential challenges and opportunities that arise from leadership ambition in the context of ministry at the church?


  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Leadership ambition has no significant effect on the organizational culture of the Assemblies of God Church

H1: Leadership ambition has significant effect on the organizational culture of the Assemblies of God Church

  • Significance of the Study

The study of leadership ambition within the context of the Assemblies of God Church holds significant importance for several reasons. Firstly, leadership ambition can shape the direction and effectiveness of ministry efforts. Ambitious leaders often bring a high level of energy, vision, and innovation to their roles, which can inspire and mobilize congregations. In the Assemblies of God Church, where spiritual growth and community outreach are central, understanding the dynamics of leadership ambition can help in identifying and nurturing potential leaders who are capable of driving the church’s mission forward.

Secondly, examining leadership ambition within this specific denomination can provide insights into how religious values and organizational culture influence leadership styles and aspirations. The Assemblies of God Church, with its Pentecostal roots, places a strong emphasis on spiritual gifts and divine calling. This study can reveal how these theological beliefs intersect with personal ambition, potentially highlighting unique challenges and opportunities for leaders within this faith community. It can also shed light on how ambition is perceived and managed in a religious context, which may differ significantly from secular organizations.

Furthermore, the implications of leadership ambition for the ministry are profound in terms of succession planning and sustainability. Churches, like any other organizations, need to ensure that they have a pipeline of capable leaders ready to take on future challenges. By understanding the factors that drive leadership ambition, the Assemblies of God Church can develop more effective strategies for leadership development and succession planning. This can help in maintaining continuity and stability within the church, ensuring that it remains vibrant and resilient in the face of changing societal dynamics.


Another significant aspect of this study is its potential to address issues of diversity and inclusion within church leadership. Ambition is often influenced by various factors, including gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic background. By exploring these dimensions within the Assemblies of God Church, the study can highlight any existing barriers to leadership ambition and propose ways to create a more inclusive environment. This is particularly important in fostering a leadership team that truly represents the diversity of the congregation and can effectively minister to a broad range of community needs.


Additionally, the study can contribute to the broader field of leadership studies by providing a case-specific analysis that enriches our understanding of leadership in religious organizations. Most leadership research tends to focus on corporate or political settings, so this study can fill a gap by offering insights from a religious perspective. It can also serve as a comparative benchmark for other denominations and faith-based organizations, helping them to reflect on their own leadership practices and ambitions.


Lastly, the findings of this study can have practical implications for the training and development programs within the Assemblies of God Church. By identifying the key drivers and inhibitors of leadership ambition, the church can tailor its educational and mentorship programs to better support aspiring leaders. This can lead to more effective and motivated leadership, ultimately enhancing the church’s ability to fulfill its spiritual and community missions. In summary, the study of leadership ambition in the Assemblies of God Church is not only significant for the denomination itself but also offers valuable contributions to the wider discourse on leadership in religious contexts.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines Leadership ambition and its implications for the ministry. A case study of Assemblies of God Church.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Leadership Ambition: Leadership ambition refers to the desire and drive an individual has to attain a leadership position or role. This ambition can be fueled by various factors such as personal goals, a desire to influence and inspire others, or a commitment to achieving specific organizational or community objectives. In the context of a church or religious organization, leadership ambition might also be motivated by a sense of calling or spiritual duty.

Implications: Implications are the possible effects or outcomes that may result from a particular action, decision, or phenomenon. In a study, discussing the implications involves exploring how the findings might impact individuals, organizations, or broader systems. For example, the implications of leadership ambition in a church setting could include changes in church dynamics, the effectiveness of ministry programs, or the spiritual growth of the congregation.

Ministry: Ministry refers to the activities and responsibilities associated with serving and leading within a religious context. This can include preaching, teaching, pastoral care, community outreach, and other forms of service aimed at supporting and nurturing the spiritual well-being of a congregation or community. In many Christian denominations, ministry is seen as a calling and a form of service to God and others.

Assemblies of God Church: The Assemblies of God Church is a Pentecostal Christian denomination that originated in the early 20th century. It is known for its emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and the active presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. The Assemblies of God Church has a global presence and is involved in various forms of ministry, including evangelism, missions, education, and social services. The denomination values both spiritual and practical leadership and often encourages members to pursue leadership roles within the church and its associated ministries.

Project – Leadership ambition and its implications for the ministry. A case study of Assemblies of God Church