Project – Impact of religion on the women participating in sports among secondary school

Project – Impact of religion on the women participating in sports among secondary school



  • Background to the Study

The impact of religion on women’s participation in sports, particularly in secondary schools, is a multifaceted topic that has been explored by various scholars. The intersection of religion, gender, and sports is a complex one, with religion often playing a significant role in shaping societal norms and expectations about gender roles and behaviors (Amara, 2012).

In many religious contexts, traditional gender roles often discourage women from participating in sports. For instance, in some conservative Christian communities, women are often expected to focus on nurturing roles, which may limit their involvement in sports (Miller, 2016). Similarly, in some Muslim communities, cultural interpretations of religious texts may discourage women’s participation in sports, particularly in mixed-gender environments (Hargreaves, 2000).

However, it’s important to note that the impact of religion on women’s sports participation is not universally negative. Some religious communities actively encourage women’s participation in sports. For instance, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints promotes physical health and activity, including sports participation, for both men and women (LDS Church, 2018).

Moreover, some scholars argue that sports can serve as a platform for challenging and reinterpreting religious norms. For example, Walseth (2006) found that Muslim women in Norway used sports as a way to negotiate their religious identities, challenging traditional interpretations that limit women’s sports participation.

Yet, the relationship between religion and women’s sports participation is not static but evolves over time. As societies change, so too do religious interpretations and practices. For instance, recent years have seen an increase in Muslim women’s sports participation, both at the grassroots and professional levels, reflecting broader shifts in societal and religious attitudes (Amara, 2012).

The impact of religion on women’s participation in sports in secondary schools is complex and multifaceted, shaped by a range of factors including religious doctrine, cultural interpretations, societal norms, and individual agency. Further research is needed to fully understand this relationship and its implications for women’s empowerment and gender equality in sports.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of the impact of religion on women’s participation in sports in secondary schools is a multifaceted issue that has been the subject of numerous studies. The problem arises from the intersection of religious beliefs, gender roles, and sports participation. Some religions have strict guidelines about the roles and behaviors of women, which can limit their participation in sports.

In many societies, religious beliefs significantly influence the social and cultural norms, including the perception of women’s roles in sports. For instance, in some conservative religious communities, women’s participation in sports is viewed as inappropriate or even immoral. This perception can discourage women from participating in sports, thus limiting their opportunities for physical activity and social interaction.

Moreover, the problem is exacerbated by the lack of adequate facilities and opportunities for women to participate in sports in a religiously appropriate manner. For example, some religions require women to dress modestly, which can be challenging in many sports that require specific uniforms (Ali, 2018). This lack of accommodation can further discourage women from participating in sports.

The problem is further complicated by the fact that the impact of religion on women’s sports participation varies significantly across different religions and cultures. For example, while some religions may discourage women’s sports participation, others may encourage it (Khan, 2019). This diversity makes it challenging to develop universal strategies to address the problem.

The lack of comprehensive research on this topic is another aspect of the problem. While there are studies on the impact of religion on women’s sports participation, many of them focus on specific religions or cultures. There is a need for more comprehensive research that considers the diversity of religious beliefs and their impact on women’s sports participation.

The impact of religion on women’s participation in sports in secondary schools is a complex problem that requires further research and intervention. Addressing this problem could lead to increased sports participation among women, promoting their physical health and social well-being.


  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the impact of religion on the women participating in sports among secondary school. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the influence of religious beliefs on the participation of women in sports in secondary schools.
  2. To examine effect of religious doctrines on women’s involvement in sports in secondary schools.
  3. To find out the attitudes of female secondary school students towards sports participation in relation to their religious beliefs.
  4. To explore the role of religious institutions and leaders in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of women towards sports.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How do religious beliefs influence the participation of women in sports in secondary schools?
  2. What is the effect of religious doctrines on women’s involvement in sports in secondary schools?
  3. What are the attitudes of female secondary school students towards sports participation in relation to their religious beliefs?
  4. How do religious institutions and leaders shape the attitudes and behaviors of women towards sports?


  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Religious beliefs has no significant impact on the participation of women in sports in secondary schools

H1: Religious beliefs has significant impact on the participation of women in sports in secondary schools


  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the impact of religion on women participating in sports among secondary school students is multifaceted. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the intersection between religion and gender in the context of sports. This is crucial because religion can significantly influence the societal norms and expectations regarding the roles and behaviors of women, which in turn can affect their participation in sports. For instance, certain religious beliefs may discourage women from participating in sports due to modesty concerns or gender role expectations.

Secondly, this study can shed light on the barriers that religious women may face in participating in sports. These barriers can range from lack of appropriate sports attire that aligns with their religious beliefs, to lack of support from their religious community or family. By identifying these barriers, appropriate interventions can be developed to encourage more religious women to participate in sports, thereby promoting gender equality in sports participation.

Thirdly, the study can also highlight the potential benefits of sports participation for religious women. Sports can serve as a platform for religious women to challenge traditional gender norms, develop leadership skills, and improve their physical and mental health. Understanding these benefits can help to promote sports participation among religious women and contribute to their overall well-being.

Fourthly, the study can contribute to the development of inclusive sports policies and programs. By understanding the specific needs and challenges of religious women in sports, policymakers and educators can develop more inclusive sports policies and programs that respect and accommodate their religious beliefs. This can help to create a more inclusive and diverse sports environment.

Fifthly, the study can also contribute to the broader discourse on religion, gender, and sports. It can provide empirical evidence to challenge or support existing theories and assumptions about the role of religion in women’s sports participation. This can help to advance our understanding of the complex relationship between religion, gender, and sports.

Lastly, the study can serve as a catalyst for dialogue and change within religious communities. By highlighting the benefits of sports participation for women and the barriers they face due to religious beliefs, the study can stimulate discussions within religious communities about the need for change. This can potentially lead to more supportive attitudes and practices towards women’s sports participation within these communities.


  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of religion on the women participating in sports among secondary school. The study is limited to selected Secondary Schools in Lagos.

  • Operational Definition of Terms
  1. Impact: This term generally refers to the effect or influence that one factor has on another. In the context of your study, it would refer to the influence that religion has on women’s participation in sports.
  2. Religion: Religion is a system of beliefs, often involving the worship of a deity or deities, and often involving moral codes, rituals, and specific practices. It can greatly influence a person’s lifestyle, behavior, and personal choices.
  3. Women: Women are adult human females. In the context of your study, it would refer to female students in secondary schools.
  4. Participation: Participation refers to the act of taking part in something. In this context, it would refer to women actively engaging in sports activities.
  5. Sports: Sports are physical activities that are organized and competitive, often involving a set of rules and guidelines. They can include a wide range of activities, from team sports like soccer and basketball, to individual sports like tennis and swimming.
  6. Secondary School: This term refers to the stage of education following primary school and preceding higher education, typically covering the ages of 11-18. In some countries, it may also be referred to as high school.

Project – Impact of religion on the women participating in sports among secondary school