Project – Impact of Intercessory prayer on the Growth of the Church in Obubra District. A Study of Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG).

Project – Impact of Intercessory prayer on the Growth of the Church in Obubra District.

A Study of Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG).



1.1    Background of the Study

Intercessory prayer, defined as the act of praying on behalf of others, has been a cornerstone of Christian practice for centuries. The impact of such prayers on church growth has been a subject of interest among theologians and researchers alike. In the context of the Obubra District, a region known for its vibrant religious activities, the role of intercessory prayer in fostering church growth is particularly significant. According to a study by Barna Group (2017), churches that emphasize intercessory prayer often experience higher levels of congregational engagement and spiritual vitality, which are critical factors for growth.

The theological foundation for intercessory prayer is deeply rooted in the Bible. Scriptures such as James 5:16, which states, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective,” provide a basis for the belief in the efficacy of intercessory prayer. In the Obubra District, church leaders often cite such scriptures to encourage congregational participation in prayer meetings. A study by Pew Research Center (2018) found that churches with active prayer ministries tend to report higher rates of new member assimilation and retention, suggesting a direct correlation between intercessory prayer and church growth.

The social dynamics within the church community also play a crucial role in the effectiveness of intercessory prayer. According to a study by the Journal of Psychology and Theology (2020), intercessory prayer fosters a sense of unity and collective purpose among congregants. In the Obubra District, this sense of community is particularly strong, as members often come together to pray for common goals such as church expansion and community development. This collective effort not only strengthens the church internally but also enhances its appeal to potential new members.

Moreover, the psychological benefits of intercessory prayer cannot be overlooked. Research by the American Psychological Association (2021) indicates that individuals who engage in intercessory prayer experience lower levels of stress and higher levels of emotional well-being. In the Obubra District, these psychological benefits contribute to a more positive church environment, making it more attractive to both current and prospective members. The sense of peace and well-being that comes from intercessory prayer can thus be seen as a catalyst for church growth.

In conclusion, the impact of intercessory prayer on the growth of the church in the Obubra District is multifaceted, involving theological, empirical, social, and psychological dimensions. Studies and anecdotal evidence alike suggest that intercessory prayer not only fosters spiritual vitality and community unity but also leads to tangible growth in membership and resources. As such, intercessory prayer remains a vital practice for churches in the Obubra District and beyond, contributing significantly to their growth and sustainability.

Intercessory prayers are a significant aspect of the Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG), where believers pray on behalf of others. These prayers are believed to have various effects on both the individuals being prayed for and the individuals offering the prayers. Many studies have been conducted to explore the potential benefits of intercessory prayers in different contexts, including the RCCG (Saliers, 1991).

One area of research focuses on the effects of intercessory prayers on health outcomes. Some studies suggest that intercessory prayers may have positive effects on physical and mental health. For example, a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found that intercessory prayers were associated with improved psychological well-being among individuals in the RCCG.

Another area of research examines the effects of intercessory prayers on spiritual growth and religious experiences. Some studies suggest that intercessory prayers can deepen one’s faith and enhance their connection with God. These prayers are often seen as a way to seek guidance, strength, and comfort from a higher power.

Furthermore, intercessory prayers are believed to have social and communal effects within the RCCG. They can foster a sense of unity and support among believers, as they come together to pray for the needs of others. This communal aspect of intercessory prayers can create a sense of belonging and strengthen the bonds within the church community.

However, it is important to note that the effects of intercessory prayers are still a subject of debate and ongoing research. Some studies have found no significant effects, while others have reported mixed results. The complexity of measuring the effects of prayers and the subjective nature of religious experiences make it challenging to draw definitive conclusions.

Intercessory prayers play a significant role in the RCCG, and they are believed to have various effects on individuals and the community. While some studies suggest positive outcomes in terms of health and spiritual growth, the research on this topic is still inconclusive. Further research is needed to better understand the effects of intercessory prayers in the RCCG and other religious contexts.

Thus, prayer is the most important key to church growth. Prayer is not only vital for church growth, but it is also crucial for a church’s members. Among the members of a church, prayer is like a spiritual respiratory system. A person who no longer breathes is considered to be dead. Likewise, a Christ follower who stops praying is spiritually dead. Christians can have a fellowship with God through prayer. Christ taught the disciples how to pray as well as set a great example by living a life of prayer. The disciples had learned how to live a life of prayer from Christ, and the members of the early Church learned it from the disciples. In other words, the life of prayer has been inherited from generation to generation in the Church. Dr. William Parker and Alain St. Jones state that prayer is not only an effective way to heal diseases but also to the only way to reconstruct (Wagner, 1981). While there have been studies conducted on the effects of intercessory prayers, the scientific community remains divided on the topic. Some studies suggest that intercessory prayers may have positive effects on health outcomes, while others find no significant difference compared to control groups. It is important to note that the methodology and interpretation of these studies vary, making it challenging to draw definitive conclusions.

One notable study in this field is the STEP (Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer) trial conducted by Krucoff et al. in 2005. This study aimed to investigate the effects of intercessory prayers on patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The results of the study did not show a significant difference in the primary outcome measures between the intercessory prayer group and the control group.

It is worth mentioning that the effects of intercessory prayers are often subjective and influenced by individual beliefs and faith. Some individuals may report positive experiences and perceive improvements in their well-being as a result of intercessory prayers. However, these experiences are difficult to measure objectively and may vary from person to person.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

The researcher observes that one of the primary causes of stagnation in churches was insufficiency of prayer. This appears to be a common reason for the stagnation of churches. Therefore, a study on this subject should help pastors and the churches overcome stagnation, and return to growth. This researcher feels sure that powerful prayer will increase the effectiveness of a variety of growth elements and contribute to church growth. Furthermore, this writer thinks that the churches using these elements with prayer are growing at present (Matthew 18:19, Acts 2:42; 4:23-31).

The effects of intercessory prayers in the RCCG, or any other religious context, are complex and not fully understood. While some studies have been conducted on this topic, the results are inconclusive and further research is needed. It is important to approach this subject with an open mind and respect for diverse perspectives.

1.3    Purpose of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Impact of Intercessory prayer on the Growth of the Church in Obubra District.

The Purpose of this research work are as follows:

  1. To examine the impact of intercessory prayers on the spiritual growth and reawakening in the Church.
  2. To investigate the role of intercessory prayers in Spiritual hunger within the RCCG.
  3. To explore the potential effects of intercessory prayers on physical and emotional healing within the RCCG.
  4. To assess the perceived effectiveness of intercessory prayers in addressing specific needs and challenges faced by members of the RCCG.

1.3    Research Questions

The following research questions were buttressed for the study:

  1. To what extent will intercessory prayers impact the spiritual growth and reawakening in the Church?
  2. What is the role of intercessory prayers in Spiritual hunger within the RCCG?
  3. What are the potential effects of intercessory prayers on physical and emotional healing within the RCCG?
  4. What are the perceived effectiveness of intercessory prayers in addressing specific needs and challenges faced by members of the RCCG.

1.4    Hypothesis of the Study

Ho: Intercessory prayers has no impact on the spiritual growth and reawakening in the Church

H1: Intercessory prayers has impact on the spiritual growth and reawakening in the Church

1.4    Significance of the Study

The study on the effects of intercessory prayers in the RCCG holds great significance for both believers and researchers. Intercessory prayer is a fundamental practice in the RCCG, where individuals pray on behalf of others, seeking divine intervention and guidance. Understanding the effects of intercessory prayers can provide valuable insights into the spiritual and psychological well-being of individuals within the church community.

This study can shed light on the potential benefits of intercessory prayers in promoting healing, emotional support, and overall spiritual growth. By examining the outcomes of intercessory prayers, researchers can explore the impact of these prayers on individuals’ physical health, mental well-being, and their sense of connection with a higher power. Such findings can contribute to the development of evidence-based practices within the RCCG and potentially inform other religious communities as well.

Additionally, studying the effects of intercessory prayers in the RCCG can help bridge the gap between faith and science. By employing rigorous research methodologies, researchers can explore the potential mechanisms through which intercessory prayers may influence individuals’ lives. This interdisciplinary approach can foster a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between spirituality, prayer, and human experiences, contributing to the broader field of religious studies.

Finally, the significance of this study extends beyond the RCCG community. The findings can potentially inform healthcare professionals, psychologists, and counselors who work with individuals from diverse religious backgrounds. Understanding the effects of intercessory prayers can help professionals incorporate spiritual practices into their therapeutic approaches, promoting holistic well-being and addressing the spiritual needs of their clients.

1.5    Scope of the Study

The scope of this research shall be confined to Impact of Intercessory prayer on the Growth of the Church in Obubra District with particular reference to Redeem Christian church of God, Cross River.

1.6    Limitation of the Study

Every research work has some shortcomings which arise as a result of problems encountered by the researcher in the course of the work. The researcher encountered some difficulties in getting the questionnaires to those concerned, some leaders and members given questionnaire were hoarding relevant information. A good number of others did not return their questionnaire. Hence, these limitations did not hinder the researcher to present reliable compilations of the research work.

1.7    Definition of Terms

The Key terms or words used ¡n this work are as follows:

Church: The New Testament Greek word “ecclesia” is synonymous with the Hebrew word “Qahal” of the Old Testament, both simply means “assembly” (Act 19:32. 39, 41). It also denotes the whole body of the redeemed (Eph. 5:23, 25, 27). The church is therefore the assembly of’ believers in Christ Jesus called to fulfil the purpose of God on earth.

Prayer: This is an important of worship which involves the human spirit and its approach to God. The Hebrew word “tephillah” which means to pray or a prayer”, a form of intercession or supplication. Prayer is violent opposition to the will of the devil, to put him out of control.

Implication: According to British English Dictionary. Implications means to connect in, or involved in. That is to have necessary accompaniment, intertwined impactful one.

Ministry: This is simply serving others. Ministry means service.

Effective: This means efficient, serviceable, operative available for useful work, having power to produce desired result.

Intercession: This is standing in gap for someone’s need. It is travailing or agonizing in prayer. Our Lord Jesus is the perfect example (Heb. 5:7). It is not easy, it is a sacrifice. The Greek word “Entugchano” to Pray, entreat for anyone. This leads to the question who is an intercessor? The Hebrew word used in Isa. 59:16 “Paga” meaning to encounter, to meet, entreat, reach or make intercession, to interpose or attack. Sometimes intercession involves violence. Consequently an intercessor is an unseen warrior, who fights battle in the background on behalf of people.

RCCG: Redeem Christian church of God

Project – Impact of Intercessory prayer on the Growth of the Church in Obubra District.

A Study of Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG).